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What people are saying:

I took in Idea Exchange a week ago with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove. It was my first Aqua Books event ever, and it was a blast. The room is beautiful, the mood inviting, the ideas rich. Thanks. - Kurt


(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Cherry - Chandra Mayor ($14, new)


Fear Not - Maurice Mierau ($15, new)


All the Pretty Girls - Chandra Mayor ($17, new)


Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold - C.S. Lewis


A Map of the Senses: Twenty Years of Manitoba Plays - ed. Rory Runnells


Smouldering Incense, Hammered Brass: A Syrian Interlude - Heather Burles (signed)


Revolt in the West: The Story of the Riel Rebellion - Edward McCourt


Ghost Towns of Canada - Ron Brown (out of print)


By the Way - Gordon Pinsent (out of print)


The Motorcycle Diaries - Ernesto Che Guevara


Robert Bain's Clans and Tartans of Scotland (out of print)


Kicked, Bitten, and Scratched: Life and Lessons at the World's Premier School for Exotic Animal Trainers - Amy Sutherland


The Adoration of Jenna Fox - Mary Pearson (CD audiobook, unabridged)


Brida - Paulo Coelho (CD audiobook, unabridged)


Citizen Girl - Emma McLaughlin/Nicola Kraus (CD audiobook)

Also new this week



The Blue Not Seen, Lorie Miseck (signed, out of print)
The Girls Who Dream Me, Beth Goobie
Last Seen, Matt Cohen
Kleinberg, Michael Kenyon
Dog Attempts to Drown Man in Saskatoon, Douglas Glover
A Month by the Lake and Other Stories, H.E. Bates
The Lottery and Other Stories, Shirley Jackson
Less Than Zero, Bret Easton Ellis
nine new Anthony Burgess titles
Under the Frog, Tibor Fischer
A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole (hardcover)
The Piano Shop on the Left Bank, T.E. Carhart
The Bride Stripped Bare, Nikki Gemmell
Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks
The Beardless Warriors: A Novel of World War II, Richard Matheson
Breath, Eyes, Memory, Edwidge Danticat
Elina, Mistress of Laukko, Mary Caraker (out of print)
The Far Euphrates, Aryeh Lev Stollman
A Stone Boat, Andrew Solomon
Cut Numbers, Nick Tosches
The Raphael Affair, Iain Pears
Anna and the King of Siam, Margaret Landon
Ashes of Izalco, Claribel Alegria/Darwin Flakoll (Nicaragua, trans.)
Voyage au bout de la nuit, Louis-Ferdinand Céline
El Zahir, Paulo Coelho (espagnol)
Barry Trotter and the Unauthorized Parody, Michael Gerber
Raven's End: A Tale from the Canadian Rockies, Ben Gadd (out of print)
A Telling of the Tales: Five Stories, William Brooke (out of print)
The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, ed. Iona/Peter Opie ($15 at Aqua, $70 at Chapters)
The Mabinogion
A Child's Christmas in Wales/The Outing, Dylan Thomas
Shadows of Ecstasy, Charles Williams



Creation and Fall/Temptation, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Introduction to Old Testament Wisdom: A Spirituality for Liberation, Anthony Ceresko, OSFS (out of print)
Apologia Pro Vita Sua, John Henry Cardinal Newman
The Man from Nazareth as His Contemporaries Saw Him, Harry Emerson Fosdick
Demons, Lies and Shadows: A Plea for a Return to Text and Reason, Pierre Gilbert (new, $17, Gilbert will be lecturing at Aqua on Nov. 1/08)
On the Pilgrim's Way, J. Nelson Kraybill (scarce)
On a Journey with God, You Come too, George Shillington (local author, out of print)
Man is Not Alone: A Philosophy of Religion, Abraham Joshua Heschel
To Pray as a Jew: A Guide to the Prayer Book and the Synagogue Service, Rabbi Hayim Halevy Donin
Kaddish, Leon Wieseltier
Night, Elie Wiesel
The Myth of Sisyphus, Albert Camus
Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, V.I. Lenin
The Student as N**ger, Jerry Farber
Literature and the Irrational: A Study in Anthropological Backgrounds, Wayne Shumaker
Industrial Evolution, Carl Bücher
With Every Mistake, Gwynne Dyer
La Valise d'Hana: Une histoire vraie, Karen Levine
Life and How to Survive It, Robin Skynner/John Cleese (out of print)
1000 Places To See Before You Die: A Traveler's Life List, Patricia Schultz
Help Yourself, Dave Pelzer
A New Earth: Awakening Your Life's Purpose, Eckhart Tolle
Life's Companion: Journal Writing as a Spiritual Quest, Christina Baldwin
Interior Design with Feng Shui, Sarah Rossbach
Leadership from Within, Peter Urs Bender
Unlimited Power: A Black Choice, Tony Robbins/Joseph McClendon
The Innovator's Dilemma: The Revolutionary National Bestseller That Changed the Way We Do Business, Clayton Christensen
To Market, To Market: The Public Market Tradition in Canada, Linda Biesenthal
Survival Food Storage, Mark/Zhana Thomason
The Well-Filled Tortilla Cookbook, Victoria Wise/Susanna Hoffman
French Tarts: Sweet and Savoury Tarts to Titillate the Palate, Jo Gosling
Uncorked: The Science of Champagne, Gérard Liger-Belair
Cyberselfish: A Critical Romp Through the Terribly Libertarian Culture of High-Tech, Pauline Borsook
Telecosm: How Infinite Bandwidth Will Revolutionize Our World, George Gilder
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, Douglas Hofstadter
A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking
The Elegant Universe, Brian Greene
Adam's Ancestors: The Evolution of Man and His Culture, Dr. Louis Leakey
Human Cloning: Religious Responses, ed. Ronald Cole-Turner
Migraine, Oliver Sacks
The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks and Minerals
In Quest of Size: Anabolics and other Ergogenic Aids, Scott Chinery ($10, very scarce)
Human Growth Hormone: Bodybuilding's Perfect Drug?, Scott Chinery ($10, very scarce)
seven new Chess books
88: The Giants of Jazz Piano, Robert Doerschuk
Cronenberg on Cronenberg, ed. Chris Rodley (out of print)
David Cronenberg: A Delicate Balance, Peter Morris (out of print)
5001 Nights at the Movies, Pauline Kael
The Happy Hooker: My Own Story, Xaviera Hollander
Running with Scissors, Augusten Burroughs
Floor Sample: A Creative Memoir, Julia Cameron
Monet and Bazille: A Collaboration (out of print)
The Beluga Cafe: My Strange Adventure with Art, Music, and Whales in the Far North, Jim Nollman (out of print)
Frontier Spirit: The Brave Women of the Klondike, Jennifer Duncan
The Golden Spruce: A True Story of Myth, Madness, and Greed, John Valliant
Woman in the Bush, Jeanne Connolly Harbottle/Fern Grice Credeur
Remembering the Farm: Memories of Farming, Ranching, and Rural Life in Canada, Past and Present, Allan Anderson
Wanna Fight, Kid?, Chester Duncan
Lord Selkirk of Red River, John Morgan Gray
St. Paul's College: University of Manitoba Memories and Histories, ed. Gerald Friesen/Richard Lebrun

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

"The following Tables of Houses, and those published for Great Britain, will enable the student to erect a map of the Heavens for Northern Latitudes from the Equator to 60 North.", Raphael's Tables of Houses for Northern Latitudes, W. Foulsham and Co., ltd.

Click here for the week of October 20/08

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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