PLEASE NOTE: Due to our upcoming move and restaurant opening (back-breaking renovations/mind-numbing details/etc.), we will
only be putting fifty books on this page weekly (instead of the usual hundred or so) until after our move in March 2008. There are still
lots of new books going out on the shelves, but this page doesn't build itself every week I'm afraid.
(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
Knocked Up: Confessions of a Modern Mother-to-be - Rebecca Eckler
Souvenir of Canada - Douglas Coupland
War Games: Conn Smythe and Hockey's Fighting Men - Douglas Hunter
Exploring of the Great Northwest and the St. Croix Valley - Joe Carroll (very scarce, $15, signed)
Le vécu des Métis - Emile Pelletier

Alouette de Prairie: Petite histoire des Franco-Manitobains - Godias Brunet (scarce, signed, $15 at Aqua, $35 at Greenfield Books)
Creative Resources for the Early Childhood Classroom - Judy Herr/Yvonne Libby Larson
A Little Pretty Pocket-Book - John Newbery (out of print)
Reader's Digest Home Improvements Manual
Also new this week
The Rebel, Albert Camus
The Myth of Sisyphus, Albert Camus
The Republic of Love, Carol Shields
Fall On Your Knees, Ann-Marie MacDonald
That Old Ace in the Hole, Annie Proulx
Boating for Beginners, Jeanette Winterson
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, Jeanette Winterson
Two Women in One, Nawal el-Saadawi (Egypt, trans.)
Daughters of Copper Woman, Anne Cameron
The Agony and the Ecstasy, Irving Stone (novel of Michelangelo)
Ehrengard, Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen)
The White Witch of Rosehall, Herbert G de Lisser
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Alexander McCall Smith
The Ape Who Guards the Balance, Elizabeth Peters
Island 15/16 (scarce, includes Escarpment by Michael Ondaatje)
De quoi t'ennuies-tu, Eveline?, Gabrielle Roy
Louis, fils des Prairies, Noëlie Palud-Pelletier (out of print, signed)
Moni the Goat Boy and Other Stories, Johanna Spyri
The New Adventures of the Mad Scientists' Club, Bertrand Brinley
When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry..., Molly Bang (Caldecott Honor Book)
Have Courage My Love: A Brave Encounter with a Bully, Lisa Hewitt-Savelli (out of print)
The Bionic Bunny Show, Marc Brown (out of print)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling
The Earthsea Trilogy, Ursula K Le Guin
A Diary of Prayer: A Treasury of the World's Most Inspiring Prayers, Elizabeth Goudge
Mary Slessor of Calabar, W.P. Livingstone
Christian Holiness, Stephen Neill (out of print)
A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament, Dana/Mantey
Alcoholics Anonymous (second edition, twelfth printing, $15, scarce)
Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl (hardcover)
The Forbidden Experiment: The Story of the Wild Boy of Aveyron, Roger Shattuck
Ego and Archetype, Edward Edinger (Jungian)
The Undiscovered Self, C.G. Jung (hardcover)
Secrets from a Vegetarian Kitchen, Nadine Abensur
The Soy Dessert and Baking Book, Brita Housez
Vegetarian Pregnancy, Sharon Yntema
Le Manitoba des femmes répond: Questionnaire Gabrielle-Roy, Janick Belleau
C'etait comme ça, Ovila Sabourin (very scarce)
À l'ombre des chênes: Souvenirs historique d'Ile-des-Chênes et Grande-Pointe (very scarce, $30)
Henri d'Hellencourt: un journaliste français au manitoba 1898-1905, Bernard Pénisson
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"It is a strange fact that most of us are greatly impressed by things that are of great size", The Zoo's Who's Who: Animal Giants, W.S. Berridge
Click here for the week of February 11/08
Click here for previous weeks' lists
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