(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
Creation: Life and How to Make It - Steve Grand
Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded - Simon Winchester
Viking Age Iceland - Jesse Byock
JoAnn and Colin Thatcher: A Canadian Tragedy - Maggie Siggins (out of print)
Building a Strip Canoe - Gil Gilpatrick
Keel Kissing Bottom - Elizabeth de Freitas
The G.I. Diet - Rick Gallop
The Abs Diet - David Zinczenko
The Australian Women's Weekly Biscuits and Slices
Maus (vols. 1 and 2) - Art Spiegelman
More Optical Illusions - Al Seckel
Islam and the Arab World, ed. Bernard Lewis (oversize hardcover)
Boy Hunters in Demerara - George Innes Hartley (1921)
Why Did the Underwear Cross the Road? - Gordon Korman (out of print)
Spells of Enchantment: The Wondrous Fairy Tales of Western Culture - ed. Jack Zipes
Let Us Rise!: An Illustrated History of the Manitoba Labour Movement - Doug Smith
The First-Time Collector's Guide to British Royal Commemoratives
Also new this week
The Englishman's Boy, Guy Vanderhaeghe
A Fine Balance, Rohinton Mistry
No New Land, M.G. Vassanji
The In-Between World of Vikram Lall, M.G. Vassanji
For One More Day, Mitch Albom
The Cure for Death by Lightning, Gail Anderson-Dargatz
Flaubert's Parrot, Julian Barnes (out of print)
If On a Winter's Night a Traveller, Italo Calvino (Italy, trans.)
The History of the Siege of Lisbon, José Saramago (Portugal, trans.)
The Famished Road, Ben Okri
Possession, A.S. Byatt
The Lagahoo's Apprentice, Rabindranath Maharaj
Madras on Rainy Days, Samina Ali
The Incredible Adventures of Professor Shonku, Satyajit Ray (Bengali, trans.)
The Prowler, Kristjana Gunnars
The Y Chromosome, Leona Gom
The Sot-Weed Factor, John Barth
Pig Earth, John Berger
Sojourner's Truth and other stories, Lee Maracle
The Ukrainian Wedding, Larry Warwaruk
Thorns Without the Rose, Mark McCawley (prose poetry)
When the Italians Came to My Home Town, Thom Tammaro (poetry, scarce)
The Emperor's Body, Marvyne Jenoff (experimental stories)
Understood, Alethea Lahofer (poetry, scarce)
Bread and Salt, Renee Rodin (poetry)
Cipher and Poverty: The Book of Nothing, Mike Schertzer (poetry)
Homework and Curtains, John Lazarus (play, out of print)
Toronto, Mississippi and Jewel, Joan Macleod (play, out of print)
Dangerous Traditions: A Passe Muraille Anthology, ed. Judith Rudakoff (plays, out of print)
NeWest Plays by Women, ed. Bessai/Kerr
Le coteau sur la table, Jacques Godbout
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Alexander McCall Smith
The Silkie, A.E. van Vogt (SF, local author, out of print)
The Universe Maker, A.E. van Vogt
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula Le Guin
Rime Isle, Fritz Leiber (out of print)
Monster Goes Around Town, Blance/Cook/Blake (very scarce)
Monster Goes to the Beach, Blance/Cook/Blake (very scarce)
five Tintin books (very poor condition, pages all there, $3 each)
Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
Revelations of Divine Love, Julian of Norwich
The Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton
Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics, R.H. Blyth
The Buddhist Tradition in India, China and Japan, ed. William T. de Bary
Power Through Constructive Thinking, Emmet Fox
Patterns in Comparative Religion, Mircea Eliade
A Foucault Primer, Alec McHoul/Wendy Grace
The Medium is the Rear View Mirror: Understanding McLuhan, Donald Theall
Voltaire's Bastards, John Ralston Saul
No Logo, Naomi Klein
Taking the Red Pill: Science, Philosophy and Religion in The Matrix, ed. Glenn Yeffeth
A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking
The Tangled Wing: Biological Constraints on the Human Spirit, Melvin Konner
The Third Chimpanzee: The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal, Jared Diamond
In Praise of Slowness: How a Worlwide Movement is Challenging the Cult of Speed, Carl Honoré
All That is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity, Marshall Berman
Direction of Cities, John Guinther (out of print)
Metropolis: Center and Symbol of Our Times, ed. Philip Kasinitz (out of print)
Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil of Slavery, Quobna Ottobah Cugoano
Race Against Time: Searching for Hope in AIDS-Ravaged Africa, Stephen Lewis
If I am Assassinated, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
Dictionary of Word Origins, Jordan Almond
The Big Book of Beastly Mispronunciations, Charles Harrington Elster
Write. 10 Days to Overcome Writer's Block. Period., Karen Peterson
The Novel 100: A Ranking of the Greatest Novels of All Time, Daniel Burt
The Automatic Millionaire, David Bach
Permission to Prosper, Azriela Jaffe
Leadership Secrets of the Salvation Army, Robert Watson/Ben Brown
Visions of Excellence, Mark Tewksbury (signed)
Da Silvano Cookbook, Silvano Marchetto
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Low-Carb Meals
6 Day Body Makeover, Michael Thurmond
99: My Life in Pictures, Wayne Gretzky (out of print, hardcover)
Decorative Paint Recipes: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finishing Touches for Your Home
Architectural and Building Trades Dictionary, Putnam/Carlson
Searching for Robert Johnson, Peter Guralnick
Bob Dylan: Behind the Shades Revisited, Clinton Heylin
Chronicles: Vol 1, Bob Dylan
The Old, Weird America: The World of Bob Dylan's Basement Tapes, Greil Marcus
A Pirate Looks at Fifty, Jimmy Buffett
Almost There: The Onward Journey of a Dublin Woman, Nuala O'Faolain
Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell is This?, Marion Meade
No Sh*tting in the Toilet: The Travel Guide for When You've Really Lost It, Peter Moore
Adventures of a Continental Drifter: An Around-the-World Excursion into Weirdness, Danger, Lust, and the Perils of Street Food, Elliot Hester
Paddle to the Amazon, Don Starkell ($12, hardcover, signed)
Fire in the Bones: Bill Mason and the Canadian Canoeing Tradition, James Raffan
Cowboys and Indians: The Shooting of J.J. Harper, Gordon Sinclair, jr.
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"Garlic may not carry one far into society, but it is a marvellous blood purifier", Raw Vegetable Juices: What is Missing in Your Body?, Walker/Pope (published in Winnipeg, 1964)
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