(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
Ikebana: Fruits and Vegetables - Toshie Yokoi (Japanese flower arranging using fruits and vegetables, $20, signed, rare)
Fresh: The Best of Fine Cooking (Summer '07)
A Kindle of Kittens - Rumer Godden
Feel This Book - Janeane Garofalo/Ben Stiller

Billy and the Boingers: Bootleg (with original 45)
Fugitive from the Cubicle Police - Scott Adams
Mensa Mega Mazes
Questioning the Millennium - Stephen Jay Gould
News from Nowhere: Television and the News - Edward Jay Epstein
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan - Sophie Kinsella
Sex and the City - Candace Bushnell
The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces ($15 at Aqua, $88 at Chapters)

Little Toby and the Big Hair - Kim and Eugenie Fernandes
Seasons - Warabé Aska with poetry selected by Alberto Manguel
Also new this week
Canoe Lake, Roy MacGregor
We Need to Talk About Kevin, Lionel Shriver (Orange Prize Winner)
Lightning Field, Dana Spiotta
Slave to Fashion, Rebecca Campbell
The Russian Debutante's Handbook, Gary Shteyngart
Weekend in Paris, Robyn Sisman
The Cure for Death by Lightning, Gail Anderson-Dargatz
The Shadow of the Wind, Carlos Ruiz Zafón
A Dry Spell, Susie Moloney (local author and part of the Aqua Books in-crowd)
Work of Idle Hands, Jonathon Platz (local author)
Five Complete Mike Hammer Novels, Mickey Spillane
The Maltese Falcon, Dashiell Hammett
In the Teeth of the Evidence, Dorothy L. Sayers
Melancholy Baby, Robert B. Parker
The Narrows, Michael Connelly
The Twelfth Card, Jeffery Deaver (2006)
three new Repairman Jack titles, F. Paul Wilson
Rage, Jonathan Kellerman (2006)
A Room of One's Own/Three Guineas, Virginia Woolf
The Complete Novels, George Orwell
Black Robe, Brian Moore
A Season in the Life of Emmanuel, Marie-Claire Blais
The Fall, Albert Camus
Exile and the Kingdom, Albert Camus
Camille, Alexandre Dumas fils
Paradise Lost/Paradise Regained, John Milton
Transformations, Anne Sexton (poetry)
Collected Stories, Tennessee Williams
Platonov, Anton Chekhov
Endgame/Act Without Words, Samuel Beckett
Red Lips, Connie Gault (play)
Le Barbier de Séville, Beaumarchais
Dom Juan, Molière
L'invitèe, Simone de Beavoir
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes (facsimile of 1922 ed.)
Marguerite, Go Wash Your Feet, Wallace Tripp (out of print)
Quick as a Cricket, Audrey Wood/Don Wood
Zoom at Sea, Tim Wynne-Jones/Eric Beddows (signed)
Shabanu: Daughter of the Wind, Suzanne Fisher Staples (Newbery Honor Book)
The Meeting of the Waters: Book One of The Watchers, Caiseal Mór
Dreaming the Bull: A Novel of Boudica the Warrior Queen, Manda Scott
The Book of Merlyn, T.H. White
St. George and the Dragon and the Quest for the Holy Grail, Edward Hays
Perelandra, C.S. Lewis
Rocket Ship Galileo, Robert A. Heinlein
A Medicine for Melancholy, Ray Bradbury
six new Honor Harrington novels, David Weber
Prayer: Letters to Malcolm, C.S. Lewis
The Land, Walter Brueggemann
Our Faith, Emil Brunner (out of print)
The Early Christian Fathers: Selections from the writings of the Fathers from St. Clement of Rome to St. Athanasius ($15 at Aqua, $48 at Chapters)
Against the Academicians/The Teacher, Augustine
The Three Battlegrounds, Francis Frangipane
The Christian View of Man, J. Gresham Machen (proto-Fundamentalist, 1937, first ed., $10)
Love is for Living, Carlo Carretto
The Mystery of Marriage, Mike Mason
The Russian Album, Michael Ignatieff
Jewish Renewal, Michael Lerner
Ariadne's Clue: A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind, Anthony Stevens
The Rune Poem: Wisdom's Fulfillment/Prophecy's Reach, Jim Paul (out of print)
The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales, Bruno Bettelheim
Freud for Beginners, Richard Osborne
Death: The Final Stage of Growth, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Men of Blood: Murder in Everyday Life, Elliot Leyton
The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli
The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, David Ricardo
Dispatches, Michael Herr
Fires in the Mirror, Anna Deavere Smith
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou
Taking the Lead: Dancing with Chronic Illness, Louise Giroux
Teach Yourself Swahili
Mots D'Heures, Gousses, Rames: The d'Antin Manuscript, Luis d'Antin van Rooten
The Language of Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language, Steven Pinker
Anatomy of Criticism, Northrop Frye
Autobiography, Bienvenuto Cellini (1558)
100 Years of Art in Germany: 1885-1985, Ingelheim am Rhein
Living with the Dead, Rock Scully/David Dalton
Book of the Dead: 25 Years with the Grateful Dead, Herb Greene
Willie: The Life of W. Somerset Maugham, Robert Calder
Runaway to Heaven: The Story of Harriet Beecher Stowe and Her Era, Johanna Johnston
Company's Coming Slow Cooker Recipes, Jean Paré
Our Recipes, staff of Health Sciences Centre General Operating Room (cookbook, 1970's)
Where Mountains Are Nameless: Passion and Politics in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Jonathan Waterman
Challenging the Skies: Horizons Around the World, Donald Fonger (signed, local author)
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"...she half wishes that she does become pregnant, for then her parents would be forced to consent to her marriage as had the parents of some of her friends." - Counseling the Unwed Mother, Helen E. Terkelsen
Click here for the week of June 4/07
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