(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)

Ambivalence: Crossing the Israel/Palestine Divide - Jonathan Garfinkel
The River Cottage Cookbook - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall

The Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Sailing - David Pelly

Ray Troll's Shocking Fish Tales: Fish, Romance, and Death in Pictures
Gnomes - Poortvliet/Huygen
Winnie-the-Pooh ABC - A.A. Milne/E.H. Shepard (out of print)

Classic Steam Trains - Nils Huxtable
Canada Southern Country - Robert Tennant
The History of Canadian Railroads - Greg McDonnell
Resonance - Tony Tascona
Taste and the Antique: The Lure of Classical Sculpture, 1500-1900 - Haskell/Penny

Marcel Duchamp (MoMA, 1973)

Queen Mary's Photograph Albums
The Doyle Diary: The Illustrated Diary of Conan Doyle's Mad Father, Charles Altamont Doyle
Pilgrim's Progress - John Bunyan (illus. by Byam Shaw)
Also new this week
Scream Blue Living: New and Selected Poems, Robert Priest
Hollandsong, Marvyne Jenoff (poetry, out of print)
From the Great Above She Opened Her Ear to the Great Below, poetry by Tim Lilburn/art by Susan Shantz ($20, scarce)
The Faces of Galle Face Green, Suwanda Sugunasiri (poetry, signed)
Crow's Black Joy, Lorna Uher [Crozier] (poetry, scarce, $15)
Cricket in a Fist, Naomi Lewis
Day of the Dog-tooth Violets, Christina Kilbourne
Bayamus and Cardinal Pölätüo: Two Novels, Stefan Themerson
Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules, ed. David Sedaris
Our Story Begins, Tobias Wolff (CD audiobook, unabridged)
A Fraction of the Whole, Steve Toltz (CD audiobook, unabridged, review copy/not yet released)
Beautiful Children, Charles Bock (CD audiobook, unabridged, review copy/not yet released)
The Sister, Poppy Adams (CD audiobook, unabridged)
The Monsters of Templeton, Lauren Groff (CD audiobook, unabridged)
To The Dark Tower, Victor Kelleher (CD audiobook, unabridged)
The 6 Sacred Stones, Matthew Reilly (CD audiobook, unabridged)
Swan Peak, James Lee Burke (CD audiobook, unabridged)
Blood Trail, C.J. Box (CD audiobook, unabridged)
The Moonpool, P.T. Deutermann (CD audiobook, unabridged)
McTeague, Frank Norris (CD audiobook, full cast starring Stacy Keach, Michael York, Judd Nelson, etc.)
Othello, Shakespeare (CD audiobook, full cast)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended DVD Edition, 4 discs, $10)
The Right Attitude to Rain, Alexander McCall Smith
Firewing, Kenneth Oppel
Silverwing, Kenneth Oppel
Fat Man in a Fur Coat and Other Bear Stories, Alvin Schwartz
Doonesbury: The Original Yale Cartoons, Garry Trudeau
The Little Flowers of St. Francis, trans. Raphael Brown
The Nourishment of the Christian Soul, or Mental Prayer Rendered Easy by Meditation on the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (1857, very scarce)
Stigmata: A Medieval Phenomenon in a Modern Age, Ted Harrison
The Lord's Prayer and Other Prayer Texts from the Greco-Roman Era, ed. James Charlesworth (very scarce, $30 at Aqua, $120 online)
God So Loved the Third World: The Biblical Vocabulary of Oppression, Thomas Hanks
A Table in the Desert: Making Space Holy, W. Paul Jones
And Blessed is She: Sermons by Women, ed. Farmer/Hunter
How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household, Blu Greenberg
The Way of Kabbalah, Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The Quest of the Warrior Woman: A Path of Healing, Empowerment and Transformation, Christina Feldman
Readings on the Ultimate Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy, Nils Rauhut/Renée Smith
The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Life, Richard Dawkins
God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, Christopher Hitchens
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Naomi Klein
Anastasia: The Lost Princess, James Blair Lovell
I, Anastasia: An Autobiography
A Lifelong Passion: The Letters of Nicholas and Alexandra, ed. Maylunas/Mironenko
The Ghosts of Medak Pocket: The Story of Canada's Secret War, Carol Off
On the Road to Kandahar: Travels Through Conflict in the Islamic World, Jason Burke
Colloquial Dutch: The Complete Course for Beginners (book/cassettes)
