PLEASE NOTE: Due to our upcoming move and restaurant opening (back-breaking renovations/mind-numbing details/etc.), we will
only be putting fifty books on this page weekly (instead of the usual hundred or so) until after our move in March 2008. There are still
lots of new books going out on the shelves, but this page doesn't build itself every week I'm afraid.
(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
Aztecs: An Interpretation - Inga Clendinnen
The Incas: A Novel - Daniel Peters (out of print)
Caligula: The Corruption of Power - Anthony Barrett
The Hungry Years: Confessions of a Food Addict - William Leith
Tales from the Tundra - Glenn Hopfner (signed)
The Mask of Apollo - Mary Renault
History of the RAF - Chaz Bowyer (out of print, $10 at Aqua, $22 at Burton Lysecki)
Marching to Armageddon: Canadians and the Great War 1914-1919 - Desmond Morton/J.L. Granatstein
The Living World of History in Colour
Also new this week
Deadeye Dick, Kurt Vonnegut (hardcover)
Jailbird, Kurt Vonnegut (hardcover)
Hocus Pocus, Kurt Vonnegut (hardcover)
Lamb, Christopher Moore
The Law of Love, Laura Esquivel
Possession: A Romance, A.S. Byatt
Running in the Family, Michael Ondaatje
The Husband, Dorothy Livesay (out of print)
New Works 1 (five complete plays, including The Shunning by Patrick Friesen)
Four Screenplays, Ingmar Bergman (out of print)
Jazz Fish Zen: Adventures in Mamboland, Howie Green
My Life is a Wedgie, Gretel Killeen
Josie Smith in Winter, Magdalen Nabb (out of print)
Voyage on the Great Titanic: The Diary of Margaret Ann Brady, Ellen Emerson White (Dear America series)
At Amberleaf Fair, Phyllis Ann Karr
Clash of the Princes: A Fighting Fantasy Two-Player Adventure, Steve Jackson/Ian Livingstone
Firebird: A Trilogy, Kathy Tyers
Two Thousand Years of Missions Before Carey, Lemuel Call Barnes
Millennial Studies, George Murray
Backgrounds to Dispensationalism, Clarence Bass
Our Knowledge of God, John Baillie
The End of Life: Euthanasia and Morality, James Rachels (out of print)
Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, ed. Zweig/Abrams
The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution, P.D. Ouspensky
How to Meditate, Lawrence LeShan
The Co-Creative White Brotherhood (no, not that White Brotherhood) Medical Assistance Program, Machaelle Small Wright
Raise Your Social IQ, Michael Levine
Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
This Old House, Bob Vila
A Victorian Portrait: Victorian Life and Values as Seen through the Work of Studio Photographers, Asa Briggs
Millennium: A History of the Last Thousand Years, Felipe Fernández-Armesto (out of print)
The Lost Tomb: KV5 and Its Excavation, Kent Weeks (out of print)
Band of Brothers, Stephen Ambrose
Spies: The Undercover World of Secrets, Gadgets and Lies, David Owen
Weapons: A Pictorial History, Edwin Tunis
Atlas of the Ancient World, Frances Clapham
The Sea Around Us: Special Edition for Young Readers, Rachel Carson
Captains of the Shoals: A History of the îles de la Madeleine, Frédéric Landry
Explore Canada: The Adventurer's Guide, Harrison/Thompson
Conspiracy of Silence: The Slaying of Helen Betty Osborne, Lisa Priest (out of print)
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"Moi seul.", Ashini, Yves Thériault
Click here for the week of January 28/08
Click here for previous weeks' lists
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