• Aqua Books (1999-2012) is now permanently closed. This site is for posterity only. Thank you for everything.
  • Coming May 2014 -

274 Garry St.
(Between Portage
& Graham)

Winnipeg, MB
Canada  R3C 1H3

Tues-Sat 11am-9pm
Sun-Mon Closed


We accept Interac, Visa and Mastercard too

What people are saying:

This is my favourite shop in Winnipeg! - Heather Sealey, Winnipeg


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YouTube Global News Global News 10.19.07
Global News interviewed me for a bit about Brad Pitt's Jesse James movie, but I'm only in the clip for part of a nanosecond. Why waste my own bandwidth?

YouTube Scientology YouTube 3.06
Aqua Books featured in amateur documentary short on Scientology.

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