• Aqua Books (1999-2012) is now permanently closed. This site is for posterity only. Thank you for everything.
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Tues-Sat 11am-9pm
Sun-Mon Closed


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What people are saying:

And Aqua Books, on Garry St., is one of the craziest, most amusing and well-ordered second-hand bookstores I have ever frequented. Upstairs, in what had been a Chinese restaurant (the panelling and the décor and the kitchen still there) the owner, Kelly Hughes, maintains three studios for writers-in-residence, and the old dining room, complete with stage and fainting couches, is reserved for readings. Walking tours are popular (and a good idea) in the city, and readers can pick up a brochure here for Hughes' BookWalk too. - Noah Richler, Toronto Star


(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Everything is Illuminated - Jonathan Safran Foer


Barney's Version - Mordecai Richler (hardcover)


Everything Bad is Good For You: How Today's Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter - Steven Johnson (2006)


The Collapse of Globalism and the Reinvention of the World - John Ralston Saul (2006)


The Venetian's Wife - Nick Bantock


Nanabosho and Porcupine - Joe McLellan (2006)


Tales from the Igloo - Metayer/Nanogak


Ada Blackjack: A True Story of Survival in the Arctic - Jennifer Niven


Year of the King: An Actor's Diary and Sketchbook, Antony Sher


Headframe: 2 - Birk Sproxton (2006)


Lemon-Aid Used Cars and Minivans 2006/07


Hong Kong Babylon - Fredric Tannen/Barry Long

Also new this week



A Complicated Kindness, Miriam Toews
River of Stone, Rudy Wiebe
The Scorched-Wood People, Rudy Wiebe (novel about Riel/Dumont)
The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood ($15, signed hardcover)
Alias Grace, Margaret Atwood ($15, signed hardcover)
Barney's Version, Mordecai Richler (hardcover)
Grace Notes, Bernard MacLaverty
The Memory Man, Lisa Appignanesi
Mere, Esta Spalding/Linda Spalding
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Carson McCullers
The Forest, Georges Bugnet
The Wall, John Hersey (holocaust lit)
The Years, Virginia Woolf
Inland Passage, Jane Rule
Die weiße Front, Heinz Konsalik
Tit-Coq, Gratien Gélinas (pièce en trois actes)
Thirty Indian Legends of Canada, Margaret Bemister
Indian Legends, Jean-Claude Dupont
Beothuck Poems, Sid Stephen (out of print, rare)
The Octopus, Jennica Harper (poems, 2006)
Destiny's Telescope and other stories, Richard Scarsbrook (2006)
American Tabloid, James Ellroy
Freaky Deaky, Elmore Leonard
Cross Bones, Kathy Reichs (2006)
The Commitments, Roddy Doyle (out of print)
Who Censored Roger Rabbit, Gary Wolf (the original 1981 novel, rare)
Mostly Harmless, Douglas Adams (hardcover)
Echoes of the Well of Souls, Jack Chalker ($7 at Aqua, $28 at Chapters)
Shadow of the Well of Souls, Jack Chalker (this one you won't find at Chapters, baby)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, J.K. Rowling (hardcover)
Monster Goes to the Zoo, Blance/Cook, illus. Quentin Blake (out of print, rare)
Ming Lo Moves the Mountain, Arnold Lobel
Les Citrouilles du Diable, Louisa Picoux (2006)
Houdini's Shadow, Leo Brent Robillard (2006)
Buckskin Colonist: A Story of the Selkirk Settlers, John Hayes (local author)
Mistik Lake, Martha Brooks (April 2007)



