(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
The Outlaws of Medieval Legend - Maurice Keen
The Fury of the Northmen: Saints, Shrines and Sea-Raiders in the Viking Age - John Marsden
From Armageddon to the Fall of Rome: How the Myth Makers Changed the World - Erik Durschmied
Catch Me If You Can - Frank Abagnale
Pucks, Pablum and Pingos: More Fascinating Facts and Quirky Quizzes
Why My Wife Thinks I'm An Idiot - Mike Greenberg
The Doubter's Companion - John Ralston Saul
The Unstrung Harp or, Mr. Earbrass Writes a Novel - Edward Gorey
Up Front - Bill Mauldin (1945, war illustrator)
The Illustrated Star Wars Universe
The Hobbit Boxed Set - Tolkien (includes book, map, postcards and CD of Tolkien reading, out of print)
The West: An Illustrated History - Geoffrey Ward
Wheat Foods of the World Cook Book: Canadian Wheat Board 1935-1995
HeartSmart Chinese Cooking - Stephen Wong

The Yan Can Cook Book - Martin Yan
Also new this week
Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides
Miss Garnet's Angel, Salley Vickers (out of print)
The Practice of Deceit, Elizabeth Benedict
Goldengrove Unleaving, Jill Paton Walsh
Senor Vivo and the Coca Lord, Louis de Bernières
Small Island, Andrea Levy (winner Orange and Whitbread prizes)
The Sea, John Banville (Booker winner)
Blues Lessons, Robert Hellenga
The Sportswriter, Richard Ford
Trying to Save Piggy Sneed, John Irving
The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen
Suite Française, Irène Némirovsky (France, trans.)
La Cucina, Lily Prior
Where You'll Find Me, Ann Beattie (out of print)
Tracks, Louise Erdrich
Moon Island, Rosie Thomas
Love, Love, and Love, Sandra Bernhard
Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons, Lorna Landvik
My Father, His Son, Reidar Jönsson (Sweden, trans., sequel to My Life as a Dog)
The Limerick, ed. G. Legman
Isobel Gunn, Audrey Thomas (novel of famous 19th c. HBC cross-dresser)
Rag and Bone Shop, Earle Birney
The Unwilling Bestiary, Lea Littlewolfe (poetry)/Ione Thorkelsson (glass sculptures)
Words for the Silence, Jean Janzen ($13, poetry, signed, 1 of only 500 copies printed)
No Strangers in Exile, Hans Harder (Russian Mennonite, trans. Al Reimer)
Almost Home, Nora Raleigh Baskin (YA)
Pure Sunshine, Brian James (YA)
Playback, Raymond Chandler
Cross, James Patterson (October 2007)
Spy, Ted Bell (August 2007)
Keeper of the Keys, Perri O'Shaughnessy (September 2007)
Echo Park, Michael Connelly (August 2007)
Polar Shift, Clive Cussler (June 2007)
American Gods, Neil Gaiman
Spearwielder's Tale, R.A. Salvatore (three books in one)
The Legend of Drizzt, R.A. Salvatore (all six volumes)
Creative Ministry, Henri Nouwen
O Holy Mountain!: Journal of a Retreat on Mount Athos, M. Basil Pennington (out of print)
The Way of the Cross, William Manson
The Son of Man, François Mauriac
A Spiritual Formation Workbook, James Bryan Smith/Richard J. Foster
Revivals: Their Laws and Leaders, James Burns
Concordia: The Pious Confession of Faith and Doctrine of the Lutheran Church
Christianity in Talmud and Midrash, R. Travers Herford
I Am Right You Are Wrong, Edward de Bono
A Rulebook for Arguments, Anthony Weston
The Fourth Way, P.D. Ouspensky
The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography, Sidney Poitier
Until Today, Iyanla Vanzant
The Language of Letting Go, Melody Beattie
The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World, Marti Olsen Laney
The Girlfriends' Guide to Surviving the First Year of Motherhood, Vicki Iovine
The Whole Pregnancy Handbook, Joel Evans
10,000 Dreams Interpreted, Pamela Ball
The Zonery System, Pharus the Egyptian
Zone Therapy, Fitzgerald/Bowers/White (reprint of 1917 ed.)
Massage Techniques: A Case Method Approach, Frances Tappan
Clayton's Electrotherapy and Actinotherapy for Student Physiotherapists, Pauline Scott
The Scientific Basis of Vegetarianism, Russell Trall
Mother Wit: A Feminist Guide to Psychic Development, Diane Mariechild
Faith, Sex, Mystery: A Memoir, Richard Gilman
A Book of One's Own: People and Their Diaries, Thomas Mallon
Why Are You Telling Me This?: Eleven Acts of Intimate Journalism (inc. Rosemary Sullivan and David Layton)
Lambsquarters: Scenes from a Handmade Life, Barbara McLean
The Silent Miaow: A Manual for Kittens, Strays and Homeless Cats, Paul Gallico
Social Work with Rural Peoples, Ken Collier
Heritage: Civilization and the Jews, Abba Eban
Van Gogh: Letters Revealing His Life as a Painter, ed. W.H. Auden
Rattenbury, Terry Reksten (bio of BC architect Francis Rattenbury)
Fotheringham's Dictionary of Facts and Follies, Allan Fotheringham
Boom, Bust and Echo: How to Profit from the Coming Demographic Shift, David K. Foot (out of print)
The Pig and the Python: How to Prosper from the Aging Baby Boom, David Cork (out of print)
Numbers, Predictions and War: Using History to Evaluate Combat Factors and Predict the Outcome of Battles, Col. T.N. Dupuy
Strategy, Capt. Sir Basil Liddell Hart
Ancient Wargaming, Phil Barker
Blue Book of Gun Values, S.P. Fjestad (12th ed.)
Getting the Most out of Modern Water Fowling, John Cartier
Complete Field Guide to American Wildlife, Henry Collins
Boots and Saddles or Life in Dakota with General Custer, Elizabeth Custer
The Water In Between: A Journey at Sea, Kevin Patterson (local author)
Mennonite Literary Voices, Al Reimer
Daydreams and Nightmares: Life on the Wintergruen Estate, Helena Goossen Friesen (local author, scarce)
Die Geschichte der Mennoniten Europas (German version of Henry Smith's The Story of the European Mennonites)
Mia: oder Uber Den Amur in Die Freiheit, Gerhard Lohrenz (scarce)
Die Mennoniten Brüdergemeinde in Russland 1925-1980, Heinrich Wölk/Gerhard Wölk
Yesterday's Doctor: An Autobiography, Dr. Samuel Peikoff (local author)
Joe From Winnipeg, Ian Ross
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"The R.C.A.F. includes hockey in its recreational sports programme to provide the opportunity
for as many personnel as possible to play 'the fastest game on earth'. ", How to Play Better Hockey, RCAF 1964
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