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What people are saying:

Intellectually invigorating - R. Subramaniam, Bombay


(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email


Stern Men - Elizabeth Gilbert


What Ho! The Best of P.G. Wodehouse


Underground Nation: The Secret Economy and the Future of Canada - Diane Francis


Dinner is Served: An English Butler's Guide to the Art of the Table - Arthur Inch


Emily Post's Etiquette (17th edition)


Corked: Fear and Loathing in Bordeaux - Kathryn Borel


Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Journal


The Bad Girl's Guide to the Open Road - Cameron Tuttle


The Christian Handbook


The Celtic Empire: The First Millennium of Celtic History 1000BC - 51AD - Peter Beresford Ellis (out of print)


Panzer Aces: German Tank Commanders of WWII - Franz Kurowski


Panzer Aces II: Battle Stories of German Tank Commanders of WWII - Franz Kurowski


Mandala - José/Miriam Arguelles (out of print)


The King Who Was and Will Be: The World of King Arthur and His Knights - Kevin Crossley-Holland (out of print)


Lawrence 1912: The Bread and Roses Strike - William Cahn (out of print)

Also new this week



Devil's Darning Needle, Linda Holeman
In the Place of Last Things, Michael Helm
The Peppered Moth, Margaret Drabble
You Can't Do Both, Kingsley Amis
The Calcutta Chromosome: A Novel of Fevers, Delirium and Discovery, Amitav Ghosh
Strange Pilgrims, Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia, trans.)
Sophie's World, Jostein Gaarder (Norway, trans.)
Cosmopolis, Don DeLillo
30: Pieces of a Novel, Stephen Dixon (out of print)
Strange But True, John Searles
Circumnavigation, Steve Lattimore
Fidelity, Michael Redhill
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho (Brazil, trans.)
By the River Piedra, I Sat Down and Wept, Paulo Coelho (Brazil, trans.)
The Devil and Miss Pym, Paulo Coelho (Brazil, trans.)
Veronika Decides to Die, Paulo Coelho (Brazil, trans.)
Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories, Sandra Cisneros
The Last Hurrah/The Edge of Sadness, Edwin O'Connor
The B*tch Posse, Martha O'Connor
The Stupidest Angel, Christopher Moore
Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut
Geek Love, Katherine Dunn
The Secret Life of Laszlo Count Dracula, Roderick Anscombe
Look and See, Helen Ostrowski (Kenora poet, scarce)
Blood Relations and Other Plays, Sharon Pollock
A Tempest, Aimé Césaire (play, France, trans.)
Secret Water, Arthur Ransome
The Last Battle, C.S. Lewis (hardcover, 1964)



