This Week at Aqua Books
This Week at Aqua Books is the award-winning weekly e-newsletter from the single typing finger of me, Bookstore Owner Kelly Hughes. While it hasn't actually won anything but hearts and minds, TW@AB has been
informing, entertaining and Tilting at Windbags since 2005. Sounds great, yes? Well, it's not posted online because then it would be a blog, wouldn't it? (At over 1600 subscribers and climbing, this is easily the
most popular I've been since I was a child star on CTV's Let's Go! in 1982.) Click here to receive This Week at Aqua Books in your inbox.
Here are a couple of historical tidbits.
Cuba (not so) Libre 1.11.10 How I spent my Christmas vacation.
The Great Parking Sticker Snafu 8.19.09 I try to stay out of trouble, but I'm never very successful.
I Burned My Bra in San Francisco 12.28.08 The SF field trip via Tumblr.
Southern Ontario and What I Found There 10.6.08 Complete foolishness.
100 Real Reasons to Love Winnipeg 7.28.08 The completed list.
Tribute to Brad Hughes 5.21.08 The obituary for my brother that didn't make it into the paper.
Renovations 1.15.08 - ? A few pics of our endless renovations of 274 Garry Street.
The Move 3.30.08 - 3.31.08 How to pack and move 25,000 books in two days.
EAT! bistro photo shoot 3.4.08 Chef Candace Hughes and food photographer Steve Salnikowski.
My NYC 1.7.08 Just pictures and words.
Aqua Books Announces New Location 12.5.07 The cat's out of the bag, baby.
Artist's Rendition of 274 Garry Street 12.5.07 I guess it looks more or less like that.
The Soup Incident 11.7.07 I fought the law, and you, the reader, won.
Noah's Bark 2.3.07 We helped to raise $270 for Noah's Bark
An Interview With... Winnipeg Harvest's David Northcott (12.06)
What Month Is It? One day it occurred to me that this was a good idea for busy people. I'm still waiting for Google to make me an offer on it.
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