Due to our killer event schedule, this list is currently being updated bi-weekly. Hundreds of books are still going out throughout the week. To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.

My Revolutions - Hari Kunzru
Sin City: That Yellow Bastard - Frank Miller
Monster 1959 - David Maine

The Saint Sees It Through - Leslie Charteris
One Night Stands and Lost Weekends: 1958-1963 - Lawrence Block
The Avenging Saint - Leslie Charteris

No Collar, No Service: A Pooch Café Collection
Family Guy Official Episode Guide: Seasons 1-3
Pooch Café: All Dogs Naturally Know How to Swim
Better Homes and Gardens Cottage Style
The Smoothies Bible - Pat Crocker

Country Living Cottage Gardens - Toby Musgrave
Journeys of Frodo: An Atlas of The Lord of the Rings - Barbara Strachey (out of print)
Liners: The Hulton Getty Picture Collection - Robert Fox (out of print)
Also new this week
Cherry, Chandra Mayor
Morning in the Burned House: New Poems, Margaret Atwood
Selected Poems: 1966-1984, Margaret Atwood (out of print)
The Collected Works of Billy the Kid, Michael Ondaatje
Kiss of the Fur Queen, Tomson Highway
A Good Man Is Hard to Find, Flannery O'Connor
Eating Chinese Food Naked, Mei Ng
The Pact, Jodi Picoult
Liliane, Ntozake Shange
Blackbodying, Dimitri Nasrallah
The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios, Yann Martel
The Bridegroom Was a Dog, Yoko Tawada (Japan, trans., out of print)
Embers, Sándor Márai (Hungary, trans.)
The Complete Stories, Franz Kafka
Watermelon Sugar, Richard Brautigan
The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger
Gut Symmetries, Jeanette Winterson
Holding Still for as Long as Possible, Zoe Whittall
The Well of Loneliness, Radclyffe Hall
Feminist Fables, Suniti Namjoshi
Doc and Fluff: The Dystopian Tale of a Girl and Her Biker, Pat Califia (out of print)
Venus in Furs, Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Blue of Noon, Georges Bataille
Angels in America: Parts 1 and 2, Tony Kushner
The Club Dumas, Arturo Pérez-Reverte
The Diamond Age, Neal Stephenson
The Merlin Conspiracy, Diana Wynne-Jones
The Enchanted Wood, Enid Blyton
The Shadow Thieves, Anne Ursu
Wild Magic, Tamora Pierce
Lord of the Shadows, Darren Shan
The Lightning Thief, Rick Riordan
The Hitchhiker Trilogy, Douglas Adams (five volumes, slipcase)
Becoming Human, Jean Vanier
Writings on Theology and Religion, Ernst Troeltsch
Protestantism and Progress, Ernst Troeltsch
The Absoluteness of Christianity and the History of Religion, Ernst Troeltsch
Church Dogmatics Study: The Doctrine of Creation III.2, Karl Barth
Church Dogmatics Study: The Doctrine of Creation III.4, Karl Barth
Karl Barth: His Life from Letters and Autobiographical Texts, Eberhard Busch
C.S. Lewis: A Biography, A.N. Wilson
C.S. Lewis: A Complete Guide, Walter Hooper
The Bonhoeffer Phenomenon, Stephen Haynes
Eminent Lives: Muhammad, Karen Armstrong
The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot, Bart Ehrman
The Lost Gospel: The Quest for the Gospel of Judas Iscariot, Herbert Krosney
The Lost Gospel: The Book of Q and Christian Origins, Burton Mack
The Way of Zen, Alan Watts
Practicing Peace in Times of War, Pema Chödrön
The Way of Life, Lao Tzu
Buddhism: Tools for Living Your Life, Vajragupta
Pragmatism: A Contemporary Reader, ed. Russell Goodman
Socrates in Love: Philosophy for a Die-Hard Romantic, Christopher Phillips
Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life, Mihaly Csikszent