The Theology of Paul Tillich, ed. Charles Kegley (out of print)
Matter and Consciousness, Paul Churchland (local author, out of print)
From Text to Action: Essays in Hermeneutics II, Paul Ricœur
Gadamer's Hermeneutics: A Reading of Truth and Method, Joel Weinsheimer (out of print)
Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology: A Critical Commentary, James Edie
The Structure of Empirical Knowledge, Lawrence BonJour
The Ravaged Bridegroom: Masculinity in Women, Marion Woodman
Taoism: A Complete Introduction, Eva Wong
The Art of Dreaming, Carlos Castaneda
Return of the Bird Tribes, Ken Carey
Plain and Simple: A Woman's Journey to the Amish, Sue Bender
Ben Sira and the Nonexistence of the Synagogue, Ellis Rivkin (scarce)
The Jew in the Medieval World: 315-1791, Jacob Marcus
Schindler's Legacy: True Stories of the List Survivors, Elinor Brecher
Quarantine! East European Jewish Immigrants and the New York City Epidemics of 1892, Howard Markel
The Frank Muir Book: An Irreverent Companion to Social History
A History of Private Life: Revelations of the Medieval World (vol. II)
Dugard of Rouen: French Trade to Canada and the West Indies 1729-1770, Dale Miquelon
What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response, Bernard Lewis
Albert Schweitzer's Mission: Healing and Peace, Norman Cousins
Sergio: One Man's Fight to Save the World, Samantha Power
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace One School at a Time, Greg Mortenson
Mohandas: A True Story of a Man, His People and an Empire, Rajmohan Gandhi (out of print)
The Man Who Loved China, Simon Winchester
The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico, ed. Miguel Leon-Portilla
Memory of Fire: Genesis, Eduardo Galeano (Uruguay, trans.)
Stuart: A Life Backwards, Alexander Masters (out of print)
Losing Mum and Pup: A Memoir, Christopher Buckley
Magical Thinking: True Stories, Augusten Burroughs
Underground Times: Canada's Flower-Child Revolutionaries, Ron Verzuh
Travels by Night: A Memoir of the Sixties, Douglas Fetherling
Clapton: The Autobiography
J.S. Bach: Volume I, Albert Schweitzer
Look Away: 50 Negro Folk Songs
Flamenco: Gypsy Dance and Music from Andalusia, ed. Claus Schreiner
Architecture as Space: How to Look at Architecture, Bruno Zevi (out of print)
The Vision of Frank Lloyd Wright: A Complete Guide to the Designs of an Architectural Genius, Thomas Heinz (out of print)
Design Thinking, Peter Rowe (architecture)
The Elgin Affair: The Abduction of Antiquity's Greatest Treasures, Theodore Vrettos
Dictionary of World Myth: An A-Z Guide to Gods and Goddesses (out of print)
The Evolution of the Constructed Relief: 1913-1979, Ron Kostyniuk (Winnipeg/Calgary, 1979, very scarce, $440 online, $100 at Aqua)
The Joy of Conversation: The Complete Guide to Salons, Jaida n'hra Sandra (out of print)
Leftover Life to Kill: Dylan Thomas, Caitlin Thomas
You Could Look It Up, William Safire
Cote Ci Cote La: Trinidad and Tobago Dictionary (2003 edition)
Penguin Rhyming Dictionary
Signing: How to Speak with Your Hands, Elaine Costello
The Secret of Scent: Adventures in Perfume and the Science of Smell, Luca Turin
One Good Turn: A Natural History of the Screwdriver and the Screw, Witold Rybczynski
Richards' Ultimate Bicycle Book, Richard Ballantine/Richard Grant (out of print)
Science and Change: 1500-1700, Hugh Kearney
1001 Things Everyone Should Know About Science, James Trefil
A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, Andrew White
Animal Liberation, Peter Singer
Ontogeny and Phylogeny, Stephen Jay Gould
An Introduction to the Rock Forming Minerals, Deer/Howie/Zussman
Simon and Schuster's Guide to Rocks and Minerals
The Peterson Field Guide to Pacific Coast Shells, Percy Morris
A Travellers' Guide to Wild Flowers of Newfoundland Canada, Bill/June Titford (out of print)
Cookin' Up a Scoff: Traditional Recipes of Newfoundland and Labrador (scarce)
By the Way, Gordon Pinsent
Frontier Women: The Trans-Mississipi West 1840-1880, Julie Roy Jeffrey
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse: Leonard Peltier and the FBI, Peter Matthiessen
Hear that Lonesome Whistle Blow: The Epic of the American Railroads, Dee Brown
The Arctic Grail: The Quest for the North West Passage and the North Pole 1818-1909, Pierre Berton
Arctic Mood: A Narrative of Arctic Adventures, Eva Alvey Richards
Confessions of an Igloo Dweller, James Houston
Contact and Conflict: Indian-European Relations in British Columbia 1774-1890, Robin Fisher
Andy Russell's Campfire Stories
Women of Red River, W.J. Healy (out of print)
The World Beaters, Ed Kleiman (North End Winnipeg Jewish history, out of print)
Stanley Knowles: The Man from Winnipeg North Centre, Susan Mann Trofimenkoff
A Hoofprint On My Heart, Jim Coleman (Winnipeg horse racing history)

plus hundreds more every week....


What's Gumby Reading?

"The average American militarist consumes over a quart of low-calorie sodas a day, causing brain damage and sapping precious body fluids."

The Red Chinese Air Force Exercise, Diet, and Sex Book, William Randolph Hirsch

Click here for the week of August 9/10

Click here for previous weeks' lists

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