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What people are saying:

I took in Idea Exchange a week ago with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove. It was my first Aqua Books event ever, and it was a blast. The room is beautiful, the mood inviting, the ideas rich. Thanks. - Kurt


(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Encyclopedia of Hell - Miriam Van Scott (out of print)


Bad Monkeys - Matt Ruff


Europe Central - William Vollmann


Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Letters (out of print)


Japanese Ink Painting: The Art of Sumi-e - Naomi Okamoto


The Illustrated Tao Te Ching (out of print)


Mediterranean: Food of the Sun - Clark/Farrow (very scarce)


Why Cats Paint - Busch/Silver


The Eat-a-Bug Cookbook - David George Gordon


Australian Women's Weekly Biscuits and Slices


Australian Women's Weekly Light and Luscious Summertime Cookbook


Australian Women's Weekly Vegetarian Cooking


A Red Sea Rising: The Flood of the Century (out of print)


Starart (visual art by Cat Stevens, Ron Wood, etc., scarce)

Also new this week



Paperweight, Stephen Fry
The Information, Martin Amis
The Strain, Guillermo Del Toro/Chuck Hogan
The Third Man, Graham Greene/Carol Reed (screenplay)
The 400 Blows: A Film By Francois Truffaut (screenplay)
Television Plays, Paddy Chayefsky (screenplays)
Six Plays, Strindberg
The Complete Book of Claudia, Rose Franken
Poe's Children: The New Horror, ed. Peter Straub
Troubled Waters: An Alan Lewrie Naval Adventure, Dewey Lambdin
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Philip K. Dick



Martin Luther: An Introduction to His Life and Work, Bernhard Lohse
The Confessional History of the Lutheran Church, James Richard
The Synoptic Gospels, Keith Nickle
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, Walter Bauer
Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar, ed. Kautzsch
Philosophical Fragments/Johannes Climacus, Soren Kierkegaard
The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion, Mircea Eliade
Reason in the Age of Science, Hans-Georg Gadamer
Mythology: An Illustrated Encyclopedia
The Devil's Dominion: The Complete Story of Hell and Satanism in the Modern World, Anthony Masters (out of print)
Ego and Its Own: The Case of the Individual Against Authority, Max Stirner
The Art of Courtly Love, Andreas Capellanus
Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art, Aristotle
The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to Jewish Apocalyptic Literature, ed. John J. Collins
Anatomy of Criticism, Northrop Frye
Anarchy in Action, Colin Ward (out of print)
Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda, Noam Chomsky
Feminism Is for Everybody: Passionate Politics, bell hooks
SCUM Manifesto, Valerie Solanas
When She Was Bad: Violent Women and the Myth of Innocence, Patricia Pearson
On a Move: The Story of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Terry Bisson
White Lies White Power: The Truth Behind the Militia Movement, Michael Novick
White Mischief: A Cultural History of Cocaine, Tim Madge (out of print)
A Child's Garden of Grass: The Official Handbook for Marijuana Users, Margolis/Clorfene (scarce)
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Marijuana, Daniel Klein
Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market, Eric Schlosser
Off the Road: My Years with Cassady, Kerouac, and Ginsberg, Carolyn Cassady
Midnight Riders: The Story of the Allman Brothers Band, Scott Freeman
Carol Shields: The Arts of a Writing Life, ed. Neil Besner
The Concise Dictionary of Expressionism, Lionel Richard
L.J.M. Daguerre: The History of the Diorama and the Daguerreotype, Helmut/Alison Gernsheim (out of print)
Framing Identity: Social Practices of Photography in Canada (1880-1920), Susan Close
Censored! Only in Canada: The History of Film Censorship, Malcolm Dean (out of print)
The Handbook of Canadian Film, Eleanor Beattie (out of print)
Script Continuity and the Production Secretary in Film and TV, Avril Rowlands
A Practical Manual of Screen Playwriting for Theater and TV Films, Lewis Herman (out of print)
Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting, Syd Field
Making a Good Script Great, Linda Seger
Film Scriptwriting: A Practical Manual, Dwight Swain
Feature Filmmaking at Used Car Prices: How to Write, Produce, Direct, Film, Edit and Promote a Feature Length Film for Less than $10,000, Rick Schmidt
Independent Feature Film Production: A Complete Guide from Concept to Distribution, Gregory Goodell
Your Film and the Lab, L. Bernard Happe
Film Maker's Guide to Super-8
The Technique of the Cutting Room Floor, Ernest Walter
When the Shooting Stops...the Cutting Begins: A Film Editor's Story, Ralph Rosenblum
Billy Wilder in Hollywood, Maurice Zolotow
Sirk on Sirk, Jon Halliday
Godard, Richard Roud
On Cukor, Gavin Lambert
Film Form: Essays in Film Theory, Sergei Eisenstein
The Films of Ingmar Bergman: From Torment to All These Women, Jorn Donner
Ingmar Bergman: Essays in Criticism, ed. Stuart M. Kaminsky
On Screen Directing, Edward Dmytryk (out of print)
On Screen Acting, Edward/Jean Porter Dmytryk (out of print)
An Actor Prepares, Constantin Stanislavski
Stage Makeup, Richard Corson
Operamania, Robin May (out of print)
Ballads from the Pubs of Ireland, James Healy
A Sea of Words: A Lexicon and Companion for Patrick O'Brian's Seafaring Tales, Dean King
Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World, Mark Kurlansky
Mars: Uncovering the Secrets of the Red Planet, Paul Raeburn
Stitch 'n B*tch: The Knitter's Handbook, Debbie Stoller
Restoring the Tallgrass Prairie: An Illustrated Manual for Iowa and the Upper Midwest, Shirley Shirley
Saint Among the Hurons: The Life of Jean de Brébeuf, Francis Talbot
Strange Empire: The Story of Louis Riel, Joseph Kinsey Howard

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

"I thought and thought. How am I going to get to eat those pineapples? There must be a way. Then I got an idea."

The Pineapple Story

Click here for the week of July 26/10

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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