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What people are saying:

Kelly, you were so funny. I peed myself. - Shelagh Rogers, CBC Radio One's The Next Chapter (on Kelly Hughes singing a song at the 2009 Manitoba Book Awards)


To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Superman: Camelot Falls (hardcover)


Superman: Brainiac (hardcover)


Superman: Escape from Bizarro World (hardcover)


Clotheslines: A Collection of Poetry and Art - ed. Stan Tymorek (out of print)


The Sun: A Novel Told in 63 Woodcuts - Frans Masereel (out of print)


Embroideries - Marjane Satrapi


Oak Park: The Genius of Frank Lloyd Wright - Robin Langley Sommer


The Old Barn Book - Robin Langley Sommer


Waterhouses: The Romantic Alternative - Ferenc Maté


Bears on Broadway: A Love Affair in Concrete - Tim Higgins (out of print)


Ghosts in Photographs: The Extraordinary Story of Spirit Photography - Fred Gettings (out of print)

Also new this week



She, Claire Harris (poetry)
The Energy of Slaves, Leonard Cohen (poetry, out of print)
Parasites of Heaven, Leonard Cohen (poetry, scarce)
There's a Trick with a Knife I'm Learning to Do, Michael Ondaatje (poetry, scarce)
Tulips and Chimneys, E.E. Cummings (poetry)
Selected Poems, Robert Lowell
High Windows, Philip Larkin (poetry)
Haiku: A Canadian Anthology, ed. Dorothy Howard/André Howard
Complete Poems, Li Ch'ing Chao (11th c. Chinese poet)
Monkey: A Journey to the West, retold by David Kherdian
Gilgamesh: A New Rendering in English Verse, David Ferry (out of print)
Three Short Novels, Wendell Berry (out of print)
The Armstrong Trilogy, Roy Heath
The Beast God Forgot to Invent, Jim Harrison
Waiting for the Barbarians, J.M. Coetzee
See Under: Love, David Grossman (Israel, trans.)
War in the Land of Egypt, Yusuf al-Qa'id (Egypt, trans.)
Messaouda, Abdelhak Serhane (Morocco, trans., out of print)
Three Trapped Tigers, Guillermo Cabrera Infante (Cuba, trans.)
Woman Running in the Mountains, Yuko Tsushima (Japan, trans.)
On Parole, Akira Yoshimura (Japan, trans.)
Kappa, Ryunosuke Akutagawa (Japan, trans.)
The Leopard and the Lily, Joan Clark (scarce)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky
The Sheik, E.M. Hull
The Algerine Captive, Royall Tyler
DeKok and the Somber Nude, A.C. Baantjer (Netherlands, trans.)
DeKok and Murder on the Menu, A.C. Baantjer (Netherlands, trans., out of print)
DeKok and Murder in Seance, A.C. Baantjer (Netherlands, trans., out of print)
The White Lioness, Henning Mankell
The Tale of the Unknown Island, José Saramago
The Fiery Angel, Valeri Briussov (Russia, trans.)
Stardust: 2 of 4, Neil Gaiman/Charles Vess (graphic novel)



Blink, Malcolm Gladwell
On Literature, Umberto Eco
Homage to Catalonia, George Orwell
IBM and the Holocaust: How America's Most Powerful Corporation Helped Nazi Germany Count the Jews, Edwin Black
Writings on the Americas, José Marti
A Fierce Hatred of Injustice: Claude McKay's Jamaica and His Poetry of Rebellion, Winston James
Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found, Suketa Mehta
The Palestinian People: A History, Baruch Kimmerling/Joel Migdal
Unveiled: Voices of Women in Afghanistan, Harriet Logan
A History of the Wife, Marilyn Yalom
Napoleon and Marie Louise: The Emperor's Second Wife, Alan Palmer
The Dandy: Brummell to Beerbohm, Ellen Moers
The Trail of the Huguenots in Europe, the United States, South Africa and Canada, G. Elmore Reaman
Chinese Lives: An Oral History of Contemporary China, Zhang Xinxin/Sang Ye
Struggle: Magnum Photos
Dictionary of American Slang
Gestures: The Dos and Taboos of Body Language Around the World, Roger Axtell
Stephen Biesty's Incredible Cross-Sections
In Search of Deep Time: Beyond the Fossil Record to a New History of Life, Henry Gee
Footsteps in the Jungle: Adventures in the Scientific Exploration of the American Tropics, Jonathan Maslow
The Genus Paphiopedilum, Phillip Cribb
Flowering Trees, Robert Clark
The Harrowsmith Cookbook: Volume Three
Tapas: The Little Dishes of Spain, Penelope Casas
The New Purity Cook Book: The Complete Guide to Canadian Cooking
Strange Empire: Louis Riel and the Métis People, Joseph Howard
Black Islanders: PEI's Historical Black Community, Jim Hornby (out of print)
Doukhobors: As They Are, John Philip Stoochnoff
Wahbung: Our Tomorrows, by the Indian Tribes of Manitoba (1971)
The Heart of the Continent: Being the History of Assiniboia, the truly typical Canadian community, E.S. Russenholt
In Rupert's Land: Memoirs of Walter Traill, ed. Mae Atwood
The Flaming Dance: A Pseudo-Historical Story of the Fort Frances-Rainy River District, George Hambley (very scarce)
All Things Common: The Hutterian Way of Life, Victor Peters

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

"I am ___ years old. I have read the stories in 'Nothing, plus God...and Susie' and God has used them to bring me to a realization of my need of a Saviour. I here and now receive Jesus into my heart as my own personal Saviour and trust Him to change my heart, forgive my sins, and to transform my life."
Signed ______________
Address _____________

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Nothing, plus God...and Susie, J.C. Brumfield

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