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What people are saying:

I took in Idea Exchange a week ago with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove. It was my first Aqua Books event ever, and it was a blast. The room is beautiful, the mood inviting, the ideas rich. Thanks. - Kurt


(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Stuff White People Like - Christian Lander


Culinaria Spain


The Bobby Gold Stories - Anthony Bourdain


Kingdom of Ten Thousand Things: An Impossible Journey from Kabul to Chiapas - Gary Geddes


Dali - Paul Moorhouse


Aya - Marguerite Abouet/Clément Oubrerie


The Dirty Cowboy - Amy Timberlake/Adam Rex


The Magic Mirror: An Antique Optical Toy


Where the Sidewalk Ends - Shel Silverstein


Anatomy of the Titanic - Tom McCluskie (out of print)


Hubble: Imaging Space and Time


The Image Makers: Sixty Years of Hollywood Glamour - Paul Trent


Culinary Arts Institute Encyclopedic Cookbook


Susanna and Sue - Kate Douglas Wiggin


Christmas in Old Victoria - John Adams (scarce)

Also new this week



The Prairie Bridesmaid, Daria Salamon
Cherry Bites, Alison Preston
Alibi, Robert Kroetsch
Badlands, Robert Kroetsch
The Shunning, Patrick Friesen
The Armies of the Moon, Gwendolyn MacEwen (poetry, scarce)
Ferry Woman's History of the World, Susan Andrews Grace (poetry, out of print)
Two-Headed Poems, Margaret Atwood
Lovers and Lesser Men, Irving Layton (poetry, out of print)
Fall by Fury, Earle Birney (poetry)
A Garden of Anchors: Selected Poems, Joy Kogawa (out of print)
Suns of Darkness, Filippo Salvatore (poetry, Italian-English)
Blood of Angels, Allan Safarik (poetry)
Stranger Music: Selected Poems and Songs, Leonard Cohen
A Confederate General from Big Sur, Richard Brautigan
Trout Fishing in America, Richard Brautigan
The Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster, Richard Brautigan
Head to Toe, Joe Orton (out of print)
Gates of Eden, Ethan Coen
The Last of the Savages, Jay McInerney
Model Behavior, Jay McInerney
Self, Yann Martel
Whylah Falls, George Elliott Clarke
Brida, Paulo Coelho
The Newsroom: The Complete Scripts, Ken Finkleman
The Complete Illustrated Lewis Carroll
Hell House, Richard Matheson



