• Aqua Books (1999-2012) is now permanently closed. This site is for posterity only. Thank you for everything.
  • Coming May 2014 -

274 Garry St.
(Between Portage
& Graham)

Winnipeg, MB
Canada  R3C 1H3

Tues-Sat 11am-9pm
Sun-Mon Closed


We accept Interac, Visa and Mastercard too

What people are saying:

Your place is my venue of choice when the question is, “where should we go?” and here is why: 1) It is not pretentious, stuck-up, snobby, or takes itself seriously in any way; 2) Maintains a balanced sense of arts and culture in Winnipeg, without going down the path described in (1) that most places have; 3) Food is reasonably priced. And considering the quality, is downright cheap; 4) I can eat there (gluten-free options), and peanut allergy people can relax and eat there too, as can those avoiding dairy, like vegans; it truly is amazing how accessible your menu is.; 5) Open late; 6) On several good bus routes, and if not taking a bus, the parking options are reasonable. I could go on, but I’m sensing your ego might just explode. You and Candace have done an amazing job. Your place is EXACTLY the kind of place that Winnipeg needed. - Helen Konrad, Wolseley


(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


What Would Jesus Buy? - Reverend Billy


The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein


Chips and Pop: Decoding the Nexus Generation - Barnard et al (out of print)


The Art of Discworld - Terry Pratchett/Paul Kidby (out of print)


The Punch Cartoon Album: 150 Years of Classic Cartoons (out of print)


Hana's Suitcase - Karen Levine


The Imperial Way: By Rail from Peshawar to Chittagong - Paul Theroux (out of print)


Cuba: Grace Under Pressure - Rosemary Sullivan


Winnipeg: An Illustrated History - Eric Wells


The Lion in the North: One Thousand Years of Scotland's History - John Prebble (out of print)


The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance - John Hale


The Search for Alexander - Robin Lane Fox (out of print)


Green Hearts: First in Combat with the Dora 9 - Axel Urbanke (out of print)


German Armored Warfare of World War II: The Unpublished Photographs - Ian Baxter (out of print)


Starfighter: A Loving Retrospective of the CF-104 Era in Canadian Fighter Aviation 1961-1986 - David Bashow (out of print)

Also new this week



Lamentations, Charlene Diehl-Jones (poetry, scarce)
What We All Long For, Dionne Brand
The View from Castle Rock, Alice Munro
Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage, Alice Munro
The Biographer's Tale, A.S. Byatt
The Virgin in the Garden, A.S. Byatt
Blue Shoe, Anne Lamott (out of print)
And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks, Jack Kerouac/William S. Burroughs
Jailbird, Kurt Vonnegut
The Gum Thief, Douglas Coupland
Jokes Told in Heaven About Babies, Lucy Thomas
I Shall Not Be Moved, Maya Angelou (poetry)
Loveruage: A Dance in Three Parts, Ashok Mathur (out of print)
Transmission, Hari Kunzru (out of print)
Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee
Say You're One of Them, Uwem Akpan
The Heart of Redness, Zakes Mda
Beach Boy, Ardashir Vakil
The In-Between World of Vikram Lall, M.G. Vassanji
The Book of Secrets, M.G. Vassanji
Helpless, Barbara Gowdy
Lullabies for Little Criminals, Heather O'Neill
The Pact, Jodi Picoult
Change of Heart, Jodi Picoult
Marcel Pursued by the Hounds, Michel Tremblay (play)
Les Belles Soeurs, Michel Tremblay (play)
White Biting Dog, Judith Thompson (play)
Flashman, George Macdonald Fraser
Flashman's Lady, George Macdonald Fraser
Royal Flash, George Macdonald Fraser
Have His Carcase, Dorothy L. Sayers



