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What people are saying:

I am one of your new subscribers to your online weekly updates. I find them fascinating, and entertaining. They remind me of my cultural background...Spanish...where folks could get together and loudly, sometimes irreverently, discuss differences of opinion and still go home with egos intact. It has always saddened me how "polite" we all are here in Canada, and how much we miss by not giving our real opinions for fear of offending someone. Carry on. Salud y Buena suerte! - Carmen Lopez, Winnipeg


Due to our killer event schedule, this list is currently being updated bi-weekly. Hundreds of books are still going out throughout the week. To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Cleopatra: Queen, Lover, Legend - Lucy Hughes-Hallett


Nefertiti - Joyce Tyldesley


A History of Egypt: From Earliest Times to the Present - Jason Thompson


Fawlty Towers - Graham McCann


Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Jeff Kinney


Stuff White People Like - Christian Lander


I Go Pogo - Walt Kelly (out of print)


The Pogo Sunday Book - Walt Kelly (out of print)


Positively Pogo - Walt Kelly (plus nine more Pogo books)


Birding for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide - Sheila Buff


Getting Started Knitting Socks - Ann Budd


The 5 Minute Face: The Quick and Easy Makeup Guide for Every Woman - Carmindy


Color Essentials - Leslie Geddes-Brown


Spa and Health Club Design


Interior Design Course: Principles, Practices, and Techniques for the Aspiring Designer - Tomris Tangaz

Also new this week



Girlwood, Jennifer Still (poetry, new release)
The Pierre Bonga Loops, Troy Burle Bailey (poetry)
The Bentleys, Dennis Cooley (poetry)
Correction Line, Dennis Cooley (poetry)
Seeing Red, Dennis Cooley (poetry)
Irene, Dennis Cooley (poetry)
Country Music, Dennis Cooley (poetry)
A Good Time Had By All, Meaghan Strimas (poetry)
Shakespeare Makes the Playoffs, Ron Koertge (poetry)
Downriver Poems, M.T. Kelly
Collected Poems: 1909-1962, T.S. Eliot
Where Is the Voice Coming From?, Rudy Wiebe
The Time In Between, David Bergen
The Golden Mean, Annabel Lyon
Secret Daughter, Shilpi Somaya Gowda
Herland: A Lost Feminist Utopian Novel, Charlotte Perkins Gilman
David Golder, The Ball, Snow in Autumn, The Courilof Affair, Irčne Némirovsky
A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian, Marina Lewycka
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, Mary Ann Shaffer/Annie Barrows
The Good Husband of Zebra Drive, Alexander McCall Smith
DeKok and the Dead Harlequin, A.C. Baantjer (Netherlands, trans.)
The Tale of Kiču, Nguyen Du (English-Vietnamese)
Betrothed/Edo and Enam, S.Y. Agnon (trans. from Hebrew)
True History of the Kelly Gang, Peter Carey
The Master, Colm Toibin
Wise Blood, Flannery O'Connor
The Autograph Man, Zadie Smith
Lonesome Traveler, Jack Kerouac
Beat Generation: A Play, Jack Kerouac
Maori Myths and Legendary Tales, A.W. Reed (out of print)
Folk and Fairy Tales, ed. Martin Hallett/Barbara Karasek
The Chronicles of Blarnia, Michael Gerber



American Judaism, Jacob Neusner (out of print)
The Cost of Discipleship, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Letters and Papers from Prison, Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Seeds of Hope: A Henri Nouwen Reader
The City of God, Saint Augustine
Mary and Human Liberation: The Story and the Text, Father Tissa Balasuriya
In Search of the Miraculous, P.D. Ouspensky
Selected Writings, Radhakrishnan
Discourse on Inequality, Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Dreaming of Hitler: Essays, Daphne Merkin
The Psychology of Harry Potter, ed. Neil Mulholland
aha! Insight, Martin Gardner
The Wobblies: The Story of the IWW and Syndicalism in the United States, Patrick Renshaw
Why Do People Hate America?, Ziauddin Sardar/Merryl Wyn Davies
On the Edge: Political Cults Right and Left, Dennis Tourish/Tim Wohlforth
The Prophet's Children: Travels on the American Left, Tim Wohlforth
Millennium: A History of Our Last Thousand Years, Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
Door Wide Open: A Love Affair in Letters, Jack Kerouac/Joyce Johnson
Digressions on Some Poems by Frank O'Hara: A Memoir, Joe LeSueur
Dickens' Fur Coat and Charlotte's Unanswered Letters: Rows and Romances of England's Great Victorian Novelists, Daniel Pool
The Baroque, G. Bazin
Interior Design Since 1900, Anne Massey
A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals, Spiro Kostof
Inquiry by Design: Neuroscience in Architecture, John Zeisel
World Photography: 25 Contemporary Masters Write About Their Work, Techniques and Equipment, ed. Bryn Campbell
The Elements of Typographic Style, Robert Bringhurst
Working with Computer Type, Rob Carter
Roger Black's Desktop Design Power
Instant Hawaiian
What Shamu Taught Me About Life, Love and Marriage, Amy Sutherland
Sonic Cool: The Life and Death of Rock 'n' Roll, Joe Harrington
Song and Dance Man: The Art of Bob Dylan, Michael Gray
The Golden Era of the Beatles: 1963-1974 (piano/vocal)
Norton Anthology of Western Music: Classic to Modern, ed. Claude Palisca
Historical Anthology of Music: Oriental, Medieval and Renaissance Music, Davison/Apel
The Great Canadian Apple Cookbook, David Boyd
The Great Canadian Turkey Cookbook, David Boyd
Williams-Sonoma Italian Favorites
Greek With Gusto, Nicholas/Julie Roukes
Campbell's Busy Family Recipes
Tony Chachere's Cajun Country Cookbook
The New York Times Cook Book, Craig Claiborne
Food That Really Schmecks: Mennonite Country Cooking, Edna Staebler
Manitoba Picnic Perfect, Prairie Pathfinders
Roughing It Easy, Dian Thomas
A Practical Guide for the Amateur Naturalist, Gerald Durrell
Father Goose: The Adventures of a Wildlife Hero, William Lishman
Gone Whaling: A Search for Orcas in Northwest Waters, Douglas Hand
Hope for Animals and Their World, Jane Goodall
The World of Roger Tory Peterson, Devlin/Naismith
High Crimes: The Fate of Everest in an Age of Greed, Michael Kodas
Field Notes from a Catastrophe: Is Time Running Out on Climate Change?, Elizabeth Kolbert
Fire, Sebastian Junger
Smoke Showin': A Pictorial Report on Firefighting, William Noonan (scarce, $45 and up online, $20 at Aqua)
The Firehouse: An Architectural and Social History
Fire Engines in North America: 450 Illustrations
Flame of Courage: The Canadian Firefighter, Allan de la Plante
Burned by the Rock: Inside the World of Men's Championship Curling, Jean Sonmor
With Axe and Flask: The History of Persephone Township from Pre-Cambrian Times to the Present, Dan Needles
Sheep Shearing and Ship Wrecks: Seal Island, Nova Scotia, Zella Perry (out of print)
Understanding the Gwich'in Land Claim
Gabriel Dumont, George Woodcock
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police: A Century of History, Nora/William Kelly
Winnipeg's Westgate Murders, Frank W. Anderson (scarce)

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

"Cod Liver Oil: Fresh stains are almost colorless and easy to remove. Old stains are light brown and almost impossible to remove even with bleaches. Treat fresh stains by sponging or dipping in carbon tetrachloride. Sponge with warm soapy water."

Modern Home Laundering

Click here for the week of January 24/11

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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