• Aqua Books (1999-2012) is now permanently closed. This site is for posterity only. Thank you for everything.
  • Coming May 2014 -

274 Garry St.
(Between Portage
& Graham)

Winnipeg, MB
Canada  R3C 1H3

Tues-Sat 11am-9pm
Sun-Mon Closed


We accept Interac, Visa and Mastercard too

What people are saying:

I can't say enough about how much I love this store and restaurant. They have a great selection in a beautiful building with such an open and organic environment. Oh and the food at EAT Bistro is amazingly good. Thanks Kelly for all your work in the community. - Mellaina, Winnipeg


Aqua Books is Western Canada's second-busiest arts and cultural venue (Banff is #1), seeing an audience of over ten thousand people at three hundred and fifty readings, book launches, meetings, workshops, concerts, plays, film screenings, lectures and shows every year. Unless noted, all events are free, take place at 123 Princess Street and are presided over by Margaret Laurence's Stone Angel (you'll know what I mean when you see it). For information on utilizing Winnipeg's Cultural City Hall (seats 110) or the Vicki Karon Francis events room (seats 27), contact Kelly Hughes at

For previous events, go to our Past Events page, or click here to receive This Week at Aqua Books in your inbox, so you don't miss a thing.

Readings, Launches and Workshops

The Move

Aqua Books reopens soon at our new location, 123 Princess Street

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Aqua Books Tumblelog Kelly Hughes Live! KHL!TV Writer-in-Residence BookWalk