PLEASE NOTE: Due to our upcoming move and restaurant opening (back-breaking renovations/mind-numbing details/etc.), we will
only be putting fifty books on this page weekly (instead of the usual hundred or so) until after our move in April 2008. There are still
lots of new books going out on the shelves, but this page doesn't build itself every week I'm afraid.
(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
The Little Book of Conspiracies: 50 Reasons to be Paranoid - Joel Levy
Trigger Happy: The Inner Life of Videogames - Steven Poole
Empire: A Groundwork Guide - James Laxer
Gandhi the Man: The Story of His Transformation - Eknath Easwaran
When Elephants Paint: The Quest of Two Russian Artists to Save the Elephants of Thailand - Komar/Melamid

Vengeance - George Jonas (the basis for the film Munich)

Stardust: The David Bowie Story - Henry Edwards/Tony Zanetta
Louis Riel: A Comic-Strip Biography - Chester Brown
Riel: A Life of Revolution - Maggie Siggins
Also new this week
A Fine Balance, Rohinton Mistry
The Glassy Sea, Marian Engel
The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini
The Life of Pi, Yann Martel
The Blood Oranges, John Hawkes
The Piano, Jane Campion
Trading Up, Candace Bushnell
The Devil Wears Prada, Lauren Weisberger
A Breath of Snow and Ashes, Diana Gabaldon
Putain, Nelly Arcan
Ces enfants de ma vie, Gabrielle Roy
L'Alchimiste, Paulo Coelho
Sharpe's Triumph, Bernard Cornwell (hardcover)
The Shadow over Innsmouth, H.P. Lovecraft
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, H.P. Lovecraft
Hominids, Robert J. Sawyer
Chasm City, Alastair Reynolds
Cryptonomicon, Neal Stephenson
Calvin's Commentary on the New Testament: Parallel with KJV
The Journal of the Rev. John Wesley: Complete in four volumes (scarce, $35/set)
The Hymns of Wesley and Watts, Bernard Manning
Christ Crucified, Klass Schilder
Salvation: Scenes from the Life of St. Francis, Valerie Martin
Streams of Living Water, Richard J. Foster
The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard
Sci-Phi: Philosophy from Socrates to Schwarzenegger, Mark Rowlands
The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World's Most Astonishing Number, Mario Livio
God's Equation: Einstein, Relativity, and the Expanding Universe, Amir D. Aczel
The Guns of August/The Proud Tower, Barbara Tuchman (The Folio Society, $25/set)
A Distant Mirror/The March of Folly, Barbara Tuchman (The Folio Society, $25/set)
The Birth of the Nazis: How the Freikorps Blazed a Trail for Hitler, Nigel Jones
Death in the Afternoon, Ernest Hemingway
Lucky, Alice Sebold
Loving Garbo, Hugo Vickers
Prince of Players: Edwin Booth (actor, brother of John Wilkes Booth), Eleanor Ruggles
Kiss Me Like a Stranger: My Search for Love and Art, Gene Wilder
If I Can Dream: Elvis's Own Story, Larry Geller
The Underwater Gourmet: The Great Seafood Book
From Kleinburg Homes: A Recipe Collection Prepared by the Women of Kleinburg United Church
Cooking Around the World: Ecole Crane's International Cookbook by Kindergarten-Grade Two 1994-1995
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"Was anyone else's luggage opened?", A Practical English Grammar
Click here for the week of March 3/08
Click here for previous weeks' lists
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