(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
The Complete Adventures of Curious George
Grabbit the Rascal - William Wiesner

The Complete Tales and Poems of Winnie-the-Pooh

All for Love: A Romantic Anthology - Laura Stoddart
Bitter is the New Black: A Memoir - Jen Lancaster
Up the Garden Path: A Little Anthology - Laura Stoddart
Apartment Therapy presents Hundreds of Real Design Solutions - Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan
Apartment Therapy - Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan

The Martini - Barnaby Conrad III

The Peculiar Memories of Thomas Penman - Bruce Robinson
The Illustrated Directory of Guitars
I Am America (and So Can You!) - Stephen Colbert
The First 280 Years of Monty Python (out of print)
The Brand New Monty Python Bok (out of print)

Monty Python's Big Red Book (out of print)
The Victorian Nursery Companion - Sarah Ban Breathnach
A Red Sea Rising: The Flood of the Century (out of print)
Also new this week
A Boy of Good Breeding, Miriam Toews
Gods and Other Mortals, Helen Humphreys (poetry, scarce)
The Touchstone, Robyn Sarah (poetry)
Red Silk: An Anthology of South Asian Canadian Women Poets
The Harmony Silk Factory, Tash Aw
The Dew Breaker, Edwidge Danticat
The Black Madonna, Doris Lessing
Consumption, Kevin Patterson
Nineteen Minutes, Jodi Picoult
Queen of All the Dustballs, Bill Richardson
Train Man, Hitori Nakano (Japan, trans.)
By the River Piedra, I Sat Down and Wept, Paulo Coelho
The Valkyries, Paulo Coelho
Eleven Minutes, Paulo Coelho
Fury, Salman Rushdie
Vineland, Thomas Pynchon
White Lightning, Justin Cartwright
Goodbye to Berlin, Christopher Isherwood
Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut
Tears for Water: Songbook of Poems and Lyrics, Alicia Keys
Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me?, Louise Rennison
Away Laughing on a Fast Camel, Louise Rennison
Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers, Louise Rennison
Jingo: A Novel of Discworld, Terry Pratchett
The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien (seven volume boxed set)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle (board book)
Heralds of God: Homilies for Saints' and Holy Days, Herbert O'Driscoll
The Hymns of Wesley and Watts, Bernard Manning
The Abbreviated Psalter of the Venerable Bede (out of print)
The Five Gospels, the Jesus Seminar
Aimee Semple McPherson: Everybody's Sister, Edith Blumhofer
Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching: A New English Version by Ursula K. Le Guin
A Course in Miracles: Volume I
The Perfection of the Morning: An Apprenticeship in Nature, Sharon Butala
Solitude: A Return to the Self, Anthony Storr
Joy, Alexander Lowen
The Opposable Mind: How Successful Leaders Win Through Integrative Thinking, Roger Martin
How to Get that Job, Ruby Gorter
Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol
Food and Mood: Eating Well and Feeling Your Best, Elizabeth Somer
The Carefree Cook: 150 Hassle-Free Recipes, Rick Rodgers
Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Phyllis Balch
Delighting the Heart: A Notebook by Women Writers, ed. Susan Sellers
The Letters of John Cheever
Away from Home: Canadian Writers in Exotic Places, Kildare Dobbs
Going Home, Doris Lessing
African Laughter: Four Visits to Zimbabwe, Doris Lessing
A Hundred and One Days: A Baghdad Journal, Asne Seierstad
By Any Means: From Wicklow to Wollongong, Charley Boorman
Broken Music, Sting
Thinking in Pictures: The Making of the Movie Matewan, John Sayles
Independent Filmmaking, Lenny Lipton (out of print)
The Microphone Wars: A History of Triumph and Betrayal at the CBC, Knowlton Nash
Architecture and the American Dream, Craig Whitaker
Modern Automotive Mechanics, James Duffy
Blue Gold: The Battle Against Corporate Theft of the World's Water, Maude Barlow/Tony Clarke
The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World, Bjorn Lomborg
Voluntary Simplicity, Duane Elgin
Living My Life, Emma Goldman
The Politics of Education: Culture, Power and Liberation, Paulo Freire (out of print)
Education for Critical Consciousness, Paulo Freire
Inquisition, Edward Peters
The Chomsky Trilogy, Noam Chomsky
Imperial Ambitions, Noam Chomsky
The Nature of Economies, Jane Jacobs
Dark Age Ahead, Jane Jacobs
The Genius Within: Discovering the Intelligence of Every Living Thing, Frank Vertosick (out of print)
Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Gödel, John Dawson
Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times: Volume 2, Morris Kline
Evolution in Action, Julian Huxley
Walker's Mammals of the World: Volume I and II
1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue: A Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit and Pickpocket Eloquence
The Guns of Normandy, George Blackburn
The Soldier's War: The Great War through Veterans' Eyes, Richard Van Emden
Witness: Voices from the Holocaust, ed. Greene/Kumar
The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict, ed. Walter Laqueur/Barry Rubin
Conversations with Stalin, Milovan Djilas
Growing Up in New Guinea, Margaret Mead
An Anthropologist at Work: Writings of Ruth Benedict, Margaret Mead
Women Anthropologists: Selected Biographies, Ute Gacs
Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives, ed. Descola
Cultures in Contact: The European Impact on Native Cultural Institutions in Eastern North America 1000-1800, ed. William Fitzhugh
Contested Arctic: Indigenous Peoples, Industrial States, and the Circumpolar Environment, ed. Smith/McCarter
The Immortal Beaver: The World's Greatest Bush Plane, Sean Rossiter
Day Skipper: Competent Crew, William Barnes (out of print)
The Pursuit of Ernest Cashel, M.J. Malcolm (Alberta history)
Intent for a Nation: What Is Canada For?, Michael Byers
Eaton's Christmas 1975 Catalogue
Eaton's Spring and Summer 1976 Catalogue
The Wheat City: A Pictorial History of Brandon, Fred McGuinness (out of print)
Manitoba, Naturally: Scenic Secrets of Manitoba, Bill Stilwell
The 2010 Prairie Garden
Gardening Month by Month in Manitoba, Laura Peters/Dean Didur
Epitaph for the Elm, Gerald Wilkinson
Native Trees of Canada, Canada Department of Forestry (1963)
Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms of Canada, Canada Department of Agriculture (1962)
Trans Canada Trail: Manitoba, Sue Lebrecht
It Happened in Manitoba: Stories of the Red River Province, Don Aiken
Where Children Run, Karen Emilson (Interlake history, very scarce)
The Boy From Winnipeg, James Gray (hardcover, out of print)
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"A light-hearted conversation about algebra..."
Algebra Unplugged, Kenn Amdahl/Jim Loats
Click here for the week of November 22/10
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