(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)

Barney's Version - Mordecai Richler (signed, $50)
Pilgrim - Timothy Findley (signed, $15)

Andromeda: A Space-Age Tale - Ivan Yefremov (Moscow, 1959)

Mary, Queen of Scotland and the Isles - Margaret George
Literary Landscapes of the British Isles: A Narrative Atlas - David Daiches/John Flower
Marie Antionette: The Journey - Antonia Fraser

'67: The Maple Leafs, Their Sensational Victory, and the End of an Empire - Damien Cox/Gord Stellick
Billy Bishop: Canadian Hero - Dan McCaffery
The Rebel League: The Short and Unruly Life of the World Hockey Association - Ed Willes

The Oxford Illustrated Dickens Christmas Books
Cooking with Campbell's Today
Esquire Party Book for Entertaining Around the Clock
The Shooting of Dan McGrew - Robert Service/Ted Harrison
The Story of Babar - Jean de Brunhoff

The Big Book for Peace

Gahan Wilson's Still Weird
Language of the Goddess - Marija Gimbutas ($17 at Aqua, $36 at Chapters)
Ghost Train - Paul Yee/Harvey Chan

Mushroom: A Mouthwatering Medley of Delightful Dishes - Lesley Mackey
Salt of the Earth: The Story of Homesteaders in Western Canada - Heather Robertson
Also new this week
More, Austin Clarke
The Body Knows, David Grossman
Selected Poems 1956-1968, Leonard Cohen
Book of Mercy, Leonard Cohen
Accountable Advances, Dave Williamson
Holding the Dark, Melanie Cameron
The Doctor's House and Other Fiction, Cary Fagan
House of Meetings, Martin Amis
Rock Springs, Richard Ford
Little Big Man, Thomas Berger
The Return of Little Big Man, Thomas Berger
The Year of Living Dangerously, C.J. Koch
Over to You, Roald Dahl
War and Peace, Tolstoy (hardcover, unabridged)
The Midnight Raymond Chandler
The Holy Sinner, Thomas Mann
Darkness at Noon, Arthur Koestler (hardcover)
Dubliners, James Joyce
Under the Roofs of Paris, Henry Miller
A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway
1984, George Orwell (hardcover)
Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak (hardcover)
Sapphira and the Slave Girl, Willa Cather
The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger
Veronika Decides to Die, Paulo Coelho
Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen
Mitford 1-3, Jan Karon
Christ in Concrete, Pietro Di Donato
Blessed are the Meek: A Novel about St. Francis of Assisi, Zofia Kossak
Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman (hardcover, illustrated)
Pelagia and the White Bulldog, Boris Akunin
Portugese Irregular Verbs, Alexander McCall Smith
Bonaparte's Warriors, Richard Howard (out of print)
Bonaparte's Horsemen, Richard Howard (out of print)
Bonaparte's Sons/Bonaparte's Invaders, Richard Howard (out of print)
The Adventures of Haji Baba of Ispahan, James Morier (illustrated)
The Glorious Adventures of Tyl Ulenspiegl, Charles de Coster ($15 at Aqua, $25 at Greenfield's)
Parzival, Wolfram von Eschenbach
The Age of Fable, Thomas Bulfinch
Tristan and Iseult, Rosemary Sutcliff
Breath and Bone, Carol Berg
Flesh and Spirit, Carol Berg
Skinny, Ibi Kaslik
Eldest, Christopher Paolini
His Dark Materials 1-3, Philip Pullman
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
The Splendid Century, W.H. Lewis (brother to C.S. Lewis)
The Running Fountain: A Study in the Language of Symbolism, Philip Wheelwright
eleven volumes in the Collected Works of C.G. Jung ($20 each)
Conscious Femininity, Marion Woodman
The Listening Self: Personal Growth, Social Change and the Closure of Metaphysics, David Michael Levin (scarce, $20)
Pranic Healing, Choa Kok Sui
Dreamhealer: His Name is Adam
Subtle Energy: Awakening to the Unseen Forces in Our Lives, William Collinge
Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan Millman
Time Shifting: Creating More Time to Enjoy Your Life, Stephan Rechtschaffen
Happy Holidays: How to Enjoy the Christmas and Hanukkah Season to the Fullest, Wayne Dyer
Mama Gena's School of Womanly Arts: Using the Power of Pleasure to Have Your Way with the World, Regena Thomashauer
The Independent Scholar's Handbook: How to Turn Your Interest in Any Subject into Expertise, Ronald Gross (out of print)
A Guide to Old English, Mitchell/Robinson ($10 at Aqua, $47 at McNally)
The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature ($20 at Aqua, $80 at Chapters)
The Oxford Companion to English Literature, ed. Margaret Drabble
Archetypal Patterns in Poetry, Maud Bodkin
She Literally Exploded: The Daily Telegraph Infuriating Phrasebook
The Complete Cartoons of the New Yorker: 1925-2004 (2 CD-ROMs, $6)
The Private Voice, Peter Gzowksi
This Won't Hurt a Bit!, Vicki Gabereau
Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert
Dinner with Persephone: Travels in Greece, Patricia Storace
Impossible Vacation, Spalding Gray
Dancing on the Edge: Conrad and Lady Black, Tom Bower
She Was Only 3: The Trials of John Thomas James Jr., John D. Montgomery
Sleep Thieves: An Eye-opening Exploration Into the Science and Mysteries of Sleep, Stanley Coren
The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars, Joel Glenn Brenner
The Trial of Henry Kissinger, Christopher Hitchens
I Don't Believe in Atheists, Chris Hedges
The Rise of Universities, Charles Homer Haskins
A History of Siam, W.A.R. Wood
Kabloona in the Yellow Kayak: One Woman's Journey Through the Northwest Passage, Victoria Jason
Klondike Mike: An Alaskan Odyssey, Merrill Denison
McClane's Standard Fishing Encyclopedia and International Angling Guide (out of print)
The Canadian Fish Cookbook, Jan Howarth
Tree Owners Manual, Coalition to Save the Elms
The Apartment Farmer: The Hassle-free Way to Grow Vegetables in Small Spaces, Duane Newcomb
The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music, ed. Donald Clarke
Collectibles Price Guide 2003, Judith Miller
British Pottery and Porcelain, Stanley Fisher
A History of the English Speaking Peoples, Winston Churchill (4 vols., hardcover, $30)
Blood, Sweat, and Tears, Winston Churchill
The Rambling Soldier: Military Life through Soldiers' Songs and Writings, ed. Roy Palmer (out of print)
Wellington: The Iron Duke, Richard Holmes
War Services of Canadian Knights of Columbus 1939-1947
From the Pioneers to the Seventies: A History of the Diocese of Peterborough 1882-1975, Edgar Boland
Peterborough: Land of Shining Waters (1967)
Torontonensis: The Yearbook of the University of Toronto 1926
Canada's Illustrated Heritage series (complete in 16 vols., $50/set or $4 ea.)
Manitoba: Profile of a Province, Keith Wilson
Spruce, Swamp and Stone: A History of the Pioneer Ukrainian Settlements in the Gimli Area, Michael Ewanchuk (scarce, $15 at Aqua, $30 at Burton Lysecki)
Tapping the Gift: Manitoba's First People (Pemmican Press, 1992)
Beyond the Nass Valley: National Implications of the Supreme Court's Delgamuukw Decision, ed. Owen Lippert
No End of Grief: Indian Residential Schools in Canada, Agnes Grant (very scarce, $25)
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"...of great value to the merchant, mechanic, farmer, lumberman, and, in fact, to all persons, employer as well as employed.",
Musson's Improved Ready Reckoner Form and Log Book (Toronto, 1916)
Click here for the week of December 8/08
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