A Doorway in Time: Memoir of a Celtic Spiritual Journey, Herbert O'Driscoll
The Three Years: The Life of Christ between Baptism and Ascension, Emil Bock (out of print)
The Divine Imperative, Emil Brunner
Holy Things: A Liturgical Theology, Gordon Lathrop (out of print)
Love One Another, My Friends, St. Augustine
Gravity and Grace, Simone Weil
Wherever You Go, There You Are, Jon Kabat-Zinn
Practicing the Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle
After the Ecstasy, the Laundry, Jack Kornfield
Turning the Mind Into an Ally, Sakyong Mipham
Meditations to Transform the Mind, the Seventh Dalai Lama
A History of Zen Buddhism: Japan, Heinrich Dumoulin
Going on Being: Buddhism and the Way of Change, Mark Epstein
Psychology and Religion, Carl Jung
Managing the Mind: A Study of Medical Psychology in Early 19th-Century Britain, Michael Donnelly
Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein
The Blue and Brown Books, Ludwig Wittgenstein
The Origin of Table Manners, Claude Lévi-Strauss
Future Positive: International Co-operation in the 21st Century, Michael Edwards
Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell
The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, Jeffrey Sachs
Representations of the Intellectual, Edward Said
Wilderness and the American Mind, Roderick Frazier Nash
Colors of the Mountain: A Memoir, Da Chen
An American Childhood, Annie Dillard
Times Square Red, Times Square Blue, Samuel R. Delany
Mysteries of the Middle Ages and the Beginning of the Modern World, Thomas Cahill
Atlas of Irish History
Voyage of the Iceberg: The Story of the Iceberg that Sank the Titanic, Richard Brown
Jumbo's Hide, Elvis's Ride, and the Tooth of Buddha: More Marvelous Tales of Historical Artifacts, Harvey Rachlin
Figuring: The Joy of Numbers, Shakuntala Devi (out of print)
Cool Time and the Two-Pound Bucket: Time Management for the 24-Hour Person, Steve Prentice
Talk to the Hand, Lynne Truss
Eats, Shoots and Leaves, Lynne Truss
The Canadian Oxford Dictionary (hardcover)
Collins Dictionary of The Bible
The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory, J.A. Cuddon
Beyond Recall, Mary Meigs
Ways of Seeing, John Berger
The Films of Woody Allen, Robert Benayoun
Fellini: A Life, Hollis Alpert
Crazy for You: Complete Vocal Selections
Bluegrass Banjo, Peter Wernick
50 Easy Lessons: An Intro to Bluegrass Banjo Playing, Paul Champion
Cat Stevens Greatest Hits
Megadeth: Selections for Guitar
Since Then, David Crosby
Leonard Cohen: Prophet of the Heart, Dorman/Rawlins
Love You To Bits and Pieces: Life with David Helfgott, Gillian Helfgott
This is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession, Daniel Levitin
Einstein's Violin: A Conductor's Notes on Music, Physics, and Social Change, Joseph Eger (out of print)
Faster than the Speed of Light: The Story of a Scientific Speculation, João Magueijo
The Great Journey: The Peopling of Ancient America, Brian Fagan
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution, Richard Dawkins
The Living Planet, David Attenborough
The Peterson Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians
The Peterson Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants
The Peterson Field Guide to the Birds East of the Rockies
Animals in Translation: Using the Mysteries of Autism to Decode Animal Behavior, Temple Grandin
The Baby Signing Book: 350 ASL Signs for Babies and Toddlers, Sara Bingham
The Waiter and Waitress Training Manual, Dahmer/Kahl (out of print)
Golf Dreams: Writings on Golf, John Updike
A Cook's Tour, Anthony Bourdain
Eating for a Living: Notes from a Professional Diner, Cynthia Wine
New Chinese Cooking School, Kenneth Lo
Vegetarian Recipes for Your Slo-Cooker, Annette Yates
The Wheatgrass Book, Ann Wigmore
The Prairie Herb Garden, Lyn Kublick (scarce)
The Wisdom of Amish Folk Medicine, Patrick Quillin
God's Galloping Girl: The Peace River Diaries of Monica Storrs, 1929-1931
Out of the Depths: The Experiences of Mi'kmaw Children at the Indian Residential School at Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia, Isabelle Knockwood (out of print)
Trail to North Star Gold: A True Story of the Alaska-Klondike Gold Rush, Ella Lung Martinsen
Fifty Mighty Men, Grant MacEwan
Dem Herrn Die Ehre: Schonwieser Mennoniten Gemeinde von Manitoba 1924-1968
Die Hungersnot in Ruszland Und Unsere Reise Um Die Welt, D.M. Hofer (1924, very scarce)
The Black Experience in Manitoba: A Collection of Memories (WSD, 1993)
The Seam Allowance: Industrial Home Sewing in Canada, Laura Johnson/Robert Johnson
R.B. Russell and the Labour Movement, Kenneth Osborne (out of print)
Winnipeg 1912, Jim Blanchard
Riel's People: How the Métis Lived, Maria Campbell (out of print)
Tapping the Gift: Manitoba's First People (Pemmican Press, 1992)
six issues of Manitoba Pageant (1960-1970)
1964 and 1972 University of Manitoba Convocation programs
Clear Lake and the Riding Mountain Park, Frank Anderson (scarce)

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

"And Number Three, anyone using tasteless or vulgar movements will be disregarded."

Grease: The Fotonovel

Click here for the week of April 19/10

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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