(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
Catch that Catfish - John Toone/GMB Chomichuk
The Imagination Manifesto - GMB Chomichuk

Hope and the Walleye - John Toone/GMB Chomichuk

Shyness: How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness - Christopher Lane
A Fair Country: Telling Truths about Canada - John Ralston Saul
Baumgartner's Bombay - Anita Desai

Alexander Graham Bell - Edwin Grosvenor/Morgan Wesson
Captain Cook - Alistair MacLean (out of print)
Stu Hart: Lord of the Ring - Marsha Erb (out of print)

America's Music: The Roots of Country - Robert Oermann (out of print)
The Ultimate Guitar Book - Tony Bacon
The Second City - Sheldon Patinkin (inc. 2 audio CDs)

Illustrated Treasury of the American Locomotive Company - O.M. Kerr ($60 at Burton Lysecki, $20 at Aqua)
Indian Motorcycles - Buzz Kanter
Greenberg's American Toy Trains from 1900 (out of print)
Also new this week
Shadow-Town, Duncan Thornton
The Time In Between, David Bergen
A Year of Lesser, David Bergen
La lune en mille gouttes, Bertrand Nayet (haiku, new)
Lettricity, Kaie Kellough (poetry, out of print)
The Complete Poems and Plays: 1909-1950, T.S. Eliot
Endgame, Samuel Beckett (play)
Happy Days, Samuel Beckett (play)
The Maids, Jean Genet (play)
Tiger at the Gates, Jean Giraudoux (play)
People of the City, Cyprian Ekwensi (Nigeria, out of print)
Ambiguous Adventure, Cheikh Hamidou Kane (Senegal)
A Spot of Bother, Mark Haddon
Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk
Milk, Sulphate, and Alby Starvation, Martin Millar
Amnesia Moon, Jonathan Lethem
Motherless Brooklyn, Jonathan Lethem
Bluebeard, Kurt Vonnegut
The Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut
The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Michael Chabon
The Custodian of Paradise, Wayne Johnston
The Zahir, Paulo Coelho
The Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion
About a Boy, Nick Hornby
The Almost Moon, Alice Sebold
Deafening, Frances Itani
Her Fearful Symmetry, Audrey Niffenegger
The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger
The Moonlit Cage, Linda Holeman
The Book Thief, Markus Zusak
New Moon, Stephenie Meyer
Eclipse, Stephenie Meyer
Marked, Kristin/P.C. Cast
Eragon, Christopher Paolini
Eldest, Christopher Paolini
Anansi Boys, Neil Gaiman
The Maze Runner, James Dashner
The Cosmic Trilogy, C.S. Lewis
De la terre a la lune, Jules Verne
Le Clan de l'ours des cavernes, Jean Auel
La Vallée des chevaux, Jean Auel
Le Chasseurs de mammouths, Jean Auel
Un dimanche à la piscine à Kigali, Gil Courtemanche
Le Démon et mademoiselle Prym, Paulo Coelho
L'Alchimiste, Paulo Coelho
El Alquimista, Paulo Coelho
Le Morte D'Arthur, Sir Thomas Malory (English, unabridged)
Folklore of Canada, Edith Fowke
The Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton
Poustinia, Catherine Doherty
The Puritan Hope: Revival and the Interpretation of Prophecy, Iain Murray
Studies in the Sermon on the Mount, Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The River of God: A New History of Christian Origins, Gregory Riley
One Jesus, Many Christs, Gregory Riley
Jesus: One Hundred Years Before Christ, Alvar Ellegård
Jesus of the Apocalypse: The Life of Jesus after the Crucifixion, Barbara Thiering
The Sins of Scripture, John Shelby Spong
Studies In Srivaishnavism, Mangalam Parameswaran (local author, scarce)
Letter to a Man in the Fire: Does God Exist and Does He Care?, Reynolds Price
There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, Wayne Dyer
Morning Contemplation, Osho
Simple Steps: Ten Weeks to Getting Control of Your Life, Lisa Lelas
Sense and Sensibilia, J.L. Austin
The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins
In Defence of Religious Schools and Colleges, Elmer John Thiessen
The Medium and the Light, Marshall McLuhan
The Gutenberg Galaxy, Marshall McLuhan
War and Peace in the Global Village, Marshall McLuhan
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolfe
The Purple Decades, Tom Wolfe
Sightseers and Scholars: Scientific Travellers in the Golden Age of Natural History, Stephen Bown
Asimov's Guide to Science
Water, Marq de Villiers
Relative Exposures: Felling the Family Tree, David Elkins/Torben Schioler
Louis XIV: A Royal Life, Olivier Bernier
Krushchev Remembers: The Last Testament
Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, David Talbot
Scar Tissue, Anthony Kiedis
Even More Letters from a Nut, Ted L. Nancy
House Inside the Waves: Domesticity, Art, and the Surfing Life, Richard Taylor
Remember Me to Everybody: Letters from India 1944-1949, Frederick Gower Turnbull
The Thirteenth Tribe: The Ancient Jewish Empire of the Khazars, Arthur Koestler
Vale of Tears: The Canudos Massacre in Northeastern Brazil 1893-1897, Robert Levine
Red Flower of China, Zhai Zhenhua
Chinese Dictionary of Verbs: With English Explanations
Best Chinese Idioms: Volume 1 (Chinese-English)
Beginner's Arabic Script
The Italic Way to Beautiful Handwriting
Practical Formulas for Hobby or Profit, Henry Goldschmiedt
Henley's Twentieth Century Formulas, Processes and Trade Secrets
A Guide to Preserving Food for a 12 Months Harvest
When the Good Cook Gardens: How to Enjoy Unusual Vegetables
Tony Chachere's Cajun Country Cookbook
Cajun Men Cook
Joy of Cooking, Irma Rombauer (hardcover, 1979 ed.)
Grilling for Dummies, Marie Rama/John Mariani
Book of World Flags, Eve Devereux
The Big Nail: The Story of the Cook-Peary Feud, Theon Wright
A Test of Will: One Man's Extraordinary Story of Survival, Warren MacDonald
Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Aron Ralston
Death and Deliverance: The North Pole Hercules Crash, Robert Mason Lee
Fire Engines and Firefighting, David Burgess-White
Channel Tunnel Trains, Peter Semmens/Yves Machefert-Tassin
Encyclopedia of Railways, ed. O.S. Nock
History of Railways, ed. E.L. Cornwell
Highliners: A Railroad Album, Lucius Beebe
Portrait of the Rails: From Steam to Diesel, Don Ball
The Spirit of Steam: The Golden Age of North American Steam, William Withuhn
The History of North American Railroads, ed. Bill Yenne
The Train-Watcher's Guide to North American Railroads (out of print)
Canadian Railway Scenes: Vol I, II and III, Adolf Hungry Wolf
Canadian Pacific Railway: Motive Power/Rolling Stock/Capsule History, Patrick Dorin
Manitoba Montage, Earl Johnson (scarce)
plus hundreds more every week....
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