PLEASE NOTE: Due to our upcoming move and restaurant opening (back-breaking renovations/mind-numbing details/etc.), we will
only be putting fifty books on this page weekly (instead of the usual hundred or so) until after our move in April 2008. There are still
lots of new books going out on the shelves, but this page doesn't build itself every week I'm afraid.
(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
Dispatches from the Edge - Anderson Cooper
Bonnie Prince Charlie - Fitzroy Maclean
Freetown Ambush: A Reporter's Year in Africa - Ian Stewart (out of print)
The End of Nature - Bill McKibben
Songs of Innocence and of Experience - William Blake
You Don't Get to Be a Saint - Patrick Friesen (poems)
Caesars of the Wilderness - Peter Newman (out of print)
The Official Price Guide: Star Trek and Star Wars Collectibles - Cornwell/Kott
A Prairie Home Companion Folk Song Book - Marcia/Jon Pankake
Also new this week
In the First Early Years of My Death, Catherine Hunter (signed)
Where Shadows Burn, Catherine Hunter
Theory of Flesh, John Binias (out of print)
The Island Walkers, John Bemrose
The War Works Hard, Dunya Mikhail (poetry, Iraq, trans.)
Straw for the Fire, Theodore Roethke
The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath
Those Barren Leaves, Aldous Huxley
1919: USA Volume II, John Dos Passos
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov (hardcover)
I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith (Folio Society edition)
Out to Canaan, Jan Karon
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Ann Brashares
Soldier Boys, David Richards (novel of Battle of Fish Creek)
The Complete Father Brown Omnibus, G.K. Chesterton
Thirteen Detectives, G.K. Chesterton
Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein
The Wood Beyond the World, William Morris (facsimile of 1894 edition)
Man and His Symbols, Carl Jung (illus. oversize hardcover)
Ideas: Brilliant Thinkers Speak Their Minds (CBC Radio series, Arendt/Chomsky/et al)
Marxian Economics, Ernest Untermann (out of print)
For Those Who Pray for Peace (memoirs of Hiroshima survivors, pub. Japan, 2005, scarce)
The Art of Cross-Examination, Francis Wellman
Savage Beauty: The Life of Edna St. Vincent Millay, Nancy Milford
Israfel: The Life and Times of Edgar Allan Poe, Hervey Allen
Teacher Man, Frank McCourt
Robin Hood: People's Hero or Lawless Marauder?, J.C. Holt
Storming the Heavens: Soldiers, Emperors, and Civilians in the Roman Empire, Antonio Santosuosso
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Dee Brown
The White Continent: The Story of Antarctica, Thomas Henry
The Circus at the Edge of the Earth: Travels with the Great Wallenda Circus, Charles Wilkins (out of print)
Organs: Construction and Tuning, Oliver Faust (1949)
Manual of Map Reading and Field Sketching, War Office General Staff (1912)
Blasters' Handbook: Describing Methods of Using Explosives for Various Purposes (1954 [and not for building pipe bombs])
Farm Gas Engines and Tractors, Fred Jones
The Prairie Farm Machine Co-Operative: Royal Commission on Farm Machinery, Rubin Simkin (U of M, 1970, very scarce, $20)
Aircraft of the RCN, Leo Pettipas (Winnipeg, 1988, very scarce, $20)
The Manager's Tale, Hugh Mackay Ross (Hudson's Bay Co. history)
The Night the Cat Froze in the Oven: A History of Weyburn and Its People, Isabel Eaglesham
In Search of Utopia: The Mennonites in Manitoba, E.K. Francis
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"Two little sausages frying in the pan. One went POP and the other went BANG!", Anna Banana: 101 Jump-Rope Rhymes, Joanna Cole
Click here for the week of February 25/08
Click here for previous weeks' lists
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