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What people are saying:

Kelly, you are one pure, unalloyed smart ass for the ages and I like that. - Jeff Monk


Due to our killer event schedule, this list is currently being updated bi-weekly. Hundreds of books are still going out throughout the week. To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Solo - Rana Dasgupta


Bangkok Tattoo - John Burdett


Old City Hall - Robert Rotenberg


Five Men Who Broke My Heart: A Memoir - Susan Shapiro


How I Became a Famous Novelist - Steve Hely


Garlic and Sapphires: The Secret Life of a Food Critic in Disguise - Ruth Reichl


Prodigal Daughter: A Journey to Byzantium - Myrna Kostash (September 2010)


Firsts, Lasts and Onlys: Military - Jeremy Beadle


The Bloody Red Hand: A Journey Through Truth, Myth and Terror in Northern Ireland - Derek Lundy


Fargo Rock City: A Heavy Metal Odyssey in Rural North Dakota - Chuck Klosterman


Hitching Rides with Buddha: A Journey Across Japan - Will Ferguson


No Opportunity Wasted - Phil Keoghan


Island of the Sequined Love Nun - Christopher Moore


Parables: An Anthology - Michel Gagné (out of print)


It's a Good Life, If You Don't Weaken - Seth (out of print)

Also new this week



The Salvation of Yasch Siemens, Armin Wiebe
Paper Doors: An Anthology of Japanese-Canadian Poetry, ed. Shikatani/Aylward (out of print)
Bardy Google, Frank Davey (poetry)
Complete Poems, Marianne Moore
Baroque at Dawn, Nicole Brossard
The Trade, Fred Stenson
The Disappeared, Kim Echlin
The Holy City, Patrick McCabe
Something to Tell You, Hanif Kureishi
Shalimar the Clown, Salman Rushdie
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
Child of God, Cormac McCarthy
Suttree, Cormac McCarthy
The Master Bedroom, Tessa Hadley
Prelude, Katherine Mansfield
The Secret Diaries of Charlotte Bronte, Syrie James
How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents, Julia Alvarez
Frankie and Stankie, Barbara Trapido
The Almost Moon, Alice Sebold
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
The Secret Life of E. Robert Pendleton, Michael Collins
Apologize! Apologize!, Elizabeth Kelly
A Fraction of the Whole, Steve Toltz
Madlands, Rosemund Handler (South Africa, scarce)
Uselessly: Me, My Dad, the Devil and God, Aryan Kaganof (South Africa)
The Carl Hiaasen Omnibus
Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
My Uncle Oswald, Roald Dahl
The Widows of Eastwick, John Updike
Brazil, John Updike
The 25th Hour, David Benioff
You Don't Love Me Yet, Jonathan Lethem
My Friend Leonard, James Frey
Bright Shiny Morning, James Frey
The Crow Road, Iain Banks
For the Death of Me, Quintin Jardine
Maisie Dobbs, Jacqueline Winspear
An Incomplete Revenge: A Maisie Dobbs Novel, Jacqueline Winspear
Messenger of Truth: A Maisie Dobbs Novel, Jacqueline Winspear
Birds of a Feather: A Maisie Dobbs Novel, Jacqueline Winspear
Pardonable Lies: A Maisie Dobbs Novel, Jacqueline Winspear
The Silver Pigs, Lindsey Davis
The Complete Hammer's Slammers: Volume 1 and 2, David Drake
Hawksong, Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Paddington Here and Now, Michael Bond



The Idea of the Holy, Rudolf Otto
The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis
The Concept of Anxiety, Søren Kierkegaard
People of the Body: Jews and Judaism from an Embodied Perspective, ed. Eilberg-Schwartz
The Body in Parts: Fantasies of Corporeality in Early Modern Europe, ed. Hillman/Mazzio
Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl
Interpreting Lacan, ed. Smith/Kerrigan
Lacan and Language: A Reader's Guide to Écrits, Muller/Richardson ($125 and up online, $30 at Aqua)
Feminism and Psychoanalysis: A Critical Dictionary, ed. Elizabeth Wright
The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage, Marjorie Perloff
The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language, Michel Foucault
Natural Symbols: Explorations in Cosmology, Mary Douglas
An Anthropologist on Mars, Oliver Sacks
The Jesuit and the Skull: Teilhard de Chardin, Evolution, and the Search for Peking Man, Amir Aczel
The Art of the Novel, Milan Kundera
Aspects of the Novel, E.M. Forster
Addicted: Notes from the Belly of the Beast, ed. Lorna Crozier/Patrick Lane
Lessons from the Wolverine, Barry Lopez
Clara and Me: The Story of an Unexpected Friendship, Deanna Kawatski
Try to Tell the Story: A Memoir, David Thomson
Time to Be in Earnest: A Fragment of an Autobiography, P.D. James
FDR, Jean Edward Smith
Mrs. Lincoln: A Life, Catherine Clinton
Cleopatra and Antony: Power, Love, and Politics in the Ancient World, Diana Preston
Shakespeare's Wife, Germaine Greer
Hellen Keller: A Life, Dorothy Herrmann
In Her Own Voice: Childbirth Stories from Mennonite Women, ed. Martens/Harms
Gynesis: Configurations of Woman and Modernity, Alice Jardine
The Flesh Made Word: Female Figures and Women's Bodies, Helena Michie
Je, tu, nous: Toward a Culture of Difference, Luce Irigaray
Engaging with Irigaray: Feminist Philosophy and Modern European Thought, ed. Burke (out of print)
The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else, Fernando de Soto
The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad, Fareed Zakaria
The Mess They Made: The Middle East After Iraq, Gwynne Dyer
Holocaust Journey: Travelling in Search of the Past, Martin Gilbert
A Death in Belmont, Sebastian Junger
Rogue Storm: A True Story of Disaster and Survival in a Force 12 Storm, Tony Farrington
How Soccer Eplains the World: An [Unlikely] Theory of Globalization, Franklin Foer
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Motorcycles
a dozen books on Salt Water Fish
The Audubon Society Guide to Nature Photography, Tim Fitzharris
NTC's Compact Dutch and English Dictionary
Encyclopedia of Healing, Edgar Cayce
Vegetarian Balti Cooking, Mridula Baljekar (out of print)
Dressmaking, Trimming, Finishing, Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
The Art of Chinese Watercolours, Amanda O'Neill
The Royal Canadian Academy of Arts: Prairie Region Exhibition (1997)
Aboriginal Issues Today: A Legal and Business Guide, Smart/Coyle
Confessions of an Igloo Dweller: The Story of the Man Who Brought Inuit Art to the Outside World, James Houston
Paddle to the Amazon, Don Starkell (hardcover)
The Gold Fields of the Klondike: Fortune Seekers' Guide to the Yukon, John Leonard
The Hanging of Angélique: The Untold Story of Canadian Slavery and the Burning of Old Montréal, Afua Cooper
Policing the Fringe: The Curious Life of a Small-Town Mountie, Charles Scheideman
Days of Victory: Canadians Remember 1939-1945, Ted Barris
What's Past Is Prologue: The Memoirs of Vincent Massey
Dafoe of the Free Press, Murray Donnelly
Stanley Knowles: The Man from Winnipeg North Centre, Susan Mann Trofimenkoff (signed by both)

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

Enjoyable Treats, Enterostomal Therapists of Manitoba

(An enterostomal therapist is a health professional trained in the care of persons with stomas. [A stoma is an opening which connects a portion of the body cavity to the outside environment.])

Click here for the week of February 7/11

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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