(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)

The Edge Chronicles Maps - Paul Stewart/Chris Riddell
Anything but Hank! - Rachel Lebowitz/Zach Wells/Eric Orchard ($19, new, Wells will be at Aqua on October 14/08 for the Winnipeg launch of Hank!)
Gnomes - Poortvliet/Huygen

The Pilates Body - Brooke Siler
An Inconvenient Truth - Al Gore
A Complete Guide to Bird Feeding - John Dennis

Us v Them: Journeys to the World's Greatest Football Derbies - Giles Goodhead (scarce)
Apocalypse 2012: An Optimist Investigates the End of Civilization - Lawrence Joseph
Jabberrock: The Ultimate Book of Rock 'n' Roll Quotations

Stickboy - Shane Koyczan (just released, $20)
A Red Sea Rising: The Flood of the Century (out of print)
The Ravine - Paul Quarrington (we have a few copies of Paul's $29.95 Giller-longlisted book for $20, the lowest price in Canada right now)
Decisive Factors in Twenty Great Battles of the World - William Seymour
Balaclava: Gentlemen's Battle - John Selby
Relics and Shrines - David Sox (out of print)
Also new this week
The Exalted Company of Roadside Martyrs, Warren Cariou
The Salvation of Yasch Siemens, Armin Wiebe
Talon, Paulette Dubé
Choke Hold, Todd Babiak
Things As They Are?, Guy Vanderhaeghe
Human Amusements, Wayne Johnston
Infinite Riches, Ben Okri
Lost in Translation, Nicole Mones
Goodbye Tsugumi, Banana Yoshimoto
Kitchen, Banana Yoshimoto
The Tent of Orange Mist, Paul West
Getting Used to Not Being Remarkable, Michael Foley (out of print)
The Last Great Dance on Earth, Sandra Gulland
Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe, Sandra Gulland
The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini
Behind the Scenes at the Museum, Kate Atkinson
One Good Turn, Kate Atkinson
Twilight, Stephenie Meyer
About a Boy, Nick Hornby
Diary, Chuck Palahniuk
Love in the Days of Rage, Lawrence Ferlinghetti (out of print)
Rommel Drives on Deep into Egypt, Richard Brautigan
Revenge of the Lawn, Richard Brautigan
The Pill Versus the Springhill Mine Disaster, Richard Brautigan
Tickets for a Prayer Wheel, Annie Dillard
Hotel Montreal, Ken Norris
Blue, George Elliott Clarke
Book of Mercy, Leonard Cohen
Waking Up in the City of Dreams, Bryan Hennessey (scarce)
Life Skills, Marlis Wesseler (out of print)
Lit Riffs: Writers Cover Songs They Love, ed. Matthew Miele
The Other Side of the Dark: Four Plays, Judith Thompson
Tales of the Menehune, Mary Kawena Puku'i/Caroline Curtis
Nature's God: The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles III, Robert Anton Wilson
Terra!, Stefano Benni
Pattern Recognition, William Gibson
The Difference Engine, William Gibson
The Reality Dysfunction: Parts 1 and 2, Peter F. Hamilton
The Neanderthal Parallax: Vols. 1-3, Robert J. Sawyer
Creed or Chaos?, Dorothy Sayers (1949 ed., $20)
eleven titles by G. Campbell Morgan
Spirituality of the Psalms, Walter Brueggemann (out of print)
Second Thoughts on the Dead Sea Scrolls, F.F. Bruce
Demons, Lies and Shadows: A Plea for a Return to Text and Reason, Pierre Gilbert (new, $17, Gilbert will be lecturing at Aqua on Nov. 1/08)
I See Satan Fall Like Lightning, René Girard
Making Room: Recovering Hospitality as a Christian Tradition, Christine Pohl
The Fall of the Prison: Biblical Perspectives on Prison Abolition, Lee Griffith
Chesterton, Garry Wills
The Great Code: The Bible and Literature, Northrop Frye
Conversations with God: Book 1, Neale Donald Walsch
Glass Children and Other Essays, Daisaku Ikeda (out of print)
You Know Me: The Gita, trans. Irina Gajjar
The Perfumed Garden of the Sheikh Nefzaoui
A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, Henry David Thoreau
Nightmare on Main Street: Angels, Sadomasochism, and the Culture of Gothic, Mark Edmundson
The Anarchists, ed. Irving Horowitz (out of print)
The Philosophy of Modern Art, Herbert Read
The Graphic Work of M.C. Escher
Dictionary of Modern Sculpture
Teaching as a Lively Art, Marjorie Spock
Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament, Kay Redfield Jamison
Spoken Here: Travels Among Threatened Languages, Mark Abley
Stet: An Editor's Life, Diana Athill
Author Unknown: On the Trail of Anonymous, Don Foster (out of print)
Inside Memory, Timothy Findley
Jack Kerouac: A Biography, Tom Clark
The Agatha Christie Mystery, Derrick Murdoch
Not One of the Boys, Sharon Carstairs (signed)
Darrow: A Biography, Kevin Tierney
Bernstein: A Biography, Joan Peyser
My Life So Far, Jane Fonda
We, Robert A. Johnson
What Went Wrong?: Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response, Bernard Lewis
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William Shirer
Foot Soldier: A Combat Infantryman's War in Europe, Roscoe Blunt
Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love, Dava Sobel
Life Signs: The Biology of Star Trek, Susan/Robert Jenkins (out of print)
New Mathematical Diversions from Scientific American, Martin Gardner
The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins
The Cake Bible, Rose Levy Beranbaum
Alberta History Along the Highway, Ted Stone (out of print)
Wild Goose Jack: The Autobiography of Jack Miner
Kingfisher Days: A Memoir, Susan Coyne
The Storekeeper's Daughter, Katie Funk Wiebe
Ambassador To His People: C.F. Klassen and the Russian Mennonite Refugees, Herbert/Maureen Klassen (out of print)
P.M. Friesen and His History, ed. Abraham Friesen (scarce)
P.M. Friesen 1849-1914: Personal Reflections by Franz Thiessen (very scarce, $20)
Memories of My Life, C.A. DeFehr (very scarce, $20)
Reflections on My Journey, Peter Hamm (out of print)
A Journey of Faith: An Autobiography, David Ewert (very scarce, $30 at Aqua, selling for $300 [!?!] online)
J.J. Thiessen: A Leader for His Time, Esther Epp-Tiessen (even scarcer than the last one, $30)
The Entrepeneurs: The Story of Gendis Inc., Albert Cohen
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"Winnipeggers rate their Fire Department very highly.",
Window on Winnipeg: The City of Winnipeg Fire Department
Click here for the week of October 6/08
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