PLEASE NOTE: This is the second-last New Books page before our move in April 2008. Due to the absolute chaos of renovating our new
8400 sq. ft. building on Garry, we have only been putting fifty books on this page for the last few weeks (instead of the usual hundred or so). The New Books
page will return to full strength after our re-opening.
(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
The Salvation of Yasch Siemens - Armin Wiebe
An Ordinary Decent Criminal - Michael Van Rooy (local author)
When She's Gone - Steve Lundin (real name of local fantasy author Steve Erikson)
Empire of the Bay: An illustrated history of the Hudson's Bay Company - Peter C. Newman (out of print, $20 at Aqua, $45 at Burton Lysecki)
Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order - Niall Ferguson

Warrior Race: A History of the British at War - Lawrence James

Keeping a Nature Journal - Leslie/Roth
Pilates Workout for Dummies (DVD)
Minipedia World Mythology
Also new this week
Gargantua and Pantagruel, Rabelais
The Apocalypse Reader, Gaiman, Oates, Poe, et al
Fools, Knaves and Heroes: Great Political Short Stories, ed. Jeffrey Archer
Detectives A-Z: 26 Stories with a Sleuth for Every Letter of the Alphabet
Have His Carcase, Dorothy Sayers
Gallipoli, Jack Bennett (out of print)
A Guest of Honour, Nadine Gordimer
Personality, Andrew O'Hagan
Ya-Yas in Bloom, Rebecca Wells
Patches of Godlight, Jan Karon
Lnu and Indians We're Called, poetry by Rita Joe
Encore, Marc Prescott (théâtre, local author)
L'acteur et le système, Michel Crozier/Erhard Friedberg
Gold and Silver, Silver and Gold: Tales of Hidden Treasure, Alvin Schwartz (kids, out of print)
The Artemis Fowl Files, Eoin Colfer
Black, Red, and White, Ted Dekker
Confessions, Augustine
Traveling Light, Eugene Peterson
The Ministry in Transition, Yoshio Fukuyama (signed)
River Out of Eden, Richard Dawkins
Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays, Christopher Hitchens
MENSA presents Logic Puzzles
Timid Virgins Make Dull Company and Other Puzzles, Pitfalls, and Paradoxes, Dr. Crypton
Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing, Harry Beckwith
The Story Factor: Inspiration, Influence, and Persuasion through the Art of Storytelling, Annette Simmons
Greek Lives, Plutarch
The Life of Lamartine, H.R. Whitehouse (in two volumes, 1918)
John Sayer's Snake River Journal 1804-05: A Fur Trade Diary, ed. Douglas Birk
Linlithgow: Six Hundred Years a Royal Burgh, William Hendrie
Notes From a Small Island, Bill Bryson
Chili Dawgs Always Bark at Night, Lewis Grizzard
Cats I Have Known And Loved, Pierre Berton
Prisoners of the North, Pierre Berton
Bo'Jou, Nejee: Profiles of Canadian Indian Art ($20 at Aqua, $100 and up online)
Some Letters and Other Writings, Donald Albert Duncan
Grant MacEwan: No Ordinary Man, R.H. Macdonald
Extraordinary Ordinary Women: Manitoba Women and Their Stories
Manitoba: The Province and the People, Ken Coates/Fred McGuinness
Pride of the Land: An Affectionate History of Brandon's Agricultural Exhibitions, Ken Coates/Fred McGuinness
Brown and Gold: 1926 University of Manitoba Yearbook
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"I moved across the ring as the bell sounded, and looked right down the barrel of two of the largest fists I had ever seen", How I Met God, Sam "Tiger" Jenkins
Click here for the week of March 10/08
Click here for previous weeks' lists
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