The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis
The Return of the Prodigal Son, Henri Nouwen
Becoming Human, Jean Vanier
No Place For Truth: Or Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology, David F. Wells
Practitioners: Voices Within the Emerging Church, ed. Russinger/Field
Biblia Hebraica, ed. Kittel ($20, 2 vol. set)
The Access Bible: College Edition NRSV with Apocrypha
The Early Church, Oscar Cullman (rare)
The Teaching of the Church Regarding Baptism, Karl Barth
The Four Great Heresies: Nestorian|Eutychian|Apollinarian|Arian, J.W.C. Wand
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, Kathryn Harrison
The Bible and the New York Times, Fleming Rutledge
Light Within: The Inner Path of Meditation, Laurence Freeman, OSB
Millenial Dawn (Vols. 1-3), Watch Tower Society (JW, 1906)
Commentaries on Living: 1st Series, Krishnamurti
The Power of Myth, Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers (hardcover)
Truth and Beauty: A Friendship, Ann Patchett
Conjoint Family Therapy, Virginia Satir
In Search of a New Left: Canadian Politics After the Neo-Conservative Assault, James Laxer
How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely Theory of Globalization, Franklin Foer
Another World is Possible: Globalization and Anti-Capitalism, David McNally (2006)
All Too Human: A Political Education, George Stephanopoulos
American Evita: Hillary Clinton's Path to Power, Christopher Anderson
Catfish and Mandala: A Two-Wheeled Voyage Through the Landscape and Memory of Vietnam, Andrew X. Pham
India, Lonely Planet
Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport, Harris/Oppenheimer
The Director's Journey: The Creative Collaboration between Directors, Writers and Actors, Mark Travis
The Film Editing Room Handbook, Norman Hollyn
Dramatic Theory and Criticism: Greeks to Grotowksi, Bernard Dukore ($15, out of print, selling for $100[?!?] online)
Griffin and Sabine (vols. 1-3), Nick Bantock
The Life and Art of Albrecht Durer, Erwin Panofsky
Extinction: Evolution and the End of Man, Michael Boulter
The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci: Vol 1 (science)
The Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His World and Himself, Daniel Boorstin
Living Spaces: Ecological Building and Design, Thomas Schmitz-Günther ($20, rare)
Dictionnaire Latin-Français du baccalauréat
Québec: un siècle d'électricité, Clarence Hogue
Kayoaluk: Pierre Henry - Oblat de Marie Immaculeé Missionnaire des Inuit, Charles Choque, omi
Monseigneur Provencher et son temps, Donatien Frémont (Winnipeg 1935, rare)
Le rideau se lève au Manitoba, Annette Saint-Pierre (histoire du théâtre franco-manitobain)
Histoire de La Presse: Tome I et II 1884-1984, Cyrille Felteau
Chronologie du Québec 1534-1995, Jean Provencher
In Search of Ancient British Columbia, Barbara Huck (archaeology/paleontology, 2006)
Greetings from Canada: An Album of Unique Candian Postcards from the Edwardian Era 1900-1916, Anderson/Tomlinson
Charles Mair: Literary Nationalist, Norman Shrive (local history)
Trials and Errors: The People vs. Brian Gordon Jack, John D. Montgomery
The Canadian Crucible: Manitoba's Role in Canada's Great Divide, Frances Russell (out of print)
To Kill a Rabbi, Reuben Slonim (local author)
The New Buffalo: The Struggle for Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education in Canada, Blair Stonechild (2006)
fourteen back issues of The Beaver
Waltzing through the Century: The Life and Times of Ruth Doern-Winkler, Diana Wiebe (2006)
He Saw Himself in All His Creatures, Helen Norrie (memoir, local author, 2006)
St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church: 100 Years, June Dutka (2006, $20 at Aqua, $50 at McNally)
Transformation, Tony Tascona (2006)
the Manitoba Book Awards shortlisted books Warehouse 15, U of M Faculty of Architecture ($25, published December 2006)
Arthur Adamson: A Celebration (2006)

plus hundreds more every week.... TOP OF PAGE

What's Gumby Reading?

"Nuair a éiríonn tú ar maidin is steallann ionam seinnean ceolta sí na cruinne istigh im chloigeann."

Click here for the week of May 7/07

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