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What people are saying:

Gotta hand it to the folks at Aqua Books--it's not every day that a small-business owner takes a chance on a building on Garry Street. And he went the extra mile too, lovingly renovating and restoring the space, resulting in a fantastic book-store/cafe combo. - Bryan Scott, Winnipeg


(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Buying Cigarettes for the Dog - Stuart Ross


Selected Blackouts - John Goldbach


Lovesongs of Emmanuel Taggart - Syr Ruus (August 2009)


The Dragon Scroll: A Mystery of Ancient Japan - I.J. Parker


Black Arrow: A Mystery of Ancient Japan - I.J. Parker


Allah in the Islands - Brenda Flanagan (August 2009)


David - Ray Robertson (August 2009)


The Heart Specialist - Claire Holden Rothman


The Book of Night Women - Marlon James


The Hobbit Companion - David Day


The Conquest of Mexico - Hugh Thomas


The Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World


Winnipeg: Images from a Century Ago ($75 at Burton Lysecki, $30 at Aqua)


Presenting the 1954 Pontiac (original GM Canada brochure, very scarce)


The Picture Gallery of Canadian History - C.W. Jefferys

Also new this week



All the Pretty Girls, Chandra Mayor (2009 Lambda winner)
From Out of Nowhere, John Toone (poetry)
Ex Machina, Jonathan Ball (poetry)
8X8X7, Colin Smith (poetry)
The Self-Completing Tree, Dorothy Livesay (poetry)
The Retreat, David Bergen
Seal Intestine Raincoat, Rosie Chard
The Moon of Letting Go, Richard Van Camp
The Incident Report, Martha Baillie
Catherine Snow: A Novel of the Last Woman Hanged in Newfoundland, Nellie Strowbridge (September 2009)
Away from Everywhere, Chad Pelley (September 2009)
The Winterhouse, Robin McGrath (September 2009)
Step Closer, Tessa McWatt
The Summer Between, Andrew Binks
The Cellist of Sarajevo, Steven Galloway
Animals, Don LePan (September 2009)
Kanata, Don Gillmor (November 2009)
Constancia and Other Stories for Virgins, Carlos Fuentes
The Translator, John Crowley
Le Bal, Irčne Némirovsky
Anna In-Between, Elizabeth Nunez
The Sudden Disappearance of Seetha, Andrea Gunraj
Holding Still for As Long As Possible, Zoe Whittall
Ruins and Relics, Alice Zorn
A Little Distillery in Nowgong, Ashok Mathur
This Side of Nothingness, Mohamed Gibril Sesay (Sierra Leone)
Confessions of Zeno, Italo Svevo (Italy, trans.)
Kaspoit!, Dennis Bolen
Sentimental Exorcisms, David Derry (October 2009)
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, Alan Bradley
The Carnivore, Mark Sinnett (September 2009)
The Wasp Factory, Iain Banks
Tales of Mystery and Imagination, Edgar Allan Poe (illus., Karel Thole)
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, Edgar Allan Poe (illus., Karel Thole)
Khakhanate: The Raven, Thomas Lankenau
From the Dreamtime: Australian Aboriginal Legends, Jean Ellis
The Search For Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, Jane Wagner



