(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)

The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship - Arthur Ransome
Anything but Hank! - Rachel Lebowitz/Zach Wells/Eric Orchard ($19, new, Wells will be at Aqua on October 14/08 for the Winnipeg launch of Hank!)
Songs and Stories from Uganda - W. Moses Serwadda

The Working Stiff Cookbook - Bob Sloan (out of print)
Eating Shakespeare: Recipes and More from the Bard's Kitchen - Betty/Sonia Zyvatkauskas
Ripe for Dessert: 100 Outstanding Desserts with Fruit - David Lebovitz

Canada Curls: The Illustrated History of Curling in Canada - Doug Maxwell (signed)
Regina: From Pile o'Bones to Queen City of the Plains - William Riddell
Too Close for Comfort: Canada's Future within Fortress North America - Maude Barlow

Stickboy - Shane Koyczan (just released, $20)
Kafka's Soup: A Complete History of World Literature in 14 Recipes - Mark Crick
The Ravine - Paul Quarrington (we have a few copies of Paul's $29.95 Giller-longlisted book for $20, the lowest price in Canada right now)
Bears and Dolls in Advertising: Guide to Collectible Characters and Critters - Robert Reed
Pulp Culture and the Cold War - Woody Haut
TV Toys and the Shows that Inspired Them - Cynthia Boris Liljeblad
Also new this week
Picture Perfect, Jodi Picoult
Bright Shiny Morning, James Frey (11 CD audiobook)
The Condition, Jennifer Haigh (11 CD audiobook)
Native Son, Richard Wright (15 CD audiobook)
On Chesil Beach, Ian McEwan
Stanley Park, Timothy Taylor
The Statement, Brian Moore
Dead Fingers Talk, William S. Burroughs (scarce)
The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Carson McCullers
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, Gertrude Stein
The Way Forward is With a Broken Heart, Alice Walker
The Woman Who Lost Her Soul and Other Stories, Jovita González
Novelties and Souvenirs, John Crowley
The Collected Poems, Rupert Brooke
Selected Poems: 1956-1968, Leonard Cohen
The Acts of King Arthur and his Noble Knights, John Steinbeck
Huis clos, Jean-Paul Sartre
Little Voice, Ruby Slipperjack
The People of Sparks, Jeanne DuPrau
A Canticle for Leibowitz, Walter Miller, jr.
Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert Heinlein
The Shack, William Young
Shadows of Ecstasy, Charles Williams ($10, hardcover)
Collected Plays, Charles Williams ($40, scarce)
C.S. Lewis: A Biography, A.N. Wilson
The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The House Church: An Iona Community Pamphlet, David Orr
Certain Sermons or Homilies Appointed to be Read in Churches in the Time of Queen Elizabeth (1908 ed.)
An Aquinas Reader
Why Christianity Must Change or Die, John Shelby Spong
Reading the Bible Again for the First Time, Marcus Borg
Who Was Jesus?, N.T. Wright
The Millennium Myth, N.T. Wright
Demons, Lies and Shadows: A Plea for a Return to Text and Reason, Pierre Gilbert (new, $17, Gilbert will be lecturing at Aqua on Nov. 1/08)
Wprowadzenie w chrzescijanstwo, Joseph Ratzinger
Walter Benjamin, Esther Leslie
The Blue and Brown Books, Ludwig Wittgenstein
Marx's Concept of Man, Erich Fromm
The Poverty of Philosophy, Karl Marx
The Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky
The Labour Party: A Marxist History, Tony Cliff/Donny Gluckstein
What Everyone Should Know About Economics and Prosperity, James Gwartney/Richard Stroup (Fraser Institute)
Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, Christopher Browning
On War and Leadership: The Words of Combat Commanders from Frederick the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf, Owen Connelly
I Am Spock, Leonard Nimoy (hardcover)
Janis Joplin: Buried Alive, Myra Friedman
Riders on the Storm: My Life with Jim Morrison and The Doors, John Densmore
A Life in the Bush: Lessons from My Father, Roy MacGregor
Elijah: No Ordinary Hero, Pauline Comeau ($30, out of print, signed by Elijah Harper)
Floating Voice: Duncan Campbell Scott and the Literature of Treaty 9, Stan Dragland (out of print)
Courageous Spirits: Aboriginal Heroes of Our Children, Archibald et al
Medicine Women (1985, scarce, a book about Aboriginal female doctors)
Mathematics for the Imagination, Peter Higgins
Billions and Billions, Carl Sagan
A Field Guide to Western Reptiles and Amphibians, Robert Stebbins
Architectural Illustration: The Value Delineation Process, Paul Stevenson Oles
Sabine's Notebook, Nick Bantock
Griffin and Sabine, Nick Bantock
Mythological Painting, Michael Jacobs
The Child and Reality, Jean Piaget
We Are Everywhere, Jerry Rubin ('60s counterculture)
A Tribe Apart: A Journey into the Heart of American Adolescence, Patricia Hersch
Dress Codes: Of Three Girlhoods - My Mother's, My Father's, and Mine, Noelle Howey
100 Places Every Woman Should Go, Stephanie Elizondo Griest
Touch the Dragon: A Thai Journal, Karen Connelly
Sahara, Michael Palin
Hemingway's Chair, Michael Palin
Beyond the Horizon: The Great Race to Finish the First Human-Powered Circumnavigation of the Planet, Colin Angus
A Writer's House in Wales, Jan Morris
Not Now Jack - I'm Writing a Novel, Carmel Bird (very scarce)
Not a Nice Man to Know: The Best of Khushwant Singh
Forewords and Afterwords, W.H. Auden
W.H. Auden, Humphrey Carpenter
five more Auden biographies
Conscious Eating, Gabriel Cousens
Vegetarianism: A History, Jon Gregerson (out of print)
Bread, Beth Hensperger
Entertaining, Martha Stewart
Bermuda's Best Recipes
Happiness is Home Made (York Central Hospital cookbook, scarce)
Central's Home Cook Book: Volume 1 (Chilliwack Central MB Church)
A Taste of Manitoba Porcelain Artists (cookbook)
Enjoy!: More Recipes from the Best of Bridge
Carillon Centennial Cookbook (Steinbach, 1974, scarce)
Looking Back in Faith: Manitoba Mennonite Brethren in Photos and Writing 1888-1988
Die Schule Muss Sein: A History of the Mennonite Collegiate Institute, Gerhard Ens (scarce, $20 at Aqua, $35 at Greenfield's)
Heritage Remembered: A Pictorial Survey of Mennonites in Prussia and Russia, Gerhard Lohrenz (scarce, $20 at Aqua, $30 at Greenfield's)
The Story of Bethania: 1945-1995, Mennonite Benevolent Society (scarce, $15 at Aqua, $35 at...you get the drift)
Mennonite Historical Atlas, William Schroeder/Helmut Huebert (scarce, $20 at Aqua [and nowhere else in Winnipeg])
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"I am not a number. I am a free man.",
The Prisoner Program Guide, the Ontario Educational Communications Authority (1976)
Click here for the week of September 29/08
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