(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
Pale Blue Hope: Death and Life in Asian Peacekeeping - Ronald Poulton
Curtains: Adventures of an Undertaker-in-Training - Tom Jokinen

The Way of a Ship: A Square-Rigger Voyage in the Last Days of Sail - Derek Lundy

Medieval Warfare - Timothy Newark (out of print)
The Battle of Salamis: The Naval Encounter that Saved Greece and Western Civilization - Barry Strauss
Naval Surgeon: The Voyages of Dr. Edward H. Cree, Royal Navy, 1837-1856 (out of print)

No Fear Shakespeare: Macbeth
High Society - Dave Sim (out of print)
No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet
Sock Monkey: The "Inches" Incident - Tony Millionaire
Ojingogo - Matthew Forsythe

Doonesbury Redux - G.B. Trudeau
Hopper: 1882-1967 - Ivo Kranzfelder
Byrne's Treasury of Trick Shots in Pool and Billiards - Robert Byrne

Hope in Shadows: Stories and Photographs of Vancouver's Downtown Eastside - Brad Cran/Gillian Jerome
Also new this week
Sunday Afternoon, David Elias
The Great Karoo, Fred Stenson
Moral Disorder, Margaret Atwood
Sappho: A Garland, trans. Jim Powell (poetry)
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho (Brazil, trans.)
The Double, José Saramago (Portugal, trans.)
The Atom Station, Halldór Laxness (Iceland, trans., out of print)
Paradise Reclaimed, Halldór Laxness (Iceland, trans.)
The Artificial Silk Girl, Irmgard Keun (Germany, trans.)
Silence, Shusaku Endo (Japan, trans.)
Half of a Yellow Sun, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Nigeria)
The Bastard of Istanbul, Elif Shafak
The Jane Austen Book Club, Karen Joy Fowler
A Passion for Killing, Barbara Nadel (out of print)
The Interpretation of Murder, Jed Rubenfeld
Father Elijah: An Apocalypse, Michael O'Brien
Mine All Mine, Adam Davies
General from the Jungle, B. Traven
The Cotton-Pickers, B. Traven
March to the Monteria, B. Traven
The Rebellion of the Hanged, B. Traven
The Sword of Honour Trilogy, Evelyn Waugh
Collected Poems, W.H. Auden
The Maltese Falcon, Dashiell Hammett
Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe (c. 1900)
Little Lord Fauntleroy, Frances Hodgson Burnett
Descent Into Hell, Charles Williams
Parable of the Sower, Octavia Butler
Thirst: No. 1 and 2, Christopher Pike
Dark Visions, L.J. Smith
Poison, Chris Wooding
Betrayed, Kristin/P.C. Cast
Chosen, Kristin/P.C. Cast (plus three more House of Night novels)
New Moon, Stephenie Meyer
The Host, Stephenie Meyer
13 Bullets: A Vampire Tale, David Wellington
Dead and Gone, Charlaine Harris (plus 8 more Sookie Stackhouse novels)
The Wounded Healer, Henri Nouwen
A Community of Character: Toward a Constructive Christian Social Ethic, Stanley Hauerwas
Glorious Companions: Five Centuries of Anglican Spirituality, Richard Schmidt
What Saint Paul Really Said: Was Paul of Tarsus the Real Founder of Christianity?, N.T. Wright
Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary, Marcus Borg
Christianity: A Global History, David Chidester
The Explorer's Guide to Christianity, Marcus Braybrooke
The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels
The Venture of Islam: The Classical Age of Islam, Marshall Hodgson
The Koran
Zen Buddhism in the 20th Century, Heinrich Dumoulin
On the Shortness of Life, Seneca
Spinoza: An Introduction to His Philosophical Thought, Stuart Hampshire
Conscientization and Creativity: Paulo Freire and Christian Education, Daniel Schipani (scarce)
A Visit to Vanity Fair: Moral Essays on the Present Age, Alan Jacobs
Purity and Danger, Mary Douglas
Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Karl Marx
Anti-Memoirs, André Malraux (out of print)
The Poet Dying: Heinrich Heine's Last Years in Paris, Ernst Pawel