How to Cope with Depression, ed. DePaulo/Ablow
Zami: A New Spelling of My Name, Audre Lorde
Henry and June, Anaďs Nin
The Confessions of Wanda von Sacher-Masoch (out of print)
Leaves of the Tulip Tree, Juliette Huxley
A Monk Swimming, Malachy McCourt
Swing Low: A Life, Miriam Toews
Toast: The Story of a Boy's Hunger, Nigel Slater
Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer's Life, Pamela Smith Hall
Songbird: The Eva Cassidy Story, Rob Burley/Jonathan Maitland
Coal Miner's Daughter, Loretta Lynn
The Romance of My Life: Theodore Roosevelt's Speeches in Dakota, James Vivian
Howard Hughes: The Untold Story, Brown/Broeske
Marlene Dietrich, Maria Riva
Marlene Dietrich: Life and Legend, Steven Bach
Jennie: The Life of Lady Randolph Churchill, Vol II, Ralph Martin
To the Scaffold: The Life of Marie Antoinette, Carolly Erickson
Theories of Civil Violence, James Rule
Citizen Soldiers, Stephen Ambrose
Band of Brothers, Stephen Ambrose
Fifteen Days: Life and Death in the New Canadian Army, Christie Blatchford
No Logo, Naomi Klein
In the Blood: Battles to Succeed in Canada's Family Businesses, Gordon Pitts
Best Lessons of a Chess Coach, Sunil Weeramantry/Ed Eusebi
The Art of Positional Play, Samuel Reshevsky
How to Reassess Your Chess, Jeremy Silman
On Snooker, Mordecai Richler
Text-book of Modern Carpentry, Thomas William Silloway (reprint of 1858 edition)
A Cabinetmaker's Notebook, James Krenov
Woodcarving Illustrated, Schroeder/McCarthy
Carving Wooden Animals, E.J. Tangerman (out of print)
Interior Design Illustrated, Ching/Binggeli
Celtic Borders and Decoration, Courtney Davis
The Handbook of Folklore, Charlotte Sophia Burne
Bloomsbury Good Reading Guide, ed. Nick Rennison
The Thesis and the Book: A Guide for First-time Academic Authors, ed. Harman
Life: A Natural History of the First Four Billion Years of Life on Earth, Richard Fortey (out of print)
Textbook of Fish Health, George Post (out of print)
The Year of the Turtle: A Natural History, David Carroll
Return of the Osprey: A Season of Flight and Wonder, David Gessner
Four Wings and a Prayer: Caught in the Mystery of the Monarch Butterfly, Sue Halpern
Mind of the Raven: Investigations and Adventures with Wolf-Birds, Bernd Heinrich
Where Bigfoot Walks: Crossing the Dark Divide, Robert Michael Pyle
Time, Love, Memory: A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins of Behavior, Jonathan Weiner
The Caveman's Pregnancy Companion: A Survival Guide for Expectant Fathers, Port/Ralston
Doctor Hubbard's Sex Facts: Vintage Advice for Men and Women
Sexy Bodies: The Strange Carnalities of Feminism, ed. Grosz/Probyn
Women Pirates and the Politics of the Jolly Roger, Klausmann/Meinzerin/Kuhn (out of print)
Ships of the World: An Historical Encyclopedia, Lincoln Paine (out of print)
Lost at Sea: Great Shipwrecks of History
Kayaking the Inside Passage: A Paddler's Guide, Robert Miller
The Happy Isles of Oceania: Paddling the Pacific, Paul Theroux
Wanderlust: A History of Walking, Rebecca Solnit
Riding Mountain: Yesterday and Today, Emma Ringstrom (out of print)
Lake of the Prairies: A Story of Belonging, Warren Cariou
The Winnipeg Book, Charles Wilkins
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"Control the band at all times; it should not control you."
Tamilee Webb's Original Rubber Band Workout
Click here for the week of April 18/11
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