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What people are saying:

I've always wanted to come here and now I see why! - Carl Hochheim, Winnipeg


(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Chicago: A Biography - Dominic A. Pacyga


A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again - David Foster Wallace


Michael Moore: Une Biographie - Emily Schultz


Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter - Laurell K. Hamilton


An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, and True Stories - ed. Ivan Brunetti


The Sandman: King of Dreams - Alisa Kwitney


Warped - Michael Norday


The Third Sex - Artemis Smith


Chris: Life in the Limbo of Lesbianism - Randy Salem


King Smurf


The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupery (hardcover)


The Beatrice Letters - Lemony Snicket


The Wolves in the Walls - Neil Gaiman/Dave McKean


Skibber Bee-Bye - Ron Rege, jr.


MC Escher

Also new this week



Seal Intestine Raincoat, Rosie Chard
Misshapen, Robert Budde
Traffick, Rob Budde (poetry, same guy)
Ligatures, Donato Mancini (poetry)
Before a Blue Sky Moon, Weyman Chan (poetry)
Crabwise to the Hounds, Jeramy Dodds (poetry)
Face, Melissa Buzzeo (poetry)
In Cars, Kimmy Beach (poetry)
Fake Paul, Kimmy Beach (poetry)
Continuations, Douglas Barbour/Sheila Murphy (poetry)
Visible Visions: The Selected Poems of Douglas Barbour (out of print)
Social Acupuncture: A Guide to Suicide, Performance and Utopia, Darren O'Donnell
The Haunted Hillbilly, Derek McCormack
Night Shift, Maritta Wolff
Stunt, Claudia Dey
The History of Love, Nicole Krauss
The Position, Meg Wolitzer
As If By Accident, Julie Johnston
The Tetherballs of Bougainville, Mark Leyner
Alive in Necropolis, Doug Dorst
The Penelopiad: The Myth of Penelope and Odysseus, Margaret Atwood
Gut Symmetries, Jeanette Winterson
Sexing the Cherry, Jeanette Winterson
The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov
The Biggest Pig in Barbados: A Fable, Wolf Mankowitz
Crooked Little Vein, Warren Ellis
Eye Scream, Henry Rollins
Love Ain't Nothing But Sex Misspelled, Harlan Ellison
Approaching Oblivion, Harlan Ellison (out of print)
Phoenix Without Ashes, Harlan Ellison/Edward Bryant (out of print)
Stalking the Nightmare, Harlan Ellison (out of print)
Deathbird Stories, Harlan Ellison (out of print)
Alone Against Tomorrow, Harlan Ellison (out of print)
Spider Kiss, Harlan Ellison (out of print)
Gentleman Junkie, Harlan Ellison (out of print)
The Horror in the Museum, H.P. Lovecraft
The Road to Madness, H.P. Lovecraft
The Best of H.P. Lovecraft
Science Fiction: An Illustrated History, Sam Lundwall
Gilgamesh: A New English Version, Stephen Mitchell



Truth and Meaning: Essays in Semantics, ed. Evans/McDowell
Being and Time, Heidegger
Heidegger's Pragmatism: Understanding, Being, and the Critique of Metaphysics, Mark Okrent
Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, Martin Heidegger
Nietzsche: Vols. 3 and 4, Martin Heidegger
The Hermeneutics of Postmodernity: Figures and Themes, G.B. Madison
Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, Karl Jaspers
The Art of War, Sun-Tzu
An Introduction to Zen Training, Omori Sogen
Totem and Taboo, Sigmund Freud
Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, Sigmund Freud
The Interpretation of Dreams, Sigmund Freud
Rebalancing the World: Why Women Belong and Men Compete and How to Restore the Ancient Equilibrium, Carol Lee Flinders
Necessary Dreams: Ambition in Women's Changing Lives, Anna Fels
Woman: An Intimate Geography, Natalie Angier
The Art of Being: 101 Ways to Practice Purpose in Your Life, Dennis Merritt Jones
Pay It Down! From Debt to Wealth on $10 a Day, Jean Chatzky
Not Buying It: My Year Without Shopping, Judith Levine
The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less, Barry Schwartz
Maxed Out: Hard Times in the Age of Easy Credit, James Scurlock
Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic, John de Graaf
Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market, Eric Schlosser
Selected Works in Three Volumes, V.I. Lenin (Moscow, 1977, hardcover, $40/set)
On Religion, Marx/Engels
The Communist Manifesto, Marx/Engels
Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, Paul Hawken et al
Watchdogs and Gadflies: Activism from Marginal to Mainstream, Tim Falconer
Weapons of Mass Deception, Sheldon Rampton/John Stauber
Bradt Guide to Benin, Stuart Butler
Celtic Migrations, W.A. Hanna (out of print)
Celtic Mythology, Ward Rutherford (out of print)
Origins: Fourteen Billion Years of Cosmic Evolution, Neil deGrasse Tyson/Donald Goldsmith
Tree: A Life Story, David Suzuki/Wayne Grady
The Birds of Canada, Earl Godfrey (out of print)
Noah's Choice: True Stories of Extinction and Survival, David Day
How to Build Barns, Sheds and Outbuildings, John Wagner
A Significant Other: Riding the Centenary Tour de France with Lance Armstrong, Matt Rendell
Interference: How Organized Crime Influences Professional Football, Dan Moldea
Final Exits: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of How We Die, Michael Largo
Extraterrestrial Life, John Grayson (out of print)
The Hollow Earth Enigma, Alec MacLellan
Scientific American's Ask the Experts
Famous Problems of Elementary Geometry, Felix Klein
Parsley, Peppers, Potatoes and Peas: A Cook's Companion, Pat Katz
Atlantic Seafood: Recipes from Chef Michael Howell
Larousse Gastronomique
Qur'anic Arabic Reader
Ukrainian for Beginners, Yar Slavutych
The Devil's Guide to Hollywood: The Screenwriter as God, Joe Eszterhas
Seven Steps on the Writer's Path, Nancy Pickard/Lynn Lott
Fruitflesh: Seeds of Inspiration for Women Who Write, Gayle Brandeis
The Practical Writer: From Inspiration to Publication, ed. Eiben/Gannon
Art: A History of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Frederick Hartt (vols. 1 and 2, out of print)
Genius: A Mosaic of One Hundred Exemplary Creative Minds, Harold Bloom
The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh
Virginia Woolf: A Biography, Quentin Bell
Rough Magic: A Biography of Sylvia Plath, Paul Alexander
Capote: A Biography, Gerald Clarke
Dreaming of Hitler: Essays, Daphne Merkin
Germs: A Memoir of Childhood, Richard Wollheim
A Walk in the Woods, Bill Bryson
Roughing It in the Bush, Susanna Moodie
Backroad Mapbook: Southern Manitoba
City of the Rivers (Manitoba Bureau of Travel and Publicity, 1958)
Vita: A Ukrainian Community, Michael Ewanchuk (all 3 vols., scarce)
Hardships and Progress of Ukrainian Pioneers: Memoirs from Stuartburn Colony and Other Points, Peter Humeniuk (very scarce)
Spruce, Swamp and Stone: A History of the Pioneer Ukrainian Settlements in the Gimli Area, Michael Ewanchuk

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

(Don't shake his hand, don't do it!)

Mr. President: A Book of U.S. Presidents, George Sullivan

Click here for the week of May 17/10

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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