Christ on Trial, Rowan Williams
Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith, Anne Lamott
The Directory of Saints: A Concise Guide, Annette Sandoval
Reverence: Renewing a Forgotten Virtue, Paul Woodruff
Solitude: A Return to the Self, Anthony Storr
The Stations of Solitude, Alice Koller
The Miracle of Mindfulness, Thich Nhat Hanh
Theories of the Mind, Stephen Priest (out of print)
Suicide: A Study in Sociology, Emile Durkheim
The Republic of Plato, trans. Allan Bloom
Payback, Margaret Atwood
Twenty-First Century Capitalism, Robert Heilbroner
The Ascent of Man, Jacob Bronowski
The Zuni Enigma: A Native American People's Possible Japanese Connection, Nancy Yaw Davis
First Contact: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, ed. Ben Bova
The Diary of Jack the Ripper: The Discovery, the Investigation, the Debate, ed. Shirley Harrison (out of print)
The Encyclopedia of Forensic Science, Brian Lane
Phrenology: A Practical Guide to Your Head, Orson Fowler
The Great Shark Hunt, Hunter S. Thompson
Fear and Loathing in America, Hunter S. Thompson
Songs of the Doomed, Hunter S. Thompson
Generation of Swine, Hunter S. Thompson
Screwjack, Hunter S. Thompson (out of print)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson
Hey Rube, Hunter S. Thompson
The Curse of Lono, Hunter S. Thompson/Ralph Steadman (out of print)
The Joke's Over: Ralph Steadman on Hunter S. Thompson
Modern Manners: An Etiquette Book for Rude People, P.J. O'Rourke (plus 5 more O'Rourke titles)
A Perfect Mess: The Hidden Benefits of Disorder, Abrahamson/Freedman
Writing the Natural Way, Gabriele Lusser Rico
Pierre Berton: A Biography, A.B. McKillop
Africa in My Blood, Jane Goodall
Seinfeld: The Unauthorized Biography, Jerry Oppenheimer
Marley and Me, John Grogan
Elizabeth Bishop: Life and the Memory of It, Brett Millier
Franz Kafka, Max Brod
Papa Hemingway, A.E. Hotchner
Down and Out in Paris and London, George Orwell
Victorian Travellers Guide to 19th Century England and Wales
Moscow 1812: Napoleon's Final March, Adam Zamoyski
A History of Pagan Europe, Prudence Jones/Nigel Pennick
In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World it Made, Norman Cantor
With Every Mistake, Gwynne Dyer
Future: Tense: The Coming World Order, Gwynne Dyer
The Mess They Made: The Middle East After Iraq, Gwynne Dyer
What If? The World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been, Stephen Ambrose et al
Military Gaming Guide to Wargaming, Stuart Asquith
Lines on the Water: A Fisherman's Life on the Miramichi, David Adams Richards
The Second Book of Hundreds of Things a Girl Can Make (Toronto, 1945)
General Leathercraft, Raymond Cherry
Metal Thread Embroidery, Barbara Dawson
Simon and Schuster's Guide to Gems and Precious Stones
Roadside Geology of New York, Bradford Van Diver (our of print)
Selected North Dakota and Minnesota Range Plants, Sedivec/Barker (very scarce)
Something New Under the Sun: An Environmental History of the Twentieth-Century World, J.R. McNeill
Political Landscape: The Art History of Nature, Martin Warnke
I Searched Many Worlds, Rosalie Favell (WAG, 2003)
Connection: The Changing Status of the City, of Architecture, of Urbanism, Verb Architecture Boogazine
Barn Plans and Outbuildings (reprint of 1889 edition)
Furniture 700-1700: A Social History of the Decorative Arts, Eric Mercer
Images of Childhood: An Illustrated Social History, Anita Schorsch
Painting of India, Douglas Barrett/Basil Gray
Arab Painting, Richard Ettinghausen
Japanese Drawings: 17th-19th c., J.R. Hillier
Italian Drawings: 15th-19th c., Winslow Ames
Michelangelo: A Self-Portrait, Texts and Sources, ed. Robert Clements (out of print)
pasta/rasta: A Year in the Life of a Neighbourhood Theatre, Schuster Gindin (Toronto, 1983, very scarce)
Mennonites in Canada 1939-1970: A People Transformed, T.D. Regehr (out of print)
Narratives of Fugitive Slaves in Canada, Benjamin Drew
Kate Rice, Prospector, Helen Duncan (Manitoba gold rush)
The Centennial History of Manitoba, James Jackson
Famous and Fascinating Manitobans, Larry Kurnarsky/Murray Smith
Where Children Run, Karen Emilson (local history, $60 and up online, $30 at Aqua)

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

"There is absolutely no foundation for the belief that a woman's life is ended once she has passed through the menopause."

The Mature Woman: Her Richest Years, Dr. Anna K. Daniels

Click here for the week of February 22/10

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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