Till We Have Faces, C.S. Lewis
Concordance to the Greek Testament, Moulton (out of print)
The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Vols I and II, ed. James Charlesworth ($40/set)
Sacred Contracts, Caroline Myss
The Secret, Rhonda Byrne
A Brief History of Anxiety: Yours and Mine, Patricia Pearson
Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, Sigmund Freud
Teaching Asanas: An Ananda Marga Manual for Teachers (scarce)
Indian Theories of Meaning, K.K. Raja (out of print)
Aimless Wandering: Chuang Tzu's Chaos Linguistics, Hakim Bey ($75 online, $20 at Aqua)
Immediatism, Hakim Bey
Forget Foucault, Jean Baudrillard
Madness and Civilization, Michel Foucault
Philosophical Hermeneutics, Hans-Georg Gadamer
Radical Hermeneutics, John Caputo
The Theory of Communicative Action: Vols I and II, Jürgen Habermas
The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity, Jürgen Habermas
Nietzsche and Postmodernism, Dave Robinson
Open Sky, Paul Virilio
Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies
We Want Some Too: Underground Desire and the Reinvention of Mass Culture, Hal Niedzviecki (out of print)
The Gruesome Acts of Capitalism, David Lester
Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire
Teaching to Transgress, Bell Hooks
The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts, Umberto Eco
The Educated Imagination, Northrop Frye
Music at Night, Aldous Huxley
Glenn Gould: A Life and Variations, Otto Friedrich
Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself, Alan Alda
Pass the Port Again: The Best After-Dinner Stories of the Famous
Starring Brian Linehan, George Anthony
Ball of Fire: The Tumultuous Life and Comic Art of Lucille Ball, Stefan Kramer
Bob Hope: A Life in Comedy, William Robert Faith
Barbra Streisand: The Way She Is, Christopher Andersen
Rainbow's End: The Judy Garland Show, Coyne Steven Sanders (out of print)
Brando, Peter Manso
Diary of a Mad Playwright, James Kirkwood
A Most Remarkable Fella: Frank Loesser and the Guys and Dolls in His Life, Susan Loesser
Threads of Time: Recollections, Peter Brook
Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story, Paul Monette
Ellen and Edy: A Biography of Ellen Terry and Her Daughter Edith Craig 1847-1947, Joy Melville
A Promise of Hope: A Woman Afflicted with Bipolar Disorder, Autumn Stringam
The History of Mary Prince: A West Indian Slave, related by herself
Long Walk to Freedom: Nelson Mandela
The Gandhi Reader, ed. Homer Jack
Rabbit-Proof Fence, Doris Pilkington
Beijing Confidential: A Tale of Comrades Lost and Found, Jan Wong
The Mountain People, Colin Turnbull
The Wind Blows Away Our Words, Doris Lessing
Russian Journal, John Steinbeck
Letters to Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir (out of print)
Haruki Murakami and the Music of Words, Jay Rubin
Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within, Natalie Goldberg
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, Mary Roach
The Long Walk Home: Paul Franklin's Journey from Afghanistan, Liane Faulder
Journey Without a Map: Growing Up Italian, Donna Caruso
We Keep a Light, Evelyn Richardson (1945 GG winner)
Give Your Other Vote to the Sister: A Woman's Journey Into the Great War, Debbie Marshall
No Corner Boys Here: Vols 1 and 2, Jean Crozier (Alberta history)
Making a Difference: Reflections from Political Life, Eric Cline
The Ordinary Genius: A Life of Arnold Platt, Ken Hoeppner
Our Towns: Saskatchewan Communities from Abbey to Zenon Park, David McLennan
A Three-Continental Professional Odyssey, John McLeod (Sask., 2008, very scarce)
Arctic Hell-Ship: The Voyage of HMS Enterprise 1850-1855, William Barr
Everest Canada: The Ultimate Challenge, Al Burgess/Jim Palmer
A Sense of the World: How a Blind Man Became History's Greatest Traveler, Jason Roberts
The Geography of Hope: A Tour of the World We Need, Chris Turner
Land of Shining Mountains, Van Christou (Alberta Rockies photography, scarce)
Waskesiu and Its Neighbours: A Casual Illustrated History, Graham MacDonald/Grit McCreath (very scarce)
Subjects in Pictures: Shelagh Alexander, Janice Gurney, Nancy Johnson, Sandra Meigs, Joanne Tode, Shirley Wiitasalo, curated by Philip Monk (YYZ Toronto, 1984)
Striving for Ideal Resolution (Nickle Arts Museum, 1988, very scarce)
Booking Passage: The Alternate Lives of Artifacts (Glenbow Museum)
De Stijl: 1917-1931, H.L.C. Jaffé (modern art)
Max Beckmann: Leipzig 1884 - New York 1950, Works on Paper
Views from Abroad: European Perspectives on American Art 2, ed. Ammann/Weinberg
Movies: Conversations with Peter Bogdanovich
National Geographic Photography Field Guide, Burian/Caputo
The Digital Photography Manual, Philip Andrews
1000 Record Covers, Michael Ochs (Taschen)
Strange Empire: Louis Riel and the Métis People, Joseph Howard

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

"To Billy and Matthew. First, Prevention." - from the preface

(I actually went to school with that very Billy Lebow. The poor little fat bastard sure hated this book.)

If Only I Were Thin, Michael LeBow

Click here for the week of March 29/10

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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