• Aqua Books (1999-2012) is now permanently closed. This site is for posterity only. Thank you for everything.
  • Coming May 2014 -

274 Garry St.
(Between Portage
& Graham)

Winnipeg, MB
Canada  R3C 1H3

Tues-Sat 11am-9pm
Sun-Mon Closed


We accept Interac, Visa and Mastercard too

What people are saying:

I can't say enough about how much I love this store and restaurant. They have a great selection in a beautiful building with such an open and organic environment. Oh and the food at EAT Bistro is amazingly good. Thanks Kelly for all your work in the community. - Mellaina, Winnipeg


Please Note: Aqua Books is not currently buying books. This page is left here for your information, enjoyment and possible confusion.

Hi, bookstore owner Kelly Hughes here again. This list is very rough guide to authors that we often buy, but it is in no way comprehensive. If you have specific questions about the saleability of your books, please call me at 943-7555 during business hours, or email me anytime at (NOTE: Please don't email me an Excel sheet of all of your books. I would be happy to give you a general idea of what we'll buy, but I don't have the time to go line-by-line through a list and check yes or no. It's more time-consuming for me than actually physically buying books. I'm afraid I would rather judge a book by its cover than look up every unfamiliar-sounding title or author. Thanks.) You can also visit our New Books This Week page to see some of the things that we consider very saleable. (Don't throw your books away just because they're not on either of these lists.)

A note about age and condition (not yours, the books):
We love older books, but some just don't sell. Sought-after older books include those by authors that are still popular, and good books in needed areas like architecture, art and theatre. (If you have Reader's Digest Condensed Books or encyclopedia sets, have a weenie roast.) Condition is also a factor. We almost never buy books that have an odour (musty or smoky). If you leave your books in the car or the garage in the middle of winter, it's likely that the glue will dry out and the spine will split. You will get less for frozen books. We will only buy books in poor condition if they are hard to find and desirable.

Also, the best way to transport more than a few books is in smallish boxes - up to about banana box size. We won't look at books that are in garbage bags, suitcases, hockey bags, or the box that your 27" TV came in. The books get damaged in transit, and such containers make it very difficult to efficiently sort through the books. Please make sure the boxes you use aren't full of leaves, dirt or beef blood either. Common sense? Not really. We've seen it all here more than enough. It's gross.

When you bring books in, you will be asked to leave them with your name and number, and we'll get back to you within a week or so. Please see the Selling Your Books page for more on our buying policy.


Foreign Language
Pop Culture

Fiction/Literature  back to list index
Martin Amis
Margaret Atwood Fiction
Jane Austen
Hillaire Belloc
Maeve Binchy
William Blake
Richard Brautigan
William S. Burroughs
AS Byatt
Albert Camus
Truman Capote
Paulo Coelho
Leonard Cohen
ee cummings
Robertson Davies
Charles Dickens
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Umberto Eco
TS Eliot
James Ellroy
Wm. Faulkner
Timothy Findley
C.S. Forester
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Ernest Hemingway
Herman Hesse
Victor Hugo
Aldous Huxley
John Irving
Thomas King
Barbara Kingsolver
Elmore Leonard Fiction
Henry Miller
Toni Morrison
Iris Murdoch
V.S. Naipaul
Patrick O'Brien
Sheldon Oberman
Michael Ondaatje
Oprah's Book Club
George Orwell
Chuck Palahniuk
Jodi Picoult
Mordecai Richler
Salman Rushdie
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
JD Salinger
Vikram Seth
Carol Shields
Miriam Toews
Leo Tolstoy
Kurt Vonnegut
Irvine Welsh
PG Wodehouse
Virginia Woolf
Emile Zola

Faith/Philosophy  back to list index
Anglican Book Of Common Prayer
John Baillie Pew
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Frederick Buechner
John Bunyan
George Buttrick
GK Chesterton
Richard Foster
Os Guinness
Madame Guyon
Hannah Hurnard
Paul Johnson
Rick Joyner
Thomas Kelly
Søren Kierkegaard Mennonite Women of Lancaster County
Frank Laubach
William Law
Brother Lawrence
CS Lewis
Kathryn Lindskoog
Martin Lloyd-Jones
Max Lucado
George MacDonald
Martin Marty
Thomas Merton
Calvin Miller
Malcolm Muggeridge
Watchman Nee
Henri Nouwen
Elizabeth O'Connor
Blaise Pascal
M. Scott Peck
Samuel Rutherford
Dorothy Sayers
Francis Schaeffer
Edith Schaeffer
Luci Shaw
Ron Sider
Charles Spurgeon
Douglas Steere
Wm. Stringfellow
Evelyn Underhill
Jean Vanier
Walter Wangerin
Simone Weil
Dallas Willard
Charles Williams

Plus any of the early Christian saints, mystics or church fathers (ie. Augustine, Erasmus, Origen, Julian of Norwich, etc.)

History/Travel  back to list index
Ancient & Medieval History
Atlases (newer)
Bill Bryson
Churchill's Histories
Durant's Story of Civilization
Grey Owl
Manitoba History
Travel Guides (newer)
Travel Stories

Foreign Language  back to list index
French novels (newer)

Psychology  back to list index

Pop Culture  back to list index
Chuck Klosterman
Michael Moore
Eric Schlosser
Jon Stewart

Humour/Cartoons  back to list index
Calvin & Hobbes
Far Side
Stuart McLean

SciFi/Fantasy  back to list index
Doug Adams
Lloyd AlexanderThese books may not be here when you come in, but there are more books coming in all the time
Isaac Asimov
J.G. Ballard
Ray Bradbury
Terry Brooks
Arthur C Clarke
Philip K Dick
ER Eddison
Diana Gabaldon
Neil Gaiman
Robert Heinlein
Frank Herbert
Robert Howard
Robert Jordan
Madeleine L’Engle
Stephen Lawhead
Ursula Leguin
HP Lovecraft
Anne McCaffrey
A Merritt
Mervyn Peake
JRR Tolkien
Jack Vance
TH White
Jack Whyte
John Wyndham

Children's  back to list index
L Frank Baum
BB (Denys Watkins-Pitchford)
Lewis Carroll
Susan Cooper
Roald Dahl
Dr. Seuss
Gordon Korman
Lemony Snicket
AA Milne
Robert Munsch
Nancy Drew (hardcover)
Newbery Award Books
Beatrix Potter
Mordecai Richler
JK Rowling
Maurice Sendak
Shel Silverstein
Traditional Folk Tales
Laura Ingalls Wilder

Mystery  back to list index
Earl Derr Biggers (Charlie Chan)Bond, James Bond
Dan Brown
Agatha Christie
Patricia Cornwell
Lindsey Davis
Ian Fleming
Dashiell Hammett
Anne Perry
Ellis Peters
Ian Rankin
Alexander McCall Smith
RH van Gulik (Judge Dee)

Theatre  back to list index
Samuel Beckett
Bertold Brecht
Tom Stoppard

Other  back to list index
Audio Books (CD especially)
Nick Bantock
Graphic Design Magazines (but not computer-related)

This list is constantly being updated and is never complete. If you're not sure about your books, call us during store hours, or email us at

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Aqua Books Tumblelog Kelly Hughes Live! KHL!TV Writer-in-Residence BookWalk