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What people are saying:

I can't say enough about how much I love this store and restaurant. They have a great selection in a beautiful building with such an open and organic environment. Oh and the food at EAT Bistro is amazingly good. Thanks Kelly for all your work in the community. - Mellaina, Winnipeg


(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Hey Nostradamus! - Douglas Coupland


Slab Rat - Ted Heller


Trainspotting - Irvine Welsh


A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier - Ishmael Beah


Graveyard for Dreamers: One Woman's Odyssey in Africa - Joan Baxter


Shake Hands with the Devil - Roméo Dallaire


Stopping Time: The Photographs of Harold Edgerton


Dome of the Rock - Jerry Landay


Hagia Sophia - Lord Kinross


Wolf Tree - Alison Calder (2008 Aqua Books Lansdowne Prize for Poetry Winner)


America: The Book - Jon Stewart


Queens of Cuisine with Swift'ning - Martha Logan (Swift's Shortening c.1950)


How to Draw Manga Giant Robots - Hikaru Hayashi (plus 8 more vols in this series)


Basara - Yumi Tamura (vols 1-6)


Video Girl Ai - Masakazu Katsura (vols 1-5)

Also new this week



Divisadero, Michael Ondaatje
The Birth House, Ami McKay
Elle, Douglas Glover
The Divine Ryans, Wayne Johnston
Miss Wyoming, Douglas Coupland
A Confederate General from Big Sur, Richard Brautigan
Wild Town, Jim Thompson
Cropper's Cabin, Jim Thompson
The Rum Diary, Hunter S. Thompson
Pictures of the Gone World, Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Poems of Humor and Protest, Kenneth Patchen
Reality Sandwiches, Allen Ginsberg
Beautiful Losers, Leonard Cohen
The Favourite Game, Leonard Cohen
The Long Dance, David Groulx
Selected Poems, Alden Nowlan
hard 2 beleev, bill bissett
The Island Means Minago, Milton Acorn (out of print)
Letters from Deadman's Cay, Nina Berkhout
Ghost Children, Lillian Boraks-Nemetz
Midsummer Cut: A Bilingual Edition of Poems, Dorothea Grünzweig (trans. Derk Wynand)
Mother, Not Mother, Di Brandt
Telling, Carol Matas
A Recipe for Bees, Gail Anderson-Dargatz
My Friend Leonard, James Frey
The Crossing, Cormac McCarthy
The Innocent, Ian McEwan
A Gesture Life, Chang-rae Lee
The First Man, Albert Camus
Siddhartha, Herman Hesse
Waiting for the Barbarians, J.M. Coetzee
Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee
Life and Times of Michael K, J.M. Coetzee
The Autumn of the Patriarch, Gabriel García Márquez
Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Gabriel García Márquez
The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie
Maigret et l'indicateur, Georges Simenon
Drôle de tenderness, Miriam Toews
L'apprentissage de Duddy Kravitz, Mordecai Richler
Maus (vols 1 and 2), Art Spiegelman
Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, Marjane Satrapi
Love Song: 4 Tales by Shôjo Artist Keiko Nishi
Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play, Yu Watase (vols 1 and 2)
The Princess Bride, William Goldman
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling



Wesley's Works (9 vols. of 15 vol. set, 1829-1850 ed., $65)
The Letters of C.S. Lewis, ed. W.H. Lewis
Through Joy and Beyond: A Pictorial Biography of C.S. Lewis, Walter Hooper
C.S. Lewis: Speaker and Teacher, Carolyn Keefe
The Four Loves, C.S. Lewis
The Prayer Book: What it Is and What it May Be, Sidney Dark
Catechism of the Catholic Church
A Simple Path, Mother Theresa
Virgin Time: In Search of the Contemplative Life, Patricia Hampl
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Annie Dillard
Teaching a Stone to Talk, Annie Dillard
The Middle Mind: Why Americans Don't Think for Themselves, Curtis White
The Art of Cause Marketing: How to Use Advertising to Change Personal Behavior and Public Policy, Richard Earle
Let it Blurt: The Life and Times of Lester Bangs, America's Greatest Rock Critic, Jim DeRogatis
How to Talk Dirty and Influence People, Lenny Bruce
On Bullshit, Harry G. Frankfurt
The Herbert Huncke Reader (out of print)
Grace Beats Karma: Letters from Prison 1958-1960, Neal Cassady
The First Third, Neal Cassady
Scratching the Beat Surface: Essays on New Vision from Blake to Kerouac, Michael McClure
Quiet Days in Clichy, Henry Miller
American Journals, Albert Camus
The Doors of Perception/Heaven and Hell, Aldous Huxley
Imaginary Homelands: 1981-1991, Salman Rushdie
No One Awaiting Me: Two Brothers Defy Death During the Holocaust in Romania, Joil Alpern
German Boy: A Child in War, Wolfgang W.E. Samuel
None is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe 1933-1948, Irving Abella/Harold Troper
Gulag: A History, Anne Applebaum
Fast Girls: Teenage Tribes and the Myth of the Slut, Emily White
Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women, Elizabeth Wurtzel
More, Now, Again: A Memoir of Addiction, Elizabeth Wurtzel
Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood, Oliver Sacks
Stormy Weather: 100 Solutions to Global Climate Change, Guy Dauncey
The Physics of Christmas, Roger Highfield
Fabulous Science: Fact and Fiction in the History of Scientific Discovery, John Waller
Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science, Dick Teresi
When All the Gods Trembled: Darwinism, Scopes, and American Intellectuals, Paul Conkin
Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond
Empire Express: Building the First Transcontinental Railroad, David Haward Bain
The Story of Civilization, Will and Ariel Durant (vols. 1-10, out of print, $13 each or $100/set)
A Medieval Life: Cecilia Penifader of Brigstock c. 1295-1344, Judith M. Bennett
Architectural Guides for Travellers: Medieval Tuscany and Umbria, Anthony Osler McIntyre
The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano, Gosch/Hammer
Shock Xpress 2: The Essential Guide to Exploitation Cinema, ed. Stefan Jaworzyn
The Technique of Acting, Stella Adler (out of print)
Star Trek Creator: The Authorized Biography of Gene Roddenberry, David Alexander (out of print)
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolfe
Design Basics Index, Jim Krause
Print Regional Design Annual 2004
Visualizing Muscles: A New Approach to Surface Anatomy, John Cody
Keys to Painting Faces and Figures in All Mediums, ed. Rachel Rubin Wolf (out of print)
Super Character Design and Poses: Vol. 2 Heroine, You Kusano
Call them Canadians: A Photographic Point of View, National Film Board of Canada
The Writer's Drawing Book: The Russians
Eco-Chic Weddings, Emily Elizabeth Anderson
The Mole Race: Life as a Dorset Fisherman and the Trials of the Bed and Breakfast Trade, John Eastwood
Down Memory Lane, Emily Phillips Reynolds (Maine 1975)
Martha Stewart's Hors d'Oeuvres Handbook
Jewish Cooking for Pleasure, Molly Lyons Bar-David
French Provincial Cooking, Elizabeth David
Kinettes Cook Book (Kenora , 1961, very scarce)
Marie Anne: The Frontier Spirit of Marie Anne Lagimodière, Grant MacEwan (out of print)

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

"Kramer: 'I shall limit my question to the kidney'", Shock Pathogenesis and Therapy: An International Symposium

Click here for the week of August 11/08

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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