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What people are saying:

Intellectually invigorating - R. Subramaniam, Bombay


(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Criminal - Michael Van Rooy (this is the brand-new title by Aqua's new writer-in-residence, $15)


An Ordinary Decent Criminal - Michael Van Rooy (Michael's first book, MVR reads at Aqua Sept. 27)


Cherry - Chandra Mayor (our favourite shopgirl's award-winning first novel, new, $14)


Dishy - Kevin Gould (out of print)


How to Cook - Raymond Sokolov


Cooking for Two - James Barber


The Old House Book - Robin Langley Sommer (out of print)


We Don't Live in Snow Houses Now (dual-language English/Inuktitut, $15 at Aqua, $30 at Burton Lysecki)


The Old Barn Book - Robin Langley Sommer (out of print)


George III: A Personal History - Christopher Hibbert


The Last Cavaliers: Confederate and Union Cavalry in the Civil War - Samuel Carter III (out of print)


Spearhead to Victory: Canada and the Great War - Daniel Dancocks (out of print)


Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper - Diablo Cody


Be Wolf: A True Account of the Survival of Reinhold Kaletsch - Wayne Tefs (new book)


Pete Rose: My Prison Without Bars (with Rick Hill)

Also new this week



The Occupied World, Alice Major
Vermeer's Light, Poems 1996-2006, George Bowering
In This Poem I Am: Selected Poetry of Robin Skelton (new book)
The Lunatic Muse, Joe Rosenblatt
Breathe Now, Phlip Arima
Loyalty Management, Glen Downie
Blue: The Derek Jarman Poems, Keith Garebian
The North End Poems, Michael Knox
Twenty Miles, Cara Hedley (new book)
Finding Ft. George, Rob Budde (new book)
The Bentleys, Dennis Cooley (new book)
Gertrude Unmanageable, Deborah Schnitzer (new book)
Sunny Dreams, Alison Preston (new book)
Water, H.E. Taylor (local author)
The Hungry Tide, Amitav Ghosh
The Stories of John Cheever
Love Monkey, Kyle Smith
Lost in a Good Book, Jasper Fforde
The Eyre Affair, Jasper Fforde
Tristessa, Jack Kerouac
Big Sur, Jack Kerouac
The New Olympia Reader, ed. Maurice Girodias
Adrift, Marcus Youssef (play)
Les hirondelles de Kaboul, Yasmina Khandra
La nausée, Sartre
In Einem Andern Land, Ernest Hemingway
Ein Abstecher Nach Paris, Somerset Maugham
The Nibelungenlied
Moorish Literature/Malayan Literature (World's Great Classics series)
Hebrew Literature (WGC series)
Tevye the Dairyman and the Railroad Stories, Sholem Aleichem
Stories and Legends, Leo Tolstoy
The Devil's Other Storybook, Natalie Babbitt (out of print)
Pooh's Workout Book, Ethan Mordden
Little, Big, John Crowley
Clothar the Frank, Jack Whyte
fifty new Star Wars titles



Christian Behaviour, C.S. Lewis (1952 ed.)
Broadcast Talks, C.S. Lewis (1952 ed.)
Beyond Personality, C.S. Lewis (1952 ed.)
Letters to an American Lady, C.S. Lewis
Anabaptism: Neither Catholic nor Protestant, Walter Klaassen
An Idiom Book of New Testament Greek, C.F.D. Moule
Foundations of Christianity: A Study in Christian Origins, Karl Kautsky
Theology of Peace, Paul Tillich
Bread for the Journey: A Daybook of Wisdom and Faith, Henri Nouwen
Through Seasons of the Heart, John Powell, SJ
The Lord and His Prayer, N.T. Wright
Praying Jesus' Way: A Guide for Beginners and Veterans, Brian Dodd (out of print)
Lord, Teach Us: The Lord's Prayer and the Christian Life, William Willimon/Stanley Hauerwas
Machines, Buildings, Weaponry of Biblical Times: A Fascinating Reference of Biblical Engineering and Design, Max Schwartz
The Meaning of the City, Jacques Ellul
The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist's Case for the Existence of the Soul, Mario Beauregard/Denyse O'Leary
Until the Sun Dies, Robert Jastrow
Red Giants and White Dwarfs, Robert Jastrow
The Theory of Almost Everything: The Standard Model, the Unsung Triumph of Modern Physics, Robert Oerter
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television, Jarry Mander
Basic Writings, Marx/Engels
The Standard (Jewish) Prayer Book: English Translation
Kabbalah: The Divine Plan, Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi
The Essential Koran
Roger's World: The Life and Unusual Times of Roger Neilson, Wayne Scanlan
Magic Carpet Ride: The Autobiography of John Kay and Steppenwolf, John Kay/John Einarson
Pink Floyd: Bricks in the Wall, Karl Dallas
The Beatles, Bob Spitz
David Bowie: The Theatre of Music, Robert Matthew-Walker
Bruce Springsteen: The Rolling Stone Files
Mike's Corner: Daunting Literary Snippets from Phish's Bassist Mike Gordon
Dancing in the Street: Confessions of a Motown Diva, Martha Reeves
Frenchmen, Desire, Good Children...and Other Streets of New Orleans, John Churchill Chase
Marley and Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog, John Grogan
Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela
The Everyday Activist: 365 Ways to Change the World, Michael Norton
The New Our Bodies, Ourselves, Boston Women's Health Book Collective
A Woman's Place: Seventy Years in the Lives of Canadian Women, ed. Sylvia Fraser
Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom, Caitlin/John Matthews
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham
Herbs in the Garden, Allen Paterson
The Sacred Kitchen: Higher-Consciousness Cooking for Health and Wholeness, Robin/Jon Robertson
Fancy, Sweet, and Sugarfree: All-Natural, Fruit-Sweetened Recipes, Karen Barkie (out of print)
Shake It Up!: Fun Food, Cocktails, Canapes, Wolf-Cohen/Van den Berg
The Union Square Cafe Cookbook, Danny Meyer/Michael Romano
Roasting in Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay
Pacific Passions Cookbook: Celebrating the Flavors of the West Coast, Karen Barnaby (out of print)
Northern Cookbook, Eleanor Ellis
A History of Alberta, James MacGregor
Saskatchewan: A History, John Archer
The Promise of Paradise: Utopian Communities in B.C., Andrew Scott (out of print)
Snowshoes and Stethoscopes: Tales of Medicine and Flying in the Canadian North, John Dale
Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer
Travelling Passions: The Hidden Life of Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Gísli Pálsson

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

"The point is that when the New Testament canon was closed the blueprint for the age was complete. God has added nothing since that time.", The Menace of the Religious Movie, A.W. Tozer

Click here for the week of September 15/08

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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