(To hold or order any of these books [or to check on current availability], please email kelly@aquabooks.ca.)
Canada and Other Matters of Opinion - Rex Murphy
How's the Squid? A Book of Food Cartoons by New Yorker Cartoonist Jack Ziegler

How to Lose Friends and Alienate People: A Memoir - Toby Young

Yum-O! The Family Cookbook - Rachael Ray
A Short History of Wine - Rod Phillips (out of print)
Platforms: A Microwaved Cultural Chronicle of the 1970s - Pagan Kennedy (out of print)
Collecting Antique Maps: An Introduction to the History of Cartography - Jonathan Potter (out of print)
Pirates: A Worldwide Illustrated History - ed. David Cordingly (out of print)

Great Book of Mazes - Roger Moreau (out of print)

Skin and Other Stories - Roald Dahl
Halloween: Vintage Holiday Graphics (Taschen)
My Year - Roald Dahl (out of print)
The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins - Dr. Seuss (out of print)
Hunches in Bunches - Dr. Seuss (out of print)

The Shape of Me and Other Stuff - Dr. Seuss (out of print)
Miss Spider's New Car - David Kirk
The Art of the Muppets (out of print)
Also new this week
Murder in Gutenthal, Armin Wiebe
The Salvation of Yasch Siemens, Armin Wiebe
The Republic of Love, Carol Shields
The Master Butchers Singing Club, Louise Erdrich
The Evidence Against Her, Robb Forman Dew
The Virgin's Lover, Philippa Gregory
A Student of Weather, Elizabeth Hay
The World Unseen, Shamim Sarif
The Night Watch, Sarah Waters
Luck, Joan Barfoot
The Known World, Edward Jones
A Home at the End of the World, Michael Cunningham
Ravelstein, Saul Bellow
Tales of Ordinary Madness, Charles Bukowski
Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down, Ishmael Reed
The Essential Rumi
Angels in America, Tony Kushner (plays)
La femme en vert, Arnaldur Indridason
Mémoires de Fanny Hill, John Cleland
Marie-Didace, Germaine Gučvremont
Le Survenant, Germaine Gučvremont
Anticipation: Les non-humans, Jacques Hoven
The Book of the New Sun, Gene Wolfe
Close Encounters of the Third Kind Fotonovel, Steven Spielberg
The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead, Max Brooks
The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard
The Millennium Myth, N.T. Wright
Asimov's Guide to the Bible: Volume One, The Old Testament, Isaac Asimov (out of print)
A Reader's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Sakae Kubo
Popol Vuh: The Definitive Edition of the Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and the Glories of Gods and Kings
The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics, Gary Zukav
Is There Life After Death? The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die, Anthony Peake
Sweet Anticipation: Music and the Psychology of Expectation, David Huron
In Search of Schrödinger's Cat: Quantum Physics and Reality, John Gribbin
Oneself as Another, Paul Ricoeur
Time and Narrative: Volume 2, Paul Ricoeur
Time and Narrative: Volume 3, Paul Ricoeur
Getting to Maybe: How the World is Changed, Westley/Zimmerman/Patton
Shrink Yourself: The Therapist's Guide to Losing Weight, Roger Gould
The Mirror Effect: How Celebrity Narcissism is Seducing America, Dr. Drew Pinsky
The (Magic) Kingdom of God: Christianity and Global Culture Industries, Michael Budde
Manufacturing Consent, Edward Herman/Noam Chomsky
The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Friedman
Power Money Fame Sex: A User's Guide, Gretchen Craft Rubin
Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities, Alexandra Robbins
In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made, Norman Cantor
The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability, Paul Hawken
Rodale's Gardener to Gardener Almanac and Pest-Control Primer
The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers
Word Watching: Adventures of an Amateur Philologist, Julian Burnside
Conversations with Saul Bellow
A Man Without a Country, Kurt Vonnegut
The Best of James Herriot
Himalaya, Michael Palin
Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert
Swahili for the Broken-Hearted: Cape Town to Cairo by Any Means Possible, Peter Moore
The White Masai, Corinne Hofmann
Sacred Monkey River: A Canoe Trip with the Gods, Christopher Shaw
A Goose in Toulouse and Other Culinary Adventures in France, Mort Rosenblum
The Spotted Dog: A Book of English Inn Signs, Reginald Turnor
Beatles: In Their Own Words
Fleetwood: My Life and Adventures in Fleetwood Mac, Mick Fleetwood
Stompin' Tom: Before the Fame, Stompin' Tom Connors (out of print)
Glenn Gould: Music and Mind, Geoffrey Payzant
The Brazilian Guitar Book, Nelson Faria (w/demo CD, out of print)
Mel Bay's Guitar Chords (w/DVD)
Hal Leonard Guitar Method Complete Edition, Will Schmid/Greg Koch
Just Jazz Real Book: 250 Songs (C Edition)
How to Play Jazz and Improvise: Volume 1, Jamey Aebersold (w/CD, out of print)
The Big Book of Disco and Funk: Piano/Vocal/Guitar
The Midi Companion, Jeffrey Rona
Modern Recording Techniques, Huber/Runstein
Audio Post-production in Video and Film, Tim Amyes
Theatre Lighting: An Illustrated Glossary, Albert Wehlburg (out of print)
Video Production Disciplines and Techniques, Thomas Burrows
An Introduction to Cinematography, John Mercer (out of print)
An Illustrated History of the Horror Film, Carlos Clarens
Monster: Living Off the Big Screen, John Gregory Dunne
One More Time: A Memoir, Carol Burnett
Martha inc.: The Incredible Story of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Christopher Byron
eBusiness: A Beginner's Guide
Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela
No End in Sight: Iraq's Descent into Chaos, Charles Ferguson
Live from Baghdad: Making Journalism History Behind the Lines, Robert Wiener
The Greatest Battle: Stalin, Hitler, and the Desperate Struggle for Moscow, Andrew Nagorski
The World of Silent Flight, Richard Wolters
The Great Planes, James Gilbert
Dieppe: Canada's Forgotten Heroes, John Mellor
Soccer Coaching, Manitoba Soccer Football Association (very scarce)
plus hundreds more every week....
What's Gumby Reading?
"Now drape that patient neat and tight. Bare the quadrant of the lower right. Do si do and careful all, while you make an incision in that wall."
Appendectomy - Country Style, from Folksongs for Fun, edited by former Winnipegger Oscar Brand
Click here for the week of November 15/10
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