(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
Geisha: A Living Tradition - Kyoko Aihara
The History of the Kings and Queens of England and Scotland

Voodoo - Christoph/Oberlander

The 15-Minute Vegetarian - Paulette Mitchell
The Tofu Book: The New American Cuisine - John Paino/Lisa Messinger
Food in History - Reay Tannahill

Fantastic People: Magical Races of Myth and Legend - Allan Scott/Michael Scott Rohan
The Encyclopedia of Signs and Symbols
The Psalms of David Illustrated - Owen Jones

Looking for Mary (or, the Blessed Mother and Me) - Beverly Donofrio
Miracles of Mary: Apparitions, Legends, and Miraculous Works of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Michael Durham
Hail, Holy Queen - Scott Hahn

Scrambled Eggs Super! - Dr. Seuss
The Night Rebecca Stayed Too Late - Peter Eyvindson/Rhian Brynjolson (local artist, very scarce)
Great Hockey Masks - Michael Cutler (scarce)
Also new this week
Three Day Road, Joseph Boyden
On the Road, Jack Kerouac
Lives of the Circus Animals, Christopher Bram
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Mark Haddon
Adverbs, Daniel Handler (CD audiobook)
The Real Inspector Hound, Tom Stoppard (play)
Seascape, Edward Albee (play)
The Front Page, Ben Hecht/Charles MacArthur (play)
The Vigil, Ladislas Fodor (play)
England, Their England, A.G. Macdonell (Folio Society edition)
The Book of Job, illustrated by William Blake
Dante's Inferno, illustrated by Gustav Dore
The Man Who Became Caravaggio, Peter Robb
Between Sea and Sky, Enid D'Oyley (out of print)
The Rising Tide, Molly Keane
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Haruki Murakami
Canone Inverso, Paolo Maurensig (Italy, trans.)
The Lüneburg Variation, Paolo Maurensig (Italy, trans.)
The Fencing Master, Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Supermen: Tales of the Posthuman Future, ed. Gardner Dozois
Spirit of the White Bison, Beatrice Culleton Mosionier
The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis
Fragments Grave and Gay, Karl Barth (out of print)
New Seeds of Contemplation, Thomas Merton
The Wisdom of the Desert, Thomas Merton
Heretic Blood: An Audiobiography of Thomas Merton (cassette)
The Lamb's Supper: The Mass as Heaven on Earth, Scott Hahn
A New Eusebius, J. Stevenson
The Last Week: Jesus's Final Week in Jerusalem, Marcus Borg/John Dominic Crossan
The Birth of Christianity, John Dominic Crossan
The Smoke of Satan: Conservative and Traditionalist Dissent in Contemporary Catholicism, Michael Cuneo
An Exorcist Tells His Story, Gabriele Amorth
The Spirit of Catholicism, Karl Adam
The Catholic Church: A Short History, Hans Küng
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Catholicism
The Complete Idiot's Guide to The Bible
Teach Yourself Judaism
The Everything Understanding Islam Book, Christine Dodge
Light Behind the Darkness: Stories of Compassion from the Holy Land, Raouf Omar/Claude Weil
Freud and Jung on Religion, Michael Palmer (out of print)
Ashtanga Yoga: The Complete Workout, Juliet Pegrum
Small-Circle Jujitsu, Wally Jay
Inside Star Trek: The Real Story, Solow/Justman
Realms of Fantasy: An Illustrated Exploration of Ten of the Most Famous Worlds in Fantasy Fiction, Malcolm Edwards/Robert Holdstock
The Seven Deadly Sins: 1500 Quotations on Man's Famous Transgressions, ed. Steven Schwartz
The Rolling Thunder Logbook: Bob Dylan's Legendary Tour, Sam Shepard
Magical Mystery Tours: My Life with the Beatles, Tony Bramwell
The Big Show: High Times and Dirty Dealings Backstage at the Academy Awards, Steve Pond
Which Lie Did I Tell? More Adventures in the Screen Trade, William Goldman
Great Times Good Times: The Odyssey of Maurice Barrymore, James Kotsilibas-Davis
Orson Welles: The Stories of His Life, Peter Conrad
The Motorcycle Diaries, Ernesto Che Guevara
Althusser's Marxism, Alex Callinicos (scarce)
The No-Nonsense Guide to Sexual Diversity, Vanessa Baird
Herbs for the Home: Growing and Using Herbs, Jekka McVicar
Perennials for the Prairies, Edgar Toop/Sara Williams (out of print)
Wildlife Protectors Handbook, Donald Heintzelman
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert Cialdini
Dealing with Difficult People, Roberta Cava
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Running a Successful Home Business for Canadians
Strictly Legal: Canadian Law Guide, Michael Cochrane
CP Style Book
Arabic Phrasebook
Let Us Converse in Arabic, Syed Ali
Conversational Modern Greek in 20 Lessons: Cortina Method
Italian Coursebook
A Dictionary of Colorful Italian Idioms, Carla Pekelis
Talk Dirty: Italian, Alexis Munier/Emmanuel Tichelli
Lonely Planet Ukrainian Phrasebook
Ultimate Russian: Beginner-Intermediate
Painless Italian
Painless French
Travelers' Tales: Cuba, Dave Eggers et al
The Man Who Broke Napoleon's Codes: The Story of George Scovell, Mark Urban
The Turkish Labyrinth: Ataturk and the New Islam, James Pettifer
Cultural Atlas of Africa, ed. Jocelyn Murray
A People's Tragedy: A History of the Russian Revolution, Orlando Figes (out of print)
Castles of Steel: Britain, Germany, and the Winning of the Great War at Sea, Robert K. Massie
The Way of the Gladiator, Daniel Mannix
Imperial Rome: Transparent Overlays of Archaeological Sites
Bruegel: The Complete Paintings, Rose-Marie/Rainer Hagen
Picasso the Engraver, Brigitte Baer (out of print)
Manet, Jean-Jacques Lévęque
El Greco of Toledo
Cézanne: Visions of a Great Painter, Henri Lallemand
Vincent Van Gogh, Caroline Earle
The Lindisfarne Gospels: A Masterpiece of Book Painting, Janet Backhouse
A History of Far Eastern Art, Sherman Lee
Great Prints and Printmakers, Herman Wechsler
Paintings in the Musee D'Orsay, Robert Rosenblum
Musee D'Orsay: Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Masterpieces
Epistrophe: Wall Paintings by Denyse Thomasos (scarce)
Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America
Narrative of the Life of Henry Box Brown
Colonialism on Trial: Indigenous Land Rights and the Gitksan and Wet'suwet'en Sovereignty Case, Don Monet/Skanu'u (out of print)
Icelandic Settlers in America, Elva Simundsson (Manitoba, 1954)
John Smyth's Congregation: English Separatism, Mennonite Influence, and the Elect Nation, James Coggins
Mennonites in Canada: 1786-1920, Frank Epp ($35 at Burton Lysecki, $15 at Aqua)
Miracles of Grace and Judgement: Survival During the Russian Revolution, Gerhard Schroeder (very scarce)
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"If on the plane you discover that you don't like your seat, don't wait until the plane takes off to find a better one. Look around the plane, and the second before they close the door, head for the empty seat of your choice. Don't wait until the seat-belt sign goes on."
How to Do Everything Right
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