Conundrum: From James to Jan, an Extraordinary Personal Narrative of Transsexualism, Jan Morris
Palimpsest: A Memoir, Gore Vidal
Charles Dickens, Jane Smiley
Letters from the Earth, Mark Twain
Lilly: Reminiscences of Lillian Hellman, Peter Feibleman
The World of Swing: An Oral History of Big Band Jazz, Stanley Dance
Duke: A Portrait of Duke Ellington, Derek Jewell
Showtime at the Apollo, Ted Fox (out of print)
We Called It Music: A Generation of Jazz, Eddie Condon
A Japanese Mirror: Heroes and Villains of Japanese Culture, Ian Buruma (out of print)
Wild at Heart: The Films of Nettie Wild, Mark Harris/Claudia Medina
The Passionate Eye: The Collected Writing of Suzanne Vega
John Grierson: Trailblazer of Documentary Film, Gary Evans
The Gutenberg Revolution: The Story of a Genius and an Invention that Changed the World, John Man
Out of the Garden: Toys and Children's Culture in the Age of TV Marketing, Stephen Kline
The Bon Marché: Bourgeois Culture and the Department Store 1869-1920, Michael Miller
The Making of the English Landscape, W.G. Hoskins
The Making of the English Working Class, E.P. Thompson
The Nine Emotional Lives of Cats, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
Coming of Age with Elephants, Joyce Poole
The Birds of Heaven: Travels with Cranes, Peter Matthiessen
In the Kingdom of Gorillas: Fragile Species in a Dangerous Land, Bill Weber/Amy Vedder
Whales of the West Coast, David Spalding
Dolphin Chronicles, Carol Howard
To Touch a Wild Dolphin, Rachel Smolker
Sea Change: A Message of the Oceans, Sylvia Earle
Clemente: The Passion and Grace of Baseball's Last Hero, David Maraniss
The Nasty Bits, Anthony Bourdain
Grandma Doralee Patinkin's Jewish Family Cookbook
The Italian-Kosher Cookbook, Ruth/Bob Grossman
The French-Kosher Cookbook, Ruth/Bob Grossman
Recipes from an Ecological Kitchen, Lorna Sass (out of print)
Foods That Don't Bite Back: Vegan Cooking Made Simple, Sue Donaldson
The Vegan Cookbook, Alan Wakeman/Gordon Baskerville
No Cooking Required: Over 200 Raw Food Recipes, T. Cass
Cloudburst: A Handbook of Rural Skills and Technology (out of print)
Village Homes' Solar House Designs: A Collection of 43 Energy-Conscious House Designs, David Bainbridge (out of print)
Underground Houses: How to Build a Low-Cost Home, Robert Roy
Home: A Short History of an Idea, Witold Rybczynski
The Unredeemed Captive: A Family Story from Early America, John Demos
Captives: Britain, Empire, and the World 1600-1850, Linda Colley
Chechnya: Life in a War-Torn Society, Valery Tishkov
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, William Blum
Infidel, Ayaan Hirsi Ali
An Egyptian Journal, William Golding (out of print)
A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush, Eric Newby
The Big Red Train Ride, Eric Newby
Dark and Stormy Rides Again: The Best (?) from the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, Scott Rice
Box Man: A Professional Thief's Journey, ed. Bill Chambliss (out of print)
Crimes of the Secret Police, Robert Dion
An Unauthorized History of the RCMP, Lorne/Caroline Brown
Revenge of the Land: A Century of Greed, Tragedy, and Murder on a Saskatchewan Farm, Maggie Siggins
Eagle Down Is Our Law: Witsuwit'en Law, Feasts, and Land Claims, Antonia Mills
Continuing Poundmaker and Riel's Quest, ed. Richard Gosse (scarce)
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"As I see these two books now under one cover I must confess to a glow of pride akin to that of a devoted father who lives to see two of his boys go into business together."
A Heap o'Livin' along Life's Highway, Edgar A. Guest
Click here for the week of July 5/10
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