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Aqua Books, in conjunction with st. benedict's table , is pleased to present our award-winning monthly conversation series dealing with issues of faith, life, theology and pop culture. Currently in its sixth season, ideaExchange is curated by Jamie Howison. For previous events, go to our ideaExchange Past Events page, or click here to receive This Week at Aqua Books in your inbox.

Tuesday, December 13/11 7:30pm

The Cost of Community
Urban missionary Jamie Arpin-Ricci

For this session we’ll be taking an inside look at what it really means to live in intentional community.

Jamie Arpin-RicciJamie Arpin-Ricci is an urban missionary, pastor, church planter and writer living in Winnipeg’s inner city West End neighbourhood. He is the author of The Cost of Community: Jesus, St. Francis and Life in the Kingdom. Jamie is founding co-director of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Urban Ministries Winnipeg with his Australian wife Kim. They recently adopted their first child from Ethiopia.

Jamie HowisonideaExchange curator Jamie Howison is a priest of the Anglican Church of Canada and the founding pastor of saint benedict’s table. A graduate of the University of Winnipeg and of Trinity College, Toronto, he has worked in ordained ministry since 1987, serving in parish ministry, as pastoral care at Marymound - a treatment centre for adolescent girls - and as chaplain and dean of residence at St John’s College, Winnipeg. Passionate about cultivating a critical thoughtfulness around issues of faith and theology, Jamie Howison has planned and hosted ideaExchange at Aqua Books since its inception in January 2005. The original concept for iE was the brainchild of singer/songwriter Alana Levandoski.

Tuesday, January 31/12 7:30pm

Why we should not give up on sin
Theologian Kirsten Pinto-Gfroerer

The purpose of this talk to explore the concept of sin, its history and its function in our society and in our lives. We will consider how the concepts of ‘health’ and ‘balance’ and their application as functional therapeutic terms have come to replace the function of sin in our understanding of the self. What do we lose when we lose the concept of sin? Can we be forgiven of our unhealthiness of our lack of balance or are we now enslaved to a new form of sanctification where there is no grace only long work outs and hours of therapy?

Kirsten Pinto-GfroererKirsten Pinto-Gfroerer works as one of the parish theologians for St. Margaret’s Anglican Church in Winnipeg.

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