(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)

Q - Luther Blissett
Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons
P.S. Your Cat is Dead - James Kirkwood

Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World: An Identification Guide - Paul Stamets
A Fish Caught in Time: The Search for the Coelacanth - Samantha Weinberg
God: The Biography - Alexander Waugh (out of print)

A Time for Courage: The Royal Air Force in the European War, 1939-1945 - John Terraine
The Dangerous Sky: Canadian Airmen in World War II - Tom Coughlin
The Day the War Ended - Martin Gilbert (out of print)
The Night Before Christmas - Clement Moore/Howard Finster (unbalanced and brilliant religious folk artist)
Alexandria - Nick Bantock
The World of Chas Addams (out of print)
Kings in the North: The House of Percy in British History - Alexander Rose ($20, out of print)
Cities in Civilization - Sir Peter Hall (out of print)
100 Days in the Jungle - Shawn Ohler/Vicki Hall
Also new this week
Galveston, Paul Quarrington (Quarrington at Aqua Books on Sept 25/08)
Prochain Episode, Hubert Aquin (Quebec, trans.)
Red Rock, Wayne Tefs (out of print)
My Canary Yellow Star, Eva Wiseman
In the Skin of a Lion, Michael Ondaatje
Foreign Ghosts, Steven Heighton (very scarce, signed)
Bel Canto, Ann Patchett
Million Dollar Baby, F.X. Toole
The Bird Artist, Howard Norman
Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe
The Gospel According to Jesus Christ, José Saramago (Portugal, trans.)
Whatever Happened to Dulce Veiga: A B-Novel, Caio Fernando Abreu (Portugal, trans.)
Titanium Punch, Yashin Blake
Downtown Owl, Chuck Klosterman
Breakfast of Champions, Kurt Vonnegut
The Clockwork Testament or Enderby's End, Anthony Burgess
Beau Sabreur, P.C. Wren
The Interpretation of Murder, Jed Rubenfeld
Journey to the End of the Night, Louis-Ferdinand Céline (France, trans.)
A Place Called Hecla, Doris Benson (local author, signed)
The Host, Stephenie Meyer (May 2008)
Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles, Margaret George
Innocent Traitor: A Novel of Lady Jane Grey, Alison Weir
Viking: Odinn's Child, Tim Severin
Isolde: Queen of the Western Isle, Rosalind Miles
Firesong, William Nicholson
Tales Before Tolkien: The Roots of Modern Fantasy, ed. Douglas Anderson
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, R.A. Salvatore (CD audiobook)
The Ancient, R.A. Salvatore (CD audiobook)
Putting Away Childish Things, Uta Ranke-Heinemann
Texts Under Negotiation: The Bible and Postmodern Imagination, Walter Brueggemann
Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture, Brevard Childs
Myth and Reality in the Old Testament, Brevard Childs
The Life of John Henry Cardinal Newman, Robert Sencourt
Sermons Preached at Trinity Chapel Brighton, by the Late Rev. Frederick W. Robertson (1859)
Confessions, St. Augustine
The Life of Saint Teresa of Avila by Herself
The Cloister Walk, Kathleen Norris
A Book of Condolences: Classic Letters of Bereavement, foreword by Madeleine L'Engle
Healing and the Mind, Bill Moyers
Guide to the Occult and Mysticism
Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche
The Analects, Confucius
Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu
The Trouble with Islam Today, Irshad Manji
Dark Age Ahead, Jane Jacobs
The Trial of Henry Kissinger, Christopher Hitchens
Fences and Windows, Naomi Klein
Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs, Noam Chomsky
The New Military Humanism: Lessons from Kosovo, Noam Chomsky
Understanding Canadian Defence, Desmond Morton
Juno: Canadians at D-Day June 6, 1944, Ted Barris (out of print, $15 at Aqua, $30 at Burton Lysecki)
From Romance to Reality: Stories of Canadian WWII War Brides, ed. Peggy O'Hara (out of print)
Korea: The First War We Lost, Bevin Alexander
In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam, Robert McNamara
Death Valley: The Summer Offensive I Corps, August 1969, Keith William Nolan
Doctors of Death, Philippe Aziz (4 vols, $20/set)
The Pity of War: Explaining World War I, Niall Ferguson
A History of Warfare, Field-Marshall Viscount Montgomery of Alamein
The Tsar's Last Armada: The Epic Voyage to the Battle of Tsushima, Constantine Pleshakov
Faith and Treason: The Story of the Gunpowder Plot, Antonia Fraser
The Problem of the North-West Frontier: 1890-1908, Collin Davies
A Guide to Anglo-Saxon Sites, Nigel/Mary Kerr
Under the Tuscan Sun, Frances Mayes
Eat More, Weigh Less, Dean Ornish
Horse Sense for People, Monty Roberts
Kids Are Worth It!, Barbara Coloroso
Living On Purpose, Dan Millman
It's Only Too Late If You Don't Start Now, Barbara Sher
Making a Life, Making a Living, Mark Albion
Influencer: The Power to Change Anything, Patterson et al
How to Prepare, Stage, and Deliver Winning Presentations, Thomas Leech
Freakonomics, Steven Levitt/Stephen Dubner
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs, Chuck Klosterman
Loser Take All: The Comic Art of Woody Allen, Maurice Yacowar
Hollywood Babylon, Kenneth Anger
Hollywood Babylon II, Kenneth Anger
On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin (CD audiobook, read by Richard Dawkins, July 2008)
Catalog of Chess Mistakes, Andrew Soltis
Painting Ceramics in a Weekend, Moira Neal/Lynda Howarth
Art from Found Materials: Discarded and Natural, Mary Lou Stribling
Art of the Spirit: Canadian Contemporary Fabric Art, Bradfield et al
The Art Quilt, Penny McMorris/Michael Kile
Paul Sloggett: Twelve Years, Joan Murray (exhibition catalogue, 1987)
The Group of Seven, Peter Mellen ($20 at Aqua, $65 at Burton Lysecki)
O'Keefe and Stieglitz: An American Romance, Benita Eisler
Auguste Rodin: Readings on His Life and Work
Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books, Azar Nafisi
A Man Called Intrepid, William Stevenson (hardcover)
Fool for Christ: The Political Thought of J.S. Woodsworth, Allen Mills (local author)
Nipigon to Winnipeg: A Canoe Voyage through Western Ontario by Edward Umfreville in 1784, R. Douglas (1929, scarce, $40 at Aqua, $80 at Greenfield's)
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"You, the Modern Woman, are sweetheart, mother, wife, worker, homemaker, teacher of the young. Women have always been all of these, but modern woman, for the first time in history, is man's equal partner.",
The Canadian Woman: A Manual of Personal Hygiene (1961)
Click here for the week of September 8/08
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