A Collection of the Best Business Quotes
The Turnaround Kid: What I Learned Rescuing America's Most Troubled Companies, Steve Miller (CD audiobook, unabridged)
Taking on the Trust: The Epic Battle of Ida Tarbell and John D. Rockefeller, Steve Weinberg (CD audiobook, unabridged)
China Now: Doing Business in the World's Most Dynamic Market, Mark Lam/John Graham (CD audiobook, abridged)
Black Wave: A Family's Adventure at Sea and the Disaster That Saved Them, John/Jean Silverwood (CD audiobook, unabridged)
Escape from the Deep: The Epic Story of a Submarine and Her Courageous Crew, Alex Kershaw (CD audiobook, unabridged)
The Slaves' War: The Civil War in the Words of Former Slaves, Andrew Ward (CD audiobook, unabridged)
Boots on the Ground by Dusk: My Tribute to Pat Tillman, Mary Tillman (CD audiobook, unabridged, Tillman was killed in Afghanistan by U.S. Rangers)
Love and Consequences: A Memoir of Hope and Survival, Margaret Jones (CD audiobook, unabridged)
Beautiful Boy: A Father's Journey Through His Son's Meth Addiction, David Sheff (CD audiobook, unabridged)
The Good Rat: A True Story of the Mafia, Jimmy Breslin (CD audiobook, unabridged)
Body for Life, Bill Phillips
A Passion for Narrative: A Guide for Writing Fiction, Jack Hodgins
The Book of Letters: 150 Years of Private Canadian Correspondence, Paul/Audrey Grescoe
Note Found in a Bottle: My Life as a Drinker, Susan Cheever
Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood, Oliver Sacks
Original Minds: Conversations with CBC Radio's Eleanor Wachtel
Salon.com's Wanderlust: Real-life Tales of Adventure and Romance, ed. Don George
In Search of Robinson Crusoe, Tim Severin
The Final Voyage of the Princess Sophia: Did They All Have to Die?, Betty O'Keefe/Ian Macdonald
Frozen in Time: Unlocking the Secrets of the Franklin Expedition, Owen Beattie/John Geiger
The Explorer's Daughter: A Young Englishwoman Rediscovers Her Arctic Childhood, Kari Herbert
Arctic Chase: A History of Whaling in Canada's North, Daniel Francis
Crazy Dave, Basil Johnston (Ojibway history)
One Dead Indian: The Premier, the Police, and the Ipperwash Crisis, Peter Edwards
Drum Beat: Anger and Renewal in Indian Country, ed. Boyce Richardson (out of print)
Talking Gookom's Language: Learning Ojibwe, Patricia Ningewance ($25 at Aqua, $55 new)
A History of the Canadian Peoples, J.M. Bumsted
The History of North American Railroads, J.B. Hollingsworth
Boilermakers and Steam Locomotion, James Smith ($12, scarce)
The Art of Seeing, Paul Zelanski/Mary Pat Fisher ($20 at Aqua, $120 for newest edition)
Responding to Art, Robert Bersson ($25 at Aqua, $120 for newer edition)
The Arts as Meaning Makers: Integrating Literature and the Arts Throughout the Curriculum, Cornett/Smithrim (current edition, $30 at Aqua, $90 at Chapters)
Emphasis Art: A Qualitative Art Program for Elementary and Middle Schools, Wachowiak/Clements ($30 at Aqua, $140 for newer edition)
The Psychoanalytic Theory of Art, Richard Kuhns
Slaves on Screen: Film and Historical Vision, Natalie Zemon Davis
Letters from the Continent 1858, John Ruskin
Baroque to Neo-Classical: Sculpture in Quebec, René Villeneuve
Noel Harding (Art Gallery of Ontario, 1988)
Creation and Continuity: Inuit Art from the Shumiatcher Collection (MacKenzie Art Gallery, 1998)
Akilingmiut: People of the Caribou (Inuit Gallery of Vancouver)
Grace Nickel: A Quiet Passage (Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2002)
Live at the Centre: An Incomplete and Anecdotal History of Winnipeg Performance Art, curated by Shauna Dempsey (Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2004)
Bug City (Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2006)
The Language Hotel, photographs by Sheila Spence/Len Van Roon
Mendel's Children: A Family Chronicle, Cherie Smith (Judaica, local)
Louis Riel: Firebrand, Sharon Stewart
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
How to Stop Smoking, Herbert Brean
(dedicated to Chandra Mayor....remember Chandra, if it doesn't work, there's always the Money-Back Guarantee)
Click here for the week of November